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Friday Sermon (768): s1. Characteristics of the Silent Da'wah (Characteristics of the call to Allah by actions)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Faith without uprightness and commitment is useless:

 Dear brother, Prophets and Messengers, peace be upon them, are the cream of mankind, and they were Divinely chosen, purified, filtered and appointed as Du'aat (Islamic missioners) to Allah through their words and actions. They brought the good word with which life and the landmarks on earth had irreversibly changed. Allah says:

﴾See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? - A goodly word as a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the sky (i.e. very high)* Giving its fruit at all times, by the Leave of its Lord﴿

[Ibrahim, 24-25]

 Dear brother, lying, forging and corruption have prevailed all over the world. Some people have been using words addressing the reasoning of people trying to justify their morally deviated behavior and actions, and other people say fancy words which they couldn't put into actions. As a result, people have had doubts about the words of Du'aat whose most effective weapon in their Da'wah is the word. Thus, in order to spread the truth, your words as a Da'iyah should be supported by a remarkable reality. Allah says:

﴾Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah (Alone)," and then they Istaqamu, on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve!﴿

[Fussilat, 30]

 They said, "Our Lord is Allah (Alone)", which is their belief, theoretical rule, ideological ground and perception, and then they become upright in their actions. We can't separate, in the religion, between what we believe in and what we do. Your beliefs should be manifested in your actions and commitment. Hence, as a Muslim, you should give other people or deprive them of your giving for Allah's Sake, and you should reject strongly the violation of Allah's Orders and Prohibitions. Thus, there must be a stance or an action through which your belief and uprightness are embodied. . There are more than 250 Ayat in the Quran in that regard. Allah says:

﴾Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of Allah, and in His Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him, including all obligations ordered by Islam] and do righteous good deeds﴿

[Al-Baiyyinah, 7]

 This means that having faith alone is not enough for the Muslim to be exalted or saved in the Hereafter. Therefore, having faith is worthless unless it goes hand in hand with uprightness, commitment and offering good deeds.

The Divine Missions of the Prophets, peace be upon them:

 Dear brother, there is another fact which I would like to draw your attention to. The Prophets, peace be upon them, are Divinely assigned to fulfill two substantial missions. The first mission is to convey the Divine Message, but the second crucial one is to set a good example. They used their tongues of words in conveying the divine message to people to follow. Hence, their missions should be implemented in both their words and actions, and the latter are more essential than the former. They called people through their situations, uprightness, honesty, trustworthiness, chastity, fulfilling their promises, mercy and tolerance, and "that, which made the former part of the Muslim nation guided, is the only thing that will make the latter part of it guided."

 ((O King, we were a people in a state of ignorance and immorality, worshipping idols and eating the flesh of dead animals, committing all sorts of abomination and shameful deeds, breaking the ties of kinship, treating guests badly and the strong among us exploited the weak. We remained in this state until Allah sent us a Prophet, one of our own people whose lineage, truthfulness, trustworthiness and integrity were well-known to us. He called us to worship Allah alone and to renounce the stones and the idols which we and our ancestors used to worship besides Allah. He commanded us to speak the truth, to fulfill our promises, to respect the ties of kinship, to be good to our neighbors and to stop sinning and shedding blood.))

The silent Da'wah:

 Dear brother, after this introduction, we will start with the topic of our sermon, which is the silent Da'wah. You are capable of being the most remarkable Da'iyah, and you can do things no Muslim has done before while you are silent, because actions are more influential than words. Needless to say, people learn by watching more than listening, and they are in dire need of a living example of a good Muslim who lives among them and who is affected by whatever affects them, yet he is different because he overcomes his own desires more than they do. People need to see examples of those who reap the fruits of this religion without saying a word. Moreover, people want to live in an Islamic society, where honesty, faithfulness, chastity, mercy and kindness prevail.

 The truth will not spread unless Muslims implement Islam. There is a big difference between saying that you are a Muslim and being a true Muslim in your deeds and actions. This is just like the difference between saying 1000 million Dollars and owning them, between owning the blueprint of a big mansion and living in one or between having a picture of a luxurious vehicle and driving it.

The characteristics of the silent Da'wah:

1- Da'wah through actions is more effective than through words:

 Dear brother, what are the characteristics and advantages of this silent Da'wah? First of all, the behavior of one Muslim, who is religiously committed, devoted and connected with Allah, might affect 1000 Muslims. In addition, the behavior of one Muslim might be more effective on 1000 Muslims than the effect of the words of 1000Muslims on one Muslim. Therefore, the first characteristic of the silent Da'wah is that actions are more effective than words. Everyone of us can be a sweet talker, eloquent and good conversationalist, but the mother of problems lies in saying something he doesn't believe in, and doing actions different from what he says. Every intellectual and well-educated man can be persuasive, but the one who affects our conscious, inauthors our enthusiasm and attracts us to the religion is the one who puts his words into actions, and says what he believes in. We are in dire need of influential Muslims. Some scholars said, "The Quran is a talking universe, the universe is a silent Quran and the Prophet, peace be upon him, is a walking Quran among people."

 Dear brother:

 ((When the peace treaty had been concluded, the Prophet, peace be upon him, ordered his Companions to slaughter their sacrificial animals, but they were too depressed to do that. The Prophet, peace be upon him, gave instructions in this regard three times but with negative response. He told his wife Umm Salamah about this attitude of his Companions. She advised that he himself take the initiative, slaughter his animal and have his head shaved. Seeing that, the Muslims, with rended hearts, started to slaughter their animals and shave their heads.))

 This is a very important point. The following is another incident:

((The Prophet, peace be upon him, was once travelling with his Companions. They stopped at a place to have something to eat and then rest. They decided to slaughter a sheep and roast it. One of them said, "I shall do the slaughtering." The other said, "I shall remove the skin." The third one said, "I shall do the roasting." Each one of them volunteered to do one piece of work. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "I shall collect and bring the firewood from the forest." The companions said, "O Prophet! You need not take the trouble. We shall attend to everything." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "I know you can do everything. But I do not like to enjoy a preferential treatment from you. Allah the Almighty does not like to see His servant distinguishing himself from his peers."))

 This stance is (thousands times) more effective than giving a lecture about humbleness. What really counts is man's actions. The Prophet, peace be upon him, taught his companions through his actions; he gathered the wood.

((On the day e of Badr, camels were few, so the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Every three men will be with one camel.. Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Abu Lubabah and I will be with one camel." When it was time for the Prophet, peace be upon him, to walk, the other two said to him, "We will walk and let you ride." The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied," You are not stronger than me and I am not in less need of rewards than you."))

[Ahmad, by Ibn Mas'ood]

 This is teaching by actions not words. By Allah the Only God, it is enough for every Muslims to be honest, trustworthy, kind, merciful and lenient in order to affect those around him, though he might not be Da'iyah, he might not have as much Islamic education as Du'aat and he might not be eloquent.

 Dear brother, as I said earlier, the first characteristic of the silent Da'wah is that Da'wah is more effective through your actions than your words.

2- Calling people to Allah through actions makes it easy to reach out to them

 The second characteristic has to do with reaching out to different classes of people through actions. Du'aat use two styles in reaching out to people; some of them use eloquent style, support their Da'wah with profound evidences, talk to people using very sophisticated style of literature and they refer to every scientific breakthrough, but who will follow them? Very few people (the elite of the society) will. Whereas other Du'aat use the colloquial language in order to reach out to as many people as they can, but those usually lose the elite few. In this case, the Da'wah through actions can reach out to both audiences and it is understandable by people of different classes and educational backgrounds.. Actions are clear like the shining sun. Thus, in order not to lose the elite few or the common people, your honesty, your uprightness, your mercy and your perfection as a father and as a husband, will convey your message (Da'wah) easily to those around you, because actions don't require people who are highly educated, but rather they require a vision. Therefore, the second characteristic is conveying Da'wah easily to all people of different classes and backgrounds through actions.

3- The visual scene remains in the mind more than the heard one:

 The third characteristic of the silent Da'wah is based on the result the psychiatrists have come up with. They said, "Watching the event is more lasting than hearing about it". Psychological Health was one of the courses I studied when I was a university student. The course contained about 300 psychological diseases, and the teacher showed us once a video of a person suffered from epileptic. I will never forget that video because the animated pictures last longer in the memory than the spoken words. When you witness a horrible accident, it sticks to your mind for a long time, but if you read an article about car accidents, you will forget it quickly. Hence, watching live events is different from reading about them. Therefore, teaching those around you through your actions is more effective:

((Some prisoners of war were brought in front of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and a woman was among them who was breast-feeding. Whenever she found a child among the prisoners, she would take it to her chest and nurse it. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said to us, "Do you think this woman could throw her child in the fire?" We said, "No, not if she is able to stop it." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Allah is more merciful to His servants than a mother is to her child."))

[Al-Bukhari, by Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him]

 This scene is unforgettable. Accordingly, teaching people through your actions, stances, modesty, generosity, mercy and forgiveness, will make you a dynamic image that will never be forgotten. On the other hand, if you are eloquent and you use eloquent style and skillfully explain your thoughts supporting them with evidences, that will be great and impressive, but only for a short time. After a while, the impression will fade away, and all people will remember about your lecture is that it is great, but they won't remember the details. Watching a live humane condition or a good deed is unforgettable, because many senses are involved in transferring such a scene. It is said, "The more senses involved in perceiving something, the deeper the effect will be." In concise, it is enough for you to be an honest Muslim (to make people listen to you).

 A brother told me that he entered a grocery and asked the grocer, "Do you have fresh eggs?" To which he answered, "No, I don't. I bought these eggs few days ago, whereas my neighbor has just got fresh eggs, so buy eggs from him". This witnessed honesty is more effective on the brother than 1000 about honesty. Such person will be listened to if he speaks about religion, because his actions are upright. Don't take it that I am underestimating the effect of Islamic lecturers who might be beacons in this Ummah. In fact being beacons means that they their actions are sincere manifestations of their words.

Da'wah is effective through honest words or silent actions:

 Dear brother, the fourth characteristic is the honest words; being truthful while calling people to Allah verbally. People will believe and follow you when you are an eloquent good speaker who is genuine in his words and speech and who puts his words into actions. When they watch you implement your words, they will believe you. Once I asked a notable Da'iyah in an Arab country, "What is your advice to the Du'aat?" I thought he would give me a lecture, but instead he said one sentence, "Let every Da'iyah be keen on making people see no contradiction between his words and actions." That was it. If you don't apply what you say people whom you call to Allah will raise this question, "He does not abide by what he says, so how come he call us to Allah? If he is falling short to abide by what he says, then he is not qualified to call other people to Allah, and if what he says is hard to apply in reality, then we should stop listening to him."

 Dear brother, Da'wah is extremely influential when the words are turned into actions or when people around you witness your sincere actions. Pay attention to a very important point. People, out of wickedness or out of listening to Satan whispers, tend to say when they are called to Allah, "You are talking about ideal situations, O brother. Our reality is totally different." Whenever someone wants to avoid abiding by the Divine Method, he describes religious teachings as idealism people can't apply. These are some people's assumptions, but when your deeds support the words you say when you call people to Allah, you will introduce to them idealism proven in reality. What makes ideal actions real? It Application what makes them real. I for one believe that man can go even beyond that (be more influential) when he suffers from the same things other people suffer from, when whatever brings pain to people brings pain to him, when he is tempted by the same things other people are tempted by and when he, for example, renders back the trust to those it belongs to. A man swore to me that he gave 20 million Liras to the heirs of someone, given they had no idea about that money, nor did they have any written paper or receipt of the money. Yet, he gave it to them because he knew very well that it belong to them.

 Dear brother, the behavior like this in which the amazing trustworthiness or modesty are manifested is exactly what attracts people to Islam. Eloquence of well-spoken people is not enough to attract people to Islam, but rather the deeds the honesty and the mercy of Du'aat are what attract people to Islam. Therefore, when you call to Allah silently, you bring forth the truth supported with proofs. Furthermore, you refute the assumptions of those, who say that Islamic teachings are nothing more than idealism, by making them real. Moreover, your Da'wah will be more effective when you set a good example in our era, because you suffer from the same stress people suffer from, yet you abide by the Quran and give people their rights.

