Dark Mode
Radio Sermon (43): The Humanitarian Aspect of the Prophet's Character
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

First sermon:

The Humanitarian side of the Prophet's character:

Dear brothers, today's Khutbah is about the humanitarian aspect of the Prophet's character; his mercy, fairness, justice, high moral standards, love for his companions,  and deep caring for them. 
In the noble character of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, (PBUH), we see a compassionate merciful human being who  felt the pains of others and who was interested in fulfilling their hopes and inspiration. . Also, in his noble character we see a very powerful man who sent letters  to the great kings of the world ordering them to set aside their false arrogance and, at the same time, a very modest man who listened patiently and reacted calmly   to a barefooted ignorant Bedouin who was accusing him of being unfair (while distributing the spoils of a war) saying:  “O Muhammad! Be just! (Give me more of this  wealth), it is neither yours nor your father’s!” 
Furthermore, in the Prophet’s character we see a devoted worshipper who stood in prayer for a long time to recite a long Surah, having a great feeling of happiness which was more precious to him than gold and silver, ; but when he suddenly heard the crying of a baby whose mother was standing behind him in prayer in the back rows, he, at once, sacrificed all of his unmatched happiness, and ended his prayer for the sake of such a baby, and out of mercy upon him and his loving mother.
In his noble character we see a very compassionate and merciful person who did not take revenge against his enemies when he defeated them. That is to say, at the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet , may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, was granted victory over  his brutal enemies who waged wars against him, showed deep hatred towards him, rejected his message, , killed some of his beloved companions, killed his uncle Hamzah, deformed his dead body , pulled out his liver and chewed it brutally and savagely, nevertheless, when he was granted victory over them, he did not eradicate them or eliminate them all together , even though he was capable of doing so, but rather he forgave them and said: " Go on your way, you are all free. " 
Moreover, In his noble character, we see a very humble person who took upon himself the task of collecting firewood (when he was travelling with his Companions and when it was time to have the food prepared),  and refused to consider himself superior to his companions although he was their Prophet and leader.
Also, in his noble character, we see a very merciful person who would get angry whenever he saw an animal overburdened. 
Also, in his noble character,  we see a very modest person who would milk his sheep, sew his clothes and repair his shoes.
In addition to that, in his noble character,  we see a very fair man who would stand up among people, even though he was at full might and power, to address them saying: 

"He whom I have ever lashed his back, I offer him my back so that he may avenge himself on me."

Being merciful is better than overdoing acts of worship:

Dear brothers, here are some glimpses of the Prophet's mercy manifested in his words and attitudes. He (PBUH) said about himself: 

“I was only sent  as mercy to mankind.” 

[ Narrated by al-Hakim]

The Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, said in Qudsi Hadith: 

“The Most Merciful (Allah) will have mercy on those who are merciful. Have mercy on those that are on the earth, He, Who is in heavens, will have mercy on you.”

Also, the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, announced clearly that he considered mercy better and purer than exaggeration in worship. In the month of Ramadan in the year of the conquest of Mecca, he (PBUH) headed for Mecca. And when he got to a place called Kura’ Al-Ghameem, he fasted, and so did other Muslims who were with him. But when he (PBUH) noticed that it was hard for some people to fast due to hardship of travel, he took a glass of water, held it up to his mouth so that everyone could see it, and drank some water, suggesting that everyone should break the fast. And when he was told that some people kept fasting, he (PBUH) said, 
“Those are the disobedient ones.”
A man came to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, with a heart filled with happiness, in order to take the oath of allegiance to him on emigration  and Jihad (fighting in the Cause of Allah), saying, “I have come to you to take the oath of allegiance to you on emigration, leaving behind my parents weeping.” The Messenger of Allah, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, said to  the man: 

“Go back to them, and make them laugh as you have made them weep!”

[An Nasaii on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Amr]

A happy smile on the face of an affectionate father or a compassionate mother is unmatched, in the sight of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him,  by anything else, no matter how valuable it might be, even if it be Jihad (fighting in  the Cause of Allah, Most Gracious), or Dawah ( Calling others to Islam). Moreover, worship turns into an act of disobedience when it is performed at the expense of one’s parents. Thus, the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him,  used to  emphasis the importance of showing mercy to others whenever that was necessary. 
The Prophet gave superiority to mercy over all other human virtues.
Due to his sublime care and mercy, the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), expressed his sorrow for those miserable people, who found themselves obliged to borrow money from others in order to make a living,  then due to poverty, they failed to repay their debts and, therefore, their anxiety and stress kept them up all  night and theyfelt embarrassed about their debts in the day. However,  the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, did not ask  the creditors to forgive the debt,  for he was the best to protect people’s rights. But rather he said that on the day of Judgment, he will intercede on the behalf of the  creditors who show adequate patience and give a respite to debtors until they are able to pay back their debts. To this effect, the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, said:

 " Whoever grants respite to someone in difficulty or relieves him, Allah will shade him on the Day of Resurrection when there is no shade but His"

[ Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi on the authority of Abu Hurairah] 

He, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him,  also said: 

"Whoever wants his call to be answered and to reveal his anguish, then he should give a respite to a debtor in hardship or release him of his debts."

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, considered  mercy superior to all other human virtues. He (PBUH) even considered every merciful deed an act  of worship, for in his sight all our merciful deeds towards other fellow humans are considered by Allah as good deeds to Him. In other words, if someone visits a patient, it is as if he visited Allah; and if he feeds a hungry person, it is as if he fed Allah. To this effect, Allah says in the noble Divine Hadith, 

“O son of Adam! I was ill, but you did not visit Me!” He (the son of Adam) says, “O Lord! How can I visit You and You are the Lord of all worlds?!” Allah says, “Did you not know that My slave so-and-so was ill, but you did not visit him? Did you not know that if you had visited him, you would have found Me with him?!” “O son of Adam! I asked you to feed Me, but you did not feed Me!” He (The son of Adam) says, “O Lord! How can I feed You and You are the Lord of all worlds?!” Allah says, “Did you not know that My slave so-and-so asked you to feed him but you did not feed him?! Did you not know that if you had fed him, you would have found that (i.e. the reward for doing so) with Me?…” 

[Narrated by Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah]

Once, he saw a loving mother embracing her baby and taking it to her breast with utmost love and mercy. He (PBUH) took the opportunity to depict Allah’s Infinite Divine Mercy in a wonderful way; he, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him,  turned to his Companions and asked, 
“Do you think that woman could ever cast her baby in fire?”
“No, not at all.” They replied. He, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, said, 

“Verily, Allah is far more merciful to His slave than this woman is to her baby!”

[Al-Bazzar in his Musnad on the authority of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab] 

The Prophet did not consider himself superior to his companions:

One day, a rough rude Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, asking him for more donation. He said in great insolence, “O Muhammad! Be just and fair!” Smiling calmly, the Messenger of Allah,  may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him,, said, 

“Woe unto you! Who could do justice if I did not?!”

[ Narrated by Muslim on the authority of Abu Said Al-Khudri] 

The courage of that Bedouin to say such rough words to the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings,  fearlessly shows the Prophet's justice and tolerance. In other words, that Bedouin would never have dared say such words if Muhammad (PBUH) had taken armed guards and doormen to frighten people away or force them to show due respect to him. He (PBUH) dissolved all barriers between him and his people and did not consider himself superior to them.
For instance, on another occasion, a man came to  the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, and his voice trembled as he spoke to him. Seeing that, the Prophet  (PBUH) drew that man gently nearer to him, patted tenderly on his shoulder, and said in all humility:  

“Be calm, man! I am not king! I am only the son of a woman, from Quraish, who used to eat Al-Qadeed (dried salted meat strips.) in Mecca.”

[ Narrated by Ibn Majah on the authority of Ibn Masud]

Although the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him,  was qualified to be above all mankind, he did not distinguish himself from them. One day, a Bedouin asked him roughly, “Give me out of Allah's wealth that you possess, it is neither yours nor your father's. "when our master Umar, who was present, heard that, he got angry and wanted to scold that Bedouin; but the Prophet calmed him down and said:   

“O Umar! Leave him! A right-claimer has the right to speak!”

based on the Islamic principles of justice and fairness, the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him,  clarified  the rights that Muslims have over each other; he (PBUH) said: 

“Every Muslim’s blood, property and honor are unlawful to be violated by another Muslim.”

[Narrated by Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah]

 He (PBUH) also said,

“The destruction of the whole universe is less important in the Sight of Allah than shedding blood unlawfully .”

[ Narrated by Al Bayhaqi]

Also, the mother of believers, Mrs. Aisha may Allah be pleased with her, narrated that the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him said:

“Verily, those who were before you were ruined because if a powerful person from among them stole (something), they would leave him  unpunished; but if a weak person from among them stole (something), they would punish him. By Allah! were Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad to steal (a thing), I would have cut off her hand!”

[ Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i.] 

If someone could, theoretically,  convince the Prophet to pass a judgment in  his favor, since he could present his case in a more convincing way than his opponent, he will not escape from Allah’s Punishment. 
Um Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated that the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him,  said: 

“I am but a human being; and you come (to me) disputing with one another. Some of you might be more eloquent in presenting his case the other, , and hence, I judge in his favor in accordance with that which I hear, I am really  giving him a piece of the Fire, so he should not take it.”

Glimpses of the Prophet's love:

Dear brother, Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him,  was a very loving, compassionate and friendly man who obeyed his Lord out of love. He (PBUH) