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Prophetic Hadith- Hadith Explanation- Ahmadi Mosque- Lesson (04-119): Zakat in the Noble Hadith
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

This is the Islamic Sharia'ah:

 Dear dignified brother, some scholars say: (Sharia'ah is all about mercy, justice, and profit.) Accordingly, if an issue turns from mercy into cruelty, profitable into unprofitable or justice into injustice, it does not belong to Sharia'ah, no matter how many times you try to make it part of Sharia'ah by thousands of interpretations. There is a difference between acts of worship and rituals; the paganism and man-made religions have rituals, movements, gestures, and meaningless words, whereas the acts of worship which Allah Almighty has ordained are justified with the best interest of creations. The acts of worship are justified, because they were ordained by the Creator of heavens and earth, and the honor of the order is derived from the honor of He Who ordains it.

What is the purpose of this Hadith?

 Allah the Almighty says:

"Take Sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower."

(At-Taubah: 103)

 Zakat is a financial act of worship. We discussed its rulings in our last lesson, but we still have to go on with some of its rulings which are not related to the above mentioned Noble Ayah, but rather to the Noble Sunnah. Also, we are going to stop at some rules.
 There is a Noble Hadith which has a great economic significance. The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((Trade with the money of the orphan, lest it is eaten up by Zakat.))


 If money is stored, and its owner is a Muslim, and he should pay Zakat, Zakat will devour the stored money.
 Imposing Zakat on growing wealth (by Allah)is a normal, but imposing it on currency has disadvantages. Currency is the money which doesn’t grow. On the contrary, it decreases. There is a inflation in the modern age. Let me elaborate on this point: the developing or the third world countries have a huge inflation which sometimes reaches 17%. Therefore, if you store 100.000 liras, its value will go down to become 83.000 liras. You are supposed to pay Zakat from this money, so it will be consumed by it. The money that is not invested will be eaten up by Zakat and by inflation. Zakat of hoarded up money is like a shed sword over it. Thus, you either allow Muslims to benefit from your stored money by establishing an agricultural, commercial or industrial project, use it with experienced people who are honest believers. Otherwise, it will be eaten up by inflation and Zakat.
 This is a reference to the fact that money is at man's service and not vise versa. We may draw a vertical line with dots. There is a red dot in the middle, so the money which is below the red dot, is put at your service, but the one which is above this red dot, puts you at its service. That’s why the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((The most regrettable person on the Day of Resurrection is he who lived poor (because of being miserly) only to die rich.))

((The most regrettable person on the Day of Resurrection is a man whose heirs entered by his wealth Paradise, while he entered hellfire.))


((Trade with the money of the orphan, lest it is eaten up by Zakat.))


 It means that Allah the Almighty wants Zakat to eat up hoarded up money which is not used to the best advantage of people. This is the truth.

Why has Zakat been made obligatory?

 Dear brother, the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, says:

((Allah has made Zakat obligatory simply to purify your remaining property.))

(Reported by Al-Hakem)

 Allah says: 

"That which is left by Allah for you (after giving the rights of the people) is better for you"

(Hud: 86)

 It means that a part of your wealth should be given to the poor as his right on you, so if you pay Zakat, whatever bad there is in it is removed. The right of the poor is like a ticking bomb in the money. When will this money be destroyed? We have no idea. When will it be confiscated? When will it burn? If the right of the poor form Zakat is not given, the wealth on which Zakat is due will be destroyed. Whoever pays Zakat on his wealth, whatever bad there is in it is removed. the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, says:

((Allah has made Zakat obligatory simply to purify your remaining property.))

(Reported by Al-Hakem)

How do we reconcile between this Ayah and what was reported in Sunnah?

 Dear brother, whenever we talk about Zakat, we refer to the subject of time. Time has its own Zakat such as attending this gathering. The following are examples of Zakat taken from your time, listening to this lesson, performing Taraweeh prayer in Masjid, inviting people to Allah and enjoining al-Ma'roof and forbidding al-Munkar. That is why Almighty Allah says in the following Ayah which I would like you to attention to: Pay attention to the

"And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness"

(Al-Furqan: 63)

 It was narrated about Umar: "If he walked, he walked fast, if he fed someone, he fed well, if he spoke, people would listen to him, and if he hit he hurt."
 It was narrated about the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, that,

((He never turned around while walking.))

 How do we reconcile between the Noble Ayah, "And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness", in which they are described to be walking in humility and sedateness and what was reported in the Sunnah al Fiiliyyah (The actions of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, may Allah have peace and blessing upon him. This type of Sunnah includes both religious and worldly actions), and in the biographies of his dignified Companions including Umar, who is the giant of Islam? The truth is that the scholars say: "Walking on earth in humility and sedateness, means that they don’t seize as tyrants."
 Absolutely, they do not do that. The believer walks and doesn’t turn around, and he walks fast because he has a great goal to achieve. His time is precious, so he is keen on not wasting it in walking slowly. However, Almighty  Allah says in the Noble Ayah:

"And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness"

(Al-Furqan: 63)

 Which means they don’t allow the worldly life to consume them, the problems of the worldly life to crush them, earning money to obsess them, or their business to kill them. Sometimes one problem puts an end to someone's life. It controls him, consumes him and finishes him. Only one problem can do all this, while you are created to get to know Allah.
 Walking in humility and sedateness, means they dedicate some of their time to get to know Allah, to raise up their children, to seek Islamic knowledge and to serve the creations, but they never allow their jobs to consume them.

This is heroism:

 Dear brother, sometimes someone doesn’t feel how he is getting involved in the worldly life gradually; during his evenings and his days, while he stays in his country and when he travels abroad and in his business dealings. When he prays, he calculates the balances of his business. All what he is concerned about in whatever he does is his deals, debts, calculations, his relations with his partner, buying goods, shipping them, receiving their price, and dealing with his customers. What happens to this person? His business eats him up; it kills him and he is buried by it. The proof is in the following Ayah:

"O verily, you (O Muhammad PBUH) cannot make the dead to hear (i.e. the disbelievers, etc.)"

(Ar-Rum: 52)

"but you cannot make those who are in graves hear."

(Fatir: 22)

 I repeat again, "who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness" means that they are those who do not allow their business to consume them, their jobs to cancel their faith or a problem to smash them. The believer came to this world to get himself acquainted with Allah, so his time is organized.
 The most dangerous thing is when man's daily movements are only reactions. Every action has a reaction, so your heroic act is manifested by starting with the action, instead of making all you deeds but reactions.

What the Prophet said about regarding paying Zakat:

 Dear brother,

((When someone pays Zakat on his wealth, whatever bad there is in it is removed.))

((Allah has made Zakat obligatory simply to purify your remaining property.))

 The money from which you pay your Zakat is purified, safe and protected from damage, getting lost, confiscation and theft.

((Protect your wealth by means of Zakat))

(Narrated by At-Tabarani in Al-Ma'jam Al-Kabeer and in Al-Ma'jam Al-Awsat)((Whenever any amount of wealth is destroyed in the land or in the sea it could be because its Zakat was not paid.))

You should know this point:

 Dear brother, let us go back to the issue of time. If you pay Zakat of your time by attending a religious gathering, by seeking Islamic knowledge, by performing your prayers, by sitting with your family to guide and educate them and by serving creations. What happens to your time? Allah will bless the rest of your time; you can do a lot of things in the little time you have.
 Sometimes a person sets a plan writing in it the list of the problems which he decides to solve in one day. He may not meet the first person, the second one goes to the shop, the third travels, the fourth one is unable to meet him because he writes him the address incorrectly. This person says, " I was not able to solve any problem.". Allah is capable of destroying money and is capable of consuming time fruitlessly.
 Someone may have a high temperature, so he goes to the doctor. The doctor asks him to do some tests, a scanner, because there could be a health problem in the brain. The patients wastes 30 hours; he goes to the doctor, he does the tests and he has a scanner. He pays 10 thousand liras only to discover later on that he does not suffer from any disease.
 Allah is capable of consuming your precious time easily, and you will be upset about that. Therefore, If you dedicate 15 minutes to attend gathering of Islamic knowledge, Allah will bless the rest of your time.

((As long as they worship Allah regularly in Masajid (and serve Allah's creations), Allah takes care of their affairs.))

((O My slave, be to Me as I want you to be, and I will b to you as you want Me to be.))

 In a different narration:

((O My slave, be to Me as I want you to be, and do not tell me about what is best for you.))

 i.e. do not bother yourself telling Me what do you need, because I know what is best for you.

((O My slave, I created the heavens and earth for you, and I did not get tired while creating them, how could I get tired by sending you a loaf of bread from time to time? My right upon you is to perform the obligation I ordained, and your right upon Me is to get provision. If you abstain from performing My obligation, I will not abstain from sending you provision. By My Exaltation and Highness, if you are not satisfied with what I decreed for you, I will make the worldly life against you. Thus, you will pursue it like a beast in the wild, and at the end you will get but what I decreed for you, and you will be disgraced in My sight. O My slave, You want, and I want, but be certain, nothing will happen, unless I want. If you obey Me in what I want, I will give you what you want.. If you don't obey Me in what I want, I will make you struggle in what you want… At the end, nothing will happen, except what I want.))

 That is why they said: "The world tempts, damages and passes."

((Your Lord revealed to the worldly life: 'Whoever serves Me, serve him, and whoever serves you, use him.'))