The everlasting Da'wah is based on actions and perfect implementation:

 Dear brother, enemies of the religion have one goal since Adam till The Day of Resurrection. It is to plant the seeds of doubts, to criticize this religion, to weaken it and to void it. This is their mission. As long as Da'wah remains words, the other party will have thousands ways to criticize Da'wah, to question its purpose and to make it look like a call to meet private ends (given this is not true). As long as Da'wah stays verbal, rhetorical and in books, the enemies of Islam will have thousands ways to bash it, but when it becomes embodied in man's behavior, practice, dynamic motion and reality, this will shut up the enemies of Islam.

 When the Prophet, peace be upon him, dealt with the people of Makkah, he was extremely merciful despite the fact that they were his fiercest enemies for 20 years. Although his victory over them was peremptory, honorable and decisive, and he could have taken excessive revenge and could have annihilated them by saying one word or making one gesture, he said to them:

((What do you think I will do to you? They said, "Only good. You are a noble brother, and the son of a noble brother." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Go, you are free.))

[Fayd Al-Qadeer In Sharh AlJame' As-Sagheer]

  Even Abu Sufyan said, "How just, merciful, generous and honoring you are to your tribe."

 This Da'wah is everlasting because it is based on a perfect manner..

 Dear brother, the silent Da'wah is an irrefutable answer to all misleaders. I have one more thing about the silent Da'wah, if the Prophet, peace be upon him, had guided the poor people to be patient and at the same time he had been rich and had led a luxury lifestyle, his words would have never been accepted or believed by anyone, but he tasted poverty:

((Aishah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, once entered the house and said, "Do you have anything to eat?" They replied, "O Messenger of Allah! We have nothing." Then he said, "Well, in this case, I am fasting today!"))

[Al-Jame' As-Sagheer, by Aishah]

 By Allah, I believe that none of you would say the same thing upon asking his family the same question and getting the same answer. The Prophet, peace be upon him, tasted poverty, so when he recommended us to remain patient, we should accept his guidance because he lived the pain of poverty, but had he been rich, his Da'wah could have never accepted. The Da'wah of the rich to the poor to be austere is ridiculous.

 There is another Prophetic guidance to us, which is to forgive those who wrong us. The Prophet, peace be upon him, was able to bring together the two mountains that stand opposite to each other at the people of Ta'if to crush them in between, but he didn't do that, and instead he said:

((O Allah, guide my people, because they do not know.))

[Ad-Dur Al-Manthoor in Tafseer BilMa'thoor]

 This Da'wah is everlasting because it is based on an exalted stance.

 Dear brother, this topic will take time, but if you want to be notable Du'aat, though you might not have the highly religious education for it or the wide Islamic knowledge that can be found in religious books, and you might never tackle the tiny religious details, you can be simply honest, trustworthy, upright and chaste. You can be a remarkable Da'iyah in your silence, and if Allah guides even one person through you that is better for you than everything over which the sun has risen.

 Dear brother, I was told about two impressive stories. I listened to the first story when I was offering Hajj. It was about a Dutch man who embraced Islam, because of a Syrian student. That student rented a room in the man's house, and this Dutch man happened to have a beautiful daughter. During the period of time that Muslim young man lived in his house, he never set his eyes on her. Thus, lowering his gaze was what made the Dutch man embrace Islam.

 The other story is about an American teacher of mathematics. He was an atheist who mocked all religions. A Muslim female student with Hijab, who was preparing for her PhD in mathematics, attracted his attention by the way she dressed. When he looked at her he said to himself, "All female students are almost half naked in summer. What are the thoughts in the head of that girl (to dress like that)? What convictions she believes in to make her dress like that?" Her clothes only made him consider studying Islam, and now he is one of the most remarkable Du'aat in America. That student didn't say a word, but her decent cloths and Hijab in summer, when everything is an open invitation to sin and to practise immoral acts, made this atheist one of the Du'aat to Islam. The former story is about a man who was as far from religion as the heaven is from the earth, yet a Muslim man, who lowered his gaze, made him embrace Islam. There are enormous stories like these two, and what really brings people to Islam, is a genuine Muslim who abides by the Islamic teachings.

