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Radio Friday sermon 73 : Excess in religion
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

First Sermon:

Praises be to Allah, Lord of the world, Praise is truly be to him, asking him for extra grace, he knows the deep secrets, the disclosed and secret conversations, he created then proportioned, destined then guided, belongs to Him what’s over in heavens and earth and what is in between and underneath; he will requite those who do evil with what they had done, and will reward those who do good with what is best.

I certify that there is no God but Allah, remembers who remember Him, thanks those who thank him; what an excellent protector and excellent helper He is.

I testify that Mohammed is His worshipper & messenger, his selective and comrade among human beings, the best of his creatures, who had done his mission, fulfilled his integrity, advised the nation, drove away the worry, left his nation on a clear pure, its night equals its day. No one would deviate from it but a loser, - peace be upon him and upon his pure folk & his blessed companion- masters of his mission, leaders of his brigades - and upon their truly followers till The Day Of Resurrection.

O Allah, take us away from ignorance darkness and illusions, to the shine of knowledge and science , and from the sleazy lusts to heavens.

Allah's Worshippers, I advise you and me with devoutness to Allah, I urge you to obey Him, and begin with what is best.
Our children are the plants of our lives, grapes of hopes, our darlings, the happiness of life, the decoration of the world, kindness, affection, flowers of nations and shoots of humanity.

It's well known that looking after kids is an obligation, loving them is an approach to their creator; as known in all heavenly vocations and all worldly laws, it's also a national, natively and religious duty.

Our kids, who are formed by their healthy nature, given high moralities by their discipline communities, they receive knowledge, values and humanity and civil concepts by their society; only then, they can carry on the responsibilities in preserving the nation's goods, regaining its glorious past and win their fierce battle against its enemies.

We also have to keep them away from whatsoever may corrupt their good nature due to ignorance, poverty and compulsion – in some environments, where they happen to grow up having no choice and could hardly cause a positive change in.

Looking after children which is accomplished by raising them up upon faith, Islamic ethics, knowledge, settled psychologically, socially, physically, sexually& nationally circumstances and arranging a suitable ambiance for their right, well- balanced upbringing is such a great goal, which can't be exceeded.

Our nation is desperately in need to a well-built generation who will improve our future. This generation can be described to have: healthy body, soul virtue and, wise mind, it is well brought up in a balanced way helped him to match between soul and material, desires and virtues, who is working hard to mend this world and the afterlife world, who is built in a way made him a special human, who sees what sh3er can't see, feels what they can't feel, has a deep awareness, an accurate understanding, kind hearted, strong intention, strong well, his target is much bigger than his needs , and his mission is much higher than his desires , a generation who controls his psyche; not controlled by it, steers his fancy; not steered by it. totally controlled by values, and appeals to values when making decisions, without mocking of values nor utilizing it .
This generation will comprehend this straight religion, applies it well and can introduce it lovely to sh3er.
Such a generation needs an aware propagandist; during building up a propagandist understands well the importance of his mission, devoted to it, armed with knowledge and values; in order to show the characteristics of Islamic moderate: no negligence, no excess, no missing, no tyranny & no loss. As Islam is in the middle between abhorred materialism and dreaming spiritualism; the bitter reality and imaginary idealism; the tyrant solitary and smashing collectivism; boring steadiness and instable change; urgent needs and distinct values; pathetic rationalism and passionate emotionalism and body desires and soul demands.
Whenever we look after our children, we present: a clear element to this life, a useful brick to our society. Hence, a happy society is resulted as well as pleased citizens. which is truly the utmost target of upbringing children.
When we accomplish this job, we shall face the atomic bomb with an aware well up brought generation , has a high commitment to Islam and shall carry on responsibilities of nation development , then, the nation will regain its ruler part among other nations.
Prophet Mohammed. (PBUH) said :

" It is very adequate sin for a man to destroy whom he feeds"

In this holy Hadith , there is a dangerous hint that a father who is responsible for feeding , dressing and providing shelter for his son may destroy him:
Firstly; when he neglects looking after him& be busy in his own business ; the son then will easily fall into those gutters , so called satellite channels and the very available pornography sites; a number of social researchers studied the phenomena of theft, raping, solitary killing, group killing and other violence actions; they found out that pornography has a direct influence over all these crimes and actions. Besides; there is 40 million person diagnosed to have AIDS, 22 million person died from AIDS in the last two decades.
Secondly; a father destroys his son, when doesn't raise him up according to true Islamic concepts and high moralities , leaving him without a guidance of Allah’s
scholar; who presents to his son balanced Islam -the true curriculum of our prophet and his companions- which leads to prosperity in this worldly life and the after life.
Thirdly ; when the father doesn't follow up the details of his son’s life , with whom the son communicate, whether he communicate with extreme exaggerators who believe in deviated thoughts and have bad deeds , who direct him wrongly ; resulted in a deviated son and ruin those exaggerators as well as their followers, they ended up with nothing but misery in this life and the after life.
Thus; if we don't raise our children well , they will either indulge in corruption or excess in religion .

Excess in Religion

Excess – as a terminology – was mentioned twice in the Holy Quraan; and in the Holy Hadith narrated by Bin –Abbass -May Allah Please him – that Prophet
( PBUH) said :

" don't ever excess in religion , the previous nations where simply destroyed by excess in religion".

So, the meaning of excess is exceeding limit or boundary , the limit is a religious text ; words of Allah ; and what was proven to be true of our Prophets' Holy Hadith, and this text should be explained according to the rules of Origins , Allah has said in the Holy Quran:

" It is not for a believer , a man or a woman , when Allah and his Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision . And whoever disobeys Allah and his Messenger , he has indeed strayed into a plain error."

" O you who believe ! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad –PBUH) and those of you muslims who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and his Messenger (PBUH), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. This is better and more suitable for final determination."

When a jurist searches in a religious matter , he collects related texts from Qura'an & Hadith, matches them in away which would not allow any text to prevail the other , also he won't take a text and neglect another, and would not take a paragraph of a text and neglect the rest .
Other risky exaggerator, seek contradiction among texts, or adopt a text , goes along with their excess, highlight it , dim other texts; oppose their excess, So verses which could cover their excess are twisted by false interpretation to match their fancy , on the other hand, verses oppose their excess is totally abandoned ; and if they were reminded by those verses they twist them into a totally different explanation .
Regarding Holy Hadith; they accept the weak ,or even the false if it goes along with their excess, and they refuse the accepted or even the proved one if it shows their deviation.

Further more; they accept any saying , other than Quran or Sunnah, which would back up their excess ;neglecting the rule :" If you transfer then only the right thing and; if you claim then show the evidence" , and they refuse any oppose saying ; even if it was strongly proved.
They select what they like among texts, so no wonder, they express their opinion, they control the text not refer to it, they believe first then seek guidance, which is a dangerous deviation ;while the right thing is to seek guidance then believe.

Types of Excess :

There are two types of excess :
First type is :In Conviction ….. that's exaggerators believe that a part of religion is the whole religion.
Exaggerators of each branch of religion replace it in the place of origin , they scorn who cares for the rest of branches .
Imam Shatebi - mentioned these two types in "Muwafqateh"
It is clear that the belief side, behavior and psychological side are among this religion branches. And it's a great excess when one of these branches take the place of the whole religion. on the other hand; an enlargement of a religious branch to replace the origin is also an excess.
The other type is the practical excess
When a person becomes a victim to his dominant obsessions, he thinks that he can
-alone- remove the suffering of nation by an irreligious deed.
When a person also exaggerates -during worshipping – the religious limits as to neglect his work and family, thus becomes unbalanced and doesn't score the ideal target of his devoutness.
There's no doubt that the excess in belief is the most dangerous , because the person of belief excess won't give it up , so he believes he is right , he doesn't know , and he is not aware that he doesn't know. Using only force and security solution is not enough to cure this kind of excess , if they are not accompanied with high level of good listening to this person , and accurate comprehension to his opinion, considering his motives and injuries, persuade him instead of restraining ,as force wouldn't make truth but, truth would make power , because power without wisdom destroys a man.

This type of excess was basement for parties , encouraged fancies to raise , differed minds, separated hearts, poured blood؛ consequently
Allah has said in the Holy Quran:

" And obey Allah and his Messenger and don't dispute ( with one another)lest you lose charge and your strength departs, and be patient .Surely ,Allah is with those who are as As-sabireen(the patient)."

Reasons of Excess:

Reasons of excess are many , mainly is ignorance , which is not knowing the principle of Allah - the Al Mighty-, and the Sunnah of his Messenger - (Mohammed PBUH), the exaggerator may deplores the forbidden things , enthusiastic for his religion , if he ever sees a person have a sin , he won't be able to accept, or even can't imagine that this sinner is a Muslim, or that his guilt may be forgiven , thus he accuses him with infidelity and departing from religion.

He may also be fond of a virtues man , the concept of this fond is accepted in our religion, but; this fond may become excessive due to ignorance till it up lifted this virtues man beyond his level , again, the exaggerator accuses anyone who doesn't accept this excess by infidelity .
Ignorance may also occur in evidence due to lack of knowledge or not even happen to acquaintance an evidence., it may also be in conclusion, or Arabic Language structure.
Ignorance is the easiest reason of excess to cure ,particularly if the exaggerator has no fancy towards what he does, no bad desires, Ignorance simply vanishes by learning … During the regime of The wise Khalifa -Omer Bin Abdel-Azeez he debated and discussed the Khawarij ,afterwards; more than two thousands abandoned their believes at once.

Another reason of excess is fancy …. Which leads a person to exaggerate in interpretation ,and refuse the correct texts. Fancy may occur for a worldly benefit i.e.; seeking for leadership ,fame or so…the exaggerator also may be far from these worldly benefits but, deviation first reached his mind and soul , settled ,rooted and established its basics. As been said :
Her passionate conquered me ,even before recognizing passion ….it deeply rooted in my heart for being already empty.
Then , the exaggerator cant simply give up his excess, and admit that he was eager to injustice , so he clings to his wrong idea, seeks whatever weak clue to cover him . thus, it was said :Do Learn before being leaders , once you become leaders you won't learn.

Fancy may happen because of erratic and sick psychology , tends to violence and sever abuse in situations and views, a sick one always focuses on negative and dark side of sh3er, he also may be- without even notice - described to have arrogance and superiority if he ever meets persons or reads their works, he looks for points of weakness .
neglecting their positive sides. Thus his trust in active scholars and devoted propagandists vanishes, he just stays away from them , becomes self independent . Which leads to abnormality in views, situations and provisions then behavior.

Another reason of excess is the (other party excess)..… those who lead Islamic societies to corruption , pornography and moral degeneration , they violate our immunities, under estimate our standards, defile the holies ; they are the real cause of excess , even if they declared war on it.
If society allows, accepts, supports and protects or encourages the phenomena of pornography and degeneration at school, university, street, beach, shopping centers park and media…, such a society should be ready to coping with many types of excess.

Before searching for effective solution to get rid of excess , we must distinguish between real excessiveness; which is breaking the limits of religion, a deviation from the right Islamic path ,and between an imaginary excess in religion enemies' heads, as they once describe devoted believers to be jurist and isolated, or accuse them by excess and severity…..in spite of the fact that they-the believers –are active workers towards their mission to Allah , Islamic religion & Sharea and application of Quraan and the Holy Sunnah.
There's no way to put an end to real excess in Religion but to facilitate devoted ,active experts to work hard in their mission , according to the right and balanced basics and through a clear vision to the truth of this religion ; using abstracted techniques from Quraan & Sunnah.

Jihad ( the Holy Struggle) is an origin in this religion, as during the education process; a pupil is not allowed to move on to secondary school before succeeded the primary one ; the same could be said about Jihad . There is a primary Jihad( struggle); struggle of soul and fancy , with evidence from the Holy Quraan ;

" As for those who strive hard in us (our cause), we will surely guide them to our paths (i.e. Allah's religion –Islamic Monotheism). And verily, Allah is with the Muhsinin (good doers)."

The first primary struggle is that of soul and fancy . According to Bin –Alqayyem in
( Zad Al Maad) this struggle has 4 levels as been abstracted from Al Asr Chapter – one of which is to struggle himself to learn from the truly devoted experts ; it’s the only cause of soul salivation and living in prosperity .If a person didn't learn he will face truly misery in both worlds( this & the after life one )
This learning is religion itself ; so a Muslim should double check his religious scholar.
Bin –Omer said , Oh , your religion , your religion ,its your flesh & blood learn from those who are straight in their lives not those who deviate.

The second level is to struggle himself to apply his knowledge in this religion ,since learning without application is completely worthless , as in this way if a knowledge is not harmful ; then it won't be useful.
The third level is to struggle yourself to be active in this mission , to teach who doesn't know ; just as once he was taught by another. Otherwise, he would be among those who conceal what Allah revealed of true guidance and evidence ; consequently his knowledge won't be useful , and he won't salivate .

The fourth one is to struggle himself to patience to the hardships of learning, applying, working actively in this mission .

If a Muslim completed these four levels he would be one of those who are related to Allah . It's been agreed that a scholar doesn't deserve to be related to Allah till he knows truth, applies it , teaches it and be patient during learning , applying and mission working .

The other basic struggle Is The Constructive Struggle; its evidence mention in the Holy Quraan :

" And make ready against them all you can of power, including steels of war(tanks, planes, missiles, artillery)to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy and sh3er beside whom , you may not know but Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the cause of Allah shall be repaid to you , and you shall not be treated unjustly ."

Since bitter truth is more better than easy illusion , those enemies, farthest or nearest, had achieved very difficult conditions , by which they constructed their power through hundreds of years . Due to their power they forced their well , culture and pornography over other nations, which's been corrupted its high class became low class.
And we Muslims must – referring to Quranic order- get ready for them by arranging all the power we can gather , using the enlarged concept of power, Fathers should know that fatherhood is a mission &responsibility and that raising up their children is their best gain in life , msh3er also should devote her time to look after their children , then families shall stick together , children would then be valid bricks in establishing society . A Muslim teacher should carry on a high mission to achieve , our student should excel, our laborer should be proficient , our peasant should have a great connection to his land to plant , our employee should be given his rights, and should dedicate to serving citizens, our judge should do justice, our professor should prefer serving his nation to his shares of sh3er lives, our mission worker should advise not praise , our officer should believe that that battle with our enemy is doubtlessly coming , and that our enemy's talk about peace is not more than a cheat, lie and waste of time, our wealth should be extracted , our factories should be developed , our lands should be rehabilitated, consumption of our water sources should be guided .
All of this won't be achieved without true belief, causes our obedience , and a belief in The Day Of Resurrection prevents us from being injustice to one another , and to seek the payment for our struggle and our effort in heaven. This type of Jihad is awarded later not sooner .
For instance : when you ask a pupil to continue his studies ,being excel , planning for future in order to be some one in the nation and its future , he will consider any effort as a burden, and will prefer listening to news , being passionate not active.
Some rush may duplicate suffering instead of solving it .
As we feel belittled to hear a youth dieing for the sake of Allah , according to his path, so we do desperately need a youth living for Allah and offers his nation the best he could.
Carelessness about future; would keep always busy in distinguishing fires here & there and not finding time to work hard in order to decrease sufferings our successive generations may face.
The importance of cure for an open wound , should not make us forget thinking of the future of our generations who will inquire whether we'd left anything else but wounds.!!
A person must think which place he must pour in his energy , thus acting his rule in our mission.
Once he settled his goal then taking steady steps towards achieving it, after starting his mission. Only by then; he would have drown his target , determined the path and begun the hard work…which automatically leads to achieving his goal-according to Allah's path. Gradually , the number of positive devoted and active Muslims increases instead of being only inquiring about what to do then doing nothing.
A devoted Muslim has only to make his best , and save no effort in any situation ; then he wouldn't mind ; after well establishment if the expected results were achieved by sh3er
Removing nation's suffering demands great number of devoted believers , who sacrifice in all fields , that's what we should seriously seek . If one believer succeeded in building a group of citizens , faithfully, educationally, mentally, morally, psychologically, socially and physically …is much more useful than throwing himself in a fire demanding for more . Succeed is to use one's head before hand, just as our enemies do.