 When man organizes his time, seeks Islamic knowledge, learns Allah's Method, looks for the Sharia'ah rulings, reauthors Quran, learns about the Sunnah of the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessing upon him,, establishes Islam in his house and work and controls his limbs, his income and his spending, Allah the Almighty shows him a lot of Signs which are evidences of His Existence and Perfection.

Who are those who will not be afflicted with covetousness?

 The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((He will not be afflicted with covetousness whoever pays Zakat of his wealth,…

 It means that if you describes someone saying he is stingy or miser although he used to pay Zakat, you commit a sin, because whoever pays his Zakat is not stingy.
 The Hadith goes on as follows, …whoever welcomes his guest generously and whoever gives those who have misfortunes.))
 When you help whoever has a misfortune, when you are generous and hospital to your guests and when you pay Zakat, you are not stingy.

A scary Hadith:

 'Abd Allaah bin 'Abbaas narrated Allah's Messenger, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((Five matters result when (another) five things happen: If people break their covenant (with Allaah), He'll send an (external) enemy against them who will seize some of their wealth;

 Didn't it happen? 750 billion were transferred from the Gulf to the West, following the Gulf War

if they judge by other than what Allah has revealed, poverty will be spread among them; If faahishah is manifest among them, death will be spread among them (epidemics); If they become deceptive in trade, He will deprive them of crops and they'll be struck with famine; and if they withhold the payment of Zakat, they will be struck with drought.))

(By way of At-Tabarani and it is hasan: See Saheeh Al-Jaami' s7adeth number 3240)

 Allah the Almighty says:

"Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell."

(Maryam: 59)

Zakaat is due on …:

 Dear brother, the well known Hadith:

((Zakat is due on wheat, barley, raisin and dates.))

 Apples, strawberries, cherries, peaches, lentil or kiwi were not mentioned here, does that mean Zakat is not due on them?
 Scholars said: "Zakaat is due on its purpose, and not in itself"
 What’s the main thing about barley? It is an essential agricultural crop. Since it is an essential crop Zakat is due on it How about Date? It is an essential substance in Man's life, so is apples. Zakat is due on corps produced in land. However, the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, was merciful to his Companions, so he mentioned the crops they were familiar with. Had he mentioned unfamiliar crops to them, his words would have been ambiguous.
 Thus, Zakat is due on wheat, barley, raisin and dates.

Du'a when paying Zakat:

 Dear brother, the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((When you pay Zakat, do not forget its reward by saying: O Allah, make it a profit, and do not make it a loss.))

(Reported by Ibn Majah in Sunnah)

 When the believer pays Zakat he consider this a reward, whereas the hypocrite considers it a burden. Also he is hurt deeply when he pays Zakat of his money.

This is what I heard with my own ears:

 I swear to Allah that I heard it with own ears what some people said concerning paying Zakat. Some people said, "I have 5 or 6 million liras, and I have to pay for each million 25 thousand liras, so the total amount is 100 thousand liras, is that possible?" Well yes, it is. It is the poor's right.

((The rich are My guardians and the poor are My children. Whoever refrains from giving My money to My children, I will torture him.))

 Dear brother, if the body suffers from one health problem or one disorder in one of its organs, life becomes a piece of hell. If someone suffers from renal failure, cirrhosis, brain tumor or heart valve disorders, undergoing an operation costs at least a million liras. let alone that sometimes the surgeon tells the patient that the percentage of success is 50%, 30% or 60%. Therefore, if someone pays Zakat, Allah protects his health.

This is your right upon Allah if you do your duty:

 I have told you previously that whatever happens is according to Allah's decree. When man does his duties to Allah, he can ask Allah for his money.
 Narrated Mu'adh bin Jabal:

((The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said, "O Mu'adh! Do you know what Allah's Right upon His slaves is?" I said, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, was silent, then he asked again, "O Mu'adh! Do you know what Allah's Right upon His slaves is?" I said, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, was silent for the second time, then he asked again, "O Mu'adh! Do you know what Allah's Right upon His slaves is?" I said, "Allah and His Apostle know best." After that the Prophet said, "To worship Him (Allah) Alone and to join none in worship with Him (Allah). Do you know what their right upon Him is if they worship and obey Him?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, asked again, "Do you know what their right upon Him is if they worship and obey Him?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said, "Not to punish them (if they do so)."))

A deduction by AshShafi'i:

 There is an impressive deduction by Imam Ash-Shafi'i concerning the following Ayah:

"And (both) the Jews and the Christians say: "We are the children of Allah and His loved ones.""