The manifestations of the silent Dawah:

1- Setting a good example:

 Dear brother, there are some manifestations of the silent Da'wah, and the first one is to set a good example to those around you by avoiding lying, hypocrisy, laziness, carelessness, doing harm to sh3er or insulting them verbally. The good example is the first manifestation of the silent Da'wah.

2- Superiority:

 Nowadays, there is an important point to which I would like to pay your attention. When you are superior in the domains of life, such as being excellent in your major, specialty or craft, and on top of that you are a devoted Muslim who performs Salah regularly, people will link your superiority in life to your religious commitment. Thus, if you are one of the best people in life domains and at the same time you are a devoted religious man, they will link the two things together.

 Allow me to give you an example: If a son is a regular attendant of the Masjid, and he becomes valedictorian in baccalaureate, his father will simply link the superiority of his son to his commitment to the Masjid, and he would say to him after succeeding in his exams, "Take your brother with you to the Masjid". On the other hand, if this son fails in baccalaureate, his father will link his failure to going to the Masjid and will prevent him from going to it. If you are a successful religiously committed student, doctor, engineer or businessman, you will be a Da'iyah in a way that is different from being a good example. In fact the superiority of the religiously committed person is unto itself a call to Allah, and the same goes for being a religiously devoted man who is the best in his career.

3- Kindness:

 Being kind to people, being lenient, openhanded and forbearing is a silent Da'wah. Your kindness to people is considered Da'wah, for kindness precedes the verbal Da'wah to Allah and setting a good example precedes your Da'wah.

(("Once while we were walking with the Prophet, peace be upon him, a camel carrying water passed by us. When the camel saw the Prophet, peace be upon him, it made a sound from its throat and lowered its neck. The Prophet, peace be upon him, stopped by the camel and said "Where is the owner of this camel?" The owner arrived. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said "Sell it to me." The owner said, "We would rather give it to you as a gift, O Prophet of Allah, although we are a family whose only way of earning a living is by working with this camel." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said "Then I would not take it. But the camel complained to me that you made it work a lot and you do not give it enough food. So treat this camel in the proper way."))

[At-Tabarani, by Abdullah Ibn Ja'far]

 If you are able to win the heart of people, then you will be able to win their mind:

((O Dawood (David, peace be upon him) remind My servants of My Favors, for souls are molded to love those who favor them and hate those who wrong them.))

[Qudsi Hadith narrated by Al-Baihaqi, by Umair Ibn Wahab]

 By Allah, I know a young man who got married to a non-Muslim woman, but later on she embraced Islam. His mother in law embraced Islam as well after she became bed-ridden at an old age. Her Islam was due to the kindness, mercy and carefulness of her son in law towards her. She didn't hear a word about Islam, but his behavior was enough for her to embrace Islam. There are so many examples like this one. The kind person would make people listen to him, and he would win their heart by his kind words. Thus, being kind to people, doing them favor and serving them are some of the manifestations of the silent Da'wah. I would like to repeat again that the manifestations of the sincere silent Da'wah are to set a good example, to be a religiously committed outstanding person and to be kind to people.

4- Repressing anger, avoiding revenge and being forbearing:

 Repressing your anger, avoiding revenge and forgiving those who do you harm are other manifestations of the silent Da'wah. As an ordinary citizen, you have the right to file a lawsuit against whoever does you harm, but as a Da'iyah, you will forgive him, and your forbearing and forgiveness will make people love you. The Almighty Allah says:

﴾The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. Allah ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly), then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.﴿

[Fussilat, 34]

 To do a good turn for the one, who wrongs you, is Da'wah. A man, who was fundraising money for the needy, entered a store, but the owner wronged him badly. As a response to such bad treatment, the man was very forbearing to such an extent that the owner of the store melted in shame and opened his register asking the man to take whatever money he wanted without even telling him about the amount he took. As a Da'iyah who forgives people who treat you badly, who is tolerant to those who wrong you and who gives up some of your rights, will make people admire you.. Hence, this is another manifestation of the silent Da'wah. It is repressing your anger and giving up some of your personal rights in order to attract people to your Da'wah.

5- Respecting the social positions of people:

 Dear brother, there is another element in Da'wah which needs in-depth discussion:

((Abu Sufyan was a man of the noble class of Quraish, so the Prophet, peace be upon him, said (upon entering Makkah), "He who enters the house of Abu Sufyan is safe, he who locks his door is safe and he who remains in the Masjid is safe."))

[Mukhtasar At-Tafseer, by Ibn Kathir]

 That honor which the Prophet, peace be upon him, gave to Abu Sufyan, put the love of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in the heart of the latter. Respecting the social (and scientific) position of the person and dealing with him according to it, is important. If you are addressing a man who is excellent in a scientific domain, you should call him by his scientific title in order to make him listen to you. Moreover, whenever someone offers a good deed, praise him, because this will make you win his heart gradually. This is one of the manifestations of the silent Da'wah.

6- Sincere feelings:

 The last manifestation of the silent Da'wah is to have noticeable sincere feelings towards those who are around you. If you are a loving and a sincere person, who empathizes with people who have pains and becomes delighted for their happiness, you can't go unnoticed by those around you. Your sincerity in your emotions is enough ground for the silent Da'wah. However, some people mock emotional talks, but they should know that since Allah created emotions, then they shouldn't be denied, should they? Allah says:

﴾O man! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the Most Generous?* Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion﴿

[Al-Infitaar, 6-7]

 Allah addresses man's heart first:

﴾ What has made you careless concerning your Lord﴿

[Al-Infitaar, 6]

 Then Allah addresses man's reasoning. When you sincerely express your emotions towards sh3er, they will love you, but being emotionless and reasonable only, makes your Da'wah bare like a desert. There should be a kind of balance (between reasoning and emotions), so if you were excessive in your reasoning lacking the needed emotions, your Da'wah will fail, and on the other hand if your lecture addresses solely the emotions, making people weep, cry and wail, it will fail as well. You should be wise enough to address the feelings of people in a reasonable way.

 Dear brother, the silent Da'wah is not about being the best or the most successful man, but it is all about excelling in your job or major and perform your job perfectly and sincerely. A noble brother, who is an employee, asked his manager for 6 days off, but the manager said to him, "We can't give any leaves". The employee answered, "I would appreciate that you withhold an amount from my income six full days off. These days are already used by me, because I take 15 minutes off work every day in order to go to the Masjid, which is next to our department and offer Zuhr Salah. I added that time and the result was six days." The manager was stunned and asked him, "Who is your Shaikh? What is the Masjid you go to?" Then the manager got all the answers he wanted. Surprisingly, this manager, who used to be as far from religion as the heaven is from the earth, went to the Masjid the following week. What a morality this employee has. He added the time he spent in the Masjid that was taken off from his work, so that the amount of money for those days would be held from his income.. I am not saying that what he used to do is a Shari'ah ruling, but I am just giving you an example which is worthy of being discussed and clarified. When the manager noticed how keen this employee was on his work and how hard he was in calling himself to account, he longed to be one of the Masjid's attendants.

 Dear brother, the topic of this Khutbah is of a different kind. Amidst the flood of lusts and the prevailing misguidance, immortality and debauchery, we are in dire need of (sincere) Du'aat. As for the eloquent Du'aat, they are doing a great job but they are few. Regarding the silent Du'aat, they should be more in number, better yet, every believer, no matter how unnoticed he is, can be a silent Da'iyah, because people learn by watching more than by listening.

 Dear brother, call yourselves to account before you are called to do so and weigh your deeds before they are weighed against you, and you should know that the Angel of Death has reached sh3er and will reach us soon, so pay heed. A wise man is the one who calls himself to account (and refrains from doing evil deeds) and does noble deeds to benefit him after death; and the foolish person is the one who subdues himself to his temptations and desires and seeks from Allah the fulfillment of his vain desires. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

  The 2nd Khutbah:

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah; the Protector of the righteous. And I bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad, peace and upon him, is His Servant and Messenger, the one with noble morals. May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, his Folks and Companions.

Everything is evanescent save your Salah and good deeds:

 Dear brother, in the Masjid there is a noble committee for money fundraising to support the establishment of two Islamic high schools; the first one is in Duma and the second is in Darayyah. I would like to tell you dear brother that teaching a girl will be like teaching a family, for the female student is the future educator to her children:

 ((A woman (Khawlah bint Tha'labah) came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, complaining against her husband, and she said, "When my husband married me, I was a young woman who descended from a well-known and wealthy kin. He ate my youth, and I opened my womb for him, until when my age advanced, my child is cut off from me and my wealth was lost, he has declared that my back is like his mother's. I have children from him whom if I leave for him, they will be lost, and if I keep them live with me, they will starve."))

 This story indicates that the woman is the educator (to her children), whereas the man is the one who makes a living in order to meet his family's needs. Let alone, he is the caretaking leader of the family. The mother is assigned to deal with the daily details of her family affairs, and thus, by teaching a mother, you will be teaching a whole family and the half of our society. I'm not praising those who are striving to establish the two Islamic high schools, but I assume they are sincere. At these two schools, thousands of female students will be taught the Quran and Sunnah, so by supporting that cause, you will be offering a good deed which will be counted. I hope that every donation will be a Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity) for its giver:

((Allah supports His slave as long as the slave is supportive of his brother.))

((The noble Prophet, peace be upon him, passed by a grave then said, "The buried person of this grave considers a simple prayer that you scorn and belittle of value is worth your whole worldly life.))

[Mentioned in relic]

 All of us will die, so what will be left after our death? A Dirham which you spend in the Cause of Allah, two rak'at you offer sincerely to the Almighty Allah, a word of truth you say, a visit you pay to a patient or a kin tie you maintain are the things that will be left. The food we eat, the drinks we have, the jobs we perform or the wealth we collect are all worthless:

((Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) had slaughtered a sheep and distributed major portions of its meat. Then he (peace be upon him) asked, "Is there anything left?" She replied, "Nothing, except the shoulder." Thereupon he said, "All of it is left except its shoulder."

[Al-jame' As-Sagheer, by Aishah]

 Whatever Sadaqah you give, whatever Salah you offer, whatever good deed you perform and the kin tie you maintain will be everlasting, while other mundane things will perish:

﴾Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish.﴿

[Ar-Rahman, 26]


 O Allah, we beseech You to show us the way of righteousness together with those to whom You showed it; and to give us good health together with those whom You have healed; and to be our Protector, as You are of those whom You protect; and to bless what You have bestowed on us; and to save us from the affliction that You have decreed –for You rule with justice and You are never judged; and he whom You protect shall never be humiliated, and he whom You make Your enemy shall never be elevated, blessed and dignified are You. We thank You for what You have decreed, we ask You for Forgiveness for our sins, and we repent to You.

 O Allah, halp us do a good deed that would draw us closer to us. O Allah, increase us [in Your Blessings] and do not decrease us, honor us and do not humiliate us, give us [from Your Gifts] and do not deprive us, be in favor of us and not against us and make us satisfied and be satisfied with us.

 O Allah, grant us apprehension which keeps us away from disobeying you, grant us submission which delivers us to Jannah (paradise) and grant us faith which makes us endure the worldly trials.

 O Allah, make us enjoy our [full] hearing, sight, and health all along our lifetimes, and make them our heirs [i.e., keep them strong until we die], and grant us revenge over those who have wronged us, grant us victory over those who antagonize us, do not cause our problems to be concerning our religious commitment, do not make our worldly life the most concern for us or the utmost of our knowledge and do not empower over us those who do not fear You or have mercy on us, O Lord of the Worlds.

 O Allah, send us rain and do not make us helpless and do not afflict us with drought, or punish us for the bad deeds of the wrongdoers, O Lord of the World.

 O Allah, by Your Mercy and Benevolence, raise high the word of truth and this Deen, grant triumph to Islam, dignify Muslims and lead the rulers of Muslims to what pleases You, O Lord of the Worlds, as You are the only One Who is capable over His decreed.

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