Imam Ali -May Allah Be Pleased with him -said :" Human being is one of three, a devoted expert, a person learns in order to salivate and the common savage followers of whatever call they hear, they didn't bother to learn, and didn't find a secure shelter . Oh son , never be among the third party.
We should be very careful from traps made to our youth, who may fall in due to eager or chock . What we mostly need in our lives is balance and acting according steady Islamic basics. Without letting tracing actions and reactions affects our right vision , we don't need a great effort to discover that many of our mistakes and sins were due to excessive vision away from needed balance.
It's very normal to have burnt emotions towards something but, actions should be accurately balanced and controlled by the Path of Allah , religion aims, restrictions of benefit, this can only be achieved by referring to devoted experts; who wouldn't praise for any personal interest, don't pursue the common passionate, they acted as security valve when wrong opinions was common thing and matters went wrongly, during previous generations ,
Allah said :

" If only they had referred it to the messenger or to those charged with authority among them the proper investigators would have understood it from them ( directly )
Thus, the best recommendation in these circumstances is to restraint fancy in away that no special exertions may result, as some of these exertions may badly influence toward Muslims and their interests.

In spite of Muslims flammable reactions and strong influence they should have prevision in remedy. Influence shouldn't lead us to risk ,neither eagerness to carelessness, and that enthusiasm can be positive active energy only if well directed . What is most important is not expressing feelings and showing passions but by achieving goods and keeping away corruption.

Hence , if we manage in Soul Struggle as well as constructive one , we are about to succeed in Fight Struggle .

Oh, believer brother, watch yourselves before being called to account, Weigh your deeds before it shall be weight against you. And be aware that Death Angel had passed us to sh3er , and will passed sh3er to us , so we should be aware. A wise man who condemn himself and work for the afterlife . The powerless follows his fancy and makes wishes for Allah.


Second sermon:
And Praise be to Allah , Lord of Alamin, I certify that there's no God but Allah Master of good ones, I certify that Mohammed is Allah's worshipper & Messenger the one of great morals, Blessings and peaces be of Allah upon him and his neat companions and folks.
Our Arabic & Islamic nation has never been in more need to cooperation , support and helping each other than in this accurate stage , especially in this new worldly system , in the absence of international balance, in the existence of one polar control, standards duplication, huge monopolization control , tremendous development in communication & information technology, the growth gap between advanced rich countries and poor developing ones , burst of national and regional wars , and the national, racism and religious conflicts in different spots of the world . Add to all of the previous mentioned the cultural and economical globalization.
The world today is nearly a jungle controlled by centers of power , with no concepts nor values . Nevertheless; power of control is talking about human rights, meanwhile , they violate human rights .
Mr. president said in a speech : " Today, The Islamic World is facing great challenges objecting Islam and its noble values, and whatever Islam preaches for as brotherhood, justice , equality and freedom , it's our duty to defend our religion as it's our source of power and inspiration against all the challenges and dangers we face ."

Oh Allah, Empower Islam and Muslims, and humiliate polytheism and polytheists, and grant security to our country and every Islamic country. Oh Allah, grant victory to those who support your religion , and let down those who let the believers of your worshipper down . Oh Allah , keep us secure in our lands , make our responsible managers better, give responsibilities to those who fear you and seek your sanction .
Oh Allah, grant Mr. president Bashar Al- Asad success to follow your path, and the Sunnah of your Messenger –Mohammed ( PBUH). Surround him by a helping team work in order to achieve his aims , You , Allah, have the full ability to do whatever you want , and capable of answer, Praise be to Allah , Lord of Alamin

Oh Allah's Worshipper….
Verily , Allah enjoins Al –Adl ( i.e. justice and worshipping not but Allah alone – Islamic Monotheism)and Al-Ihsan ( i.e. to be patient when performing your duties to Allah in a perfect manner ), and giving help to kith & kin , and forbids Al-Fahsha'
( evil deeds) and Al-Munkar ( all that is prohibited by Islamic Law) and Al-Baghy
(all kinds of oppression). He admonishes you , that you may take heed.

Call for Prayer and stand to your prayer , may Allah bless you.

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