(Al-Ma'idah: 18)

 That's what they claimed, to which Allah responded saying:

"Why then does He punish you for your sins?" Nay, you are but human beings, of those He has created"

( Al- Ma'idah: 18)

 The precise elicitation: Had Allah confirmed their claim that they are Allah's children and beloved ones, He would not have punished them. Since He punishes them, then they are liars in their claims.
 Imam Ash-Shafi'i eliauthord: "Allah never punishes his loved ones."
 If Allah loves you, he will never punish you. If you worship Him Alone and join none in worship with Him, your right upon Him is not to punish you.

Pay attention to the following:

 The most precise Ayah about this issue is the following:

"Why should Allah punish you if you have thanked (Him) and have believed in Him."

(An-Nisa': 147)

 Why should Allah punish us if we have been grateful to Him, and we believed in Him?
 Is there anyone on earth who does not wish for happiness, safety, enough sustenance, health, a good wife, dutiful children, livelihood in his country, a big house, a nice car? These are essential needs.
 The Noble Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:
 ((There are things that bring happiness to man: a good wife, dutiful children, living in one's own country, a big house, and a comfortable vehicle.
 What does anyone wish for other than these? …..Once a powerful king asked his minister, "Who is the king? The minister's heart was shaken- what question is this? How could a king ask who the king is. The minister replied, "You are the king." Then the king said, "No, no! The king is a man who we don't know, and he doesn't know us. He has a wife who pleases him, a house that shelters him and provision that suffices him. If he knows us, he seeks pleasing us, and if we know him, we seek humiliating him."
 Listen carefully, "Who we don't know, and he doesn't know us. He has a wife who pleases him, a house that shelters him and provision that suffices him."
 The prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((Whosoever begins the day feeling family security and good health; and possessing provision for his day is as though he possessed the whole world.))

 You have to know where the essence of happiness lies. Happiness is everyone's demand. Safety and happiness are everyone's demand. If you are keen on caring for yourself and loving yourself excessively, you will be upright to Allah's Order. Allah's Method is precise.
 If a law is set up and whoever violates it will not be punished, this law is meaningless. Things will be different if there are penalties for those who violate the law. For example, whoever violates it, his driving license will be taken from him, and his vehicle will be seized for two weeks. Is there any article in the traffic law without a penalty? No, there is not. Similarly, Allah's Method has legal proofs; in the following Ayah Almighty Allah says:

"But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Qur'an nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection."

(Ta-Ha: 124)

 When He ordered people to keep chaste, but they refused, He sent them AIDS. Every ten seconds one person dies in the USA because of this disease. Imagine, every ten seconds! Allah has deterrents which are called in law terminology a legal proof. You should act on His orders, if you refuse, remember that Allah is the Greatest and all your affairs are in His Hand:

"And to Allah belongs the Ghaib (unseen) of the heavens and the earth, and to Him return all affairs (for decision). So worship Him (O Muhammad PBUH) and put your trust in Him. And your Lord is not unaware of what you (people) do."

(Hud: 123)

 Dear brother, the more man's rationality increases, the more his fear of Allah becomes.
 The prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((The fountainhead of wisdom is the fear of Allah.))

 If you fear Allah Alone, you are wise, and you should keep in mind that there is no deprivation in Islam.

((A slave doesn't leave something for the sake of Allah - he doesn't leave it except for the sake of Allah - except that Allah replaces it for him with something that is better for him in his Deen and dunya.))

Explaining the following Hadith:

 The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessing upon him, said:

((The withholder of Zakat is in hellfire on the Day of Resurrection.))

(Reported by At-Tabarani in Al-Ma'jam As-Sagheer)

 I would like to explain this Hadith as follows: Whoever doesn't pay Zakaat but does not deny its obligation, is considered disobedient. Allah destroys his money, but he does not stay in hellfire for eternity. Unlike this person, whoever denies the obligation of Zakat and withholds its payment, stays eternally in hellfire.

The last Hadith of Zakat in this lesson:

 The last Hadith:

((Worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him, establish the prescribed prayers, give the obligatory charity, perform Hajj and Umrah, fast the month of Ramadan and however you love for the people to treat you, then treat them that way, and however you hate for the people to treat you, then do not treat them that way.))

(Al-Ma'jam Al-Kabeer At-Tabarani 15833)

 There is a wonderful golden rule to follow. When you treat people whom you meet in your daily life, put yourself in their shoes. If you are a seller, put yourself in the buyer's shoes, can you bear it if you are cheated on? If you are lied to? If someone hides a defect in the goods you want to buy? If you don't like to be treated in this way, then treat people the way you like them to treat you.
 Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
 In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful; praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings upon our Master Muhammad, the faithful and the honest.
 O Allah, bestow your blessings upon us and do not withdraw them from us, honor us and do not humiliate us, choose us and do not choose sh3er over us and grant us satisfaction and be pleased with us. O Allah, send Your Blessings on our Master Muhammad, the illiterate Prophet and his Family and Companions. Let us reauthor AlFatihah.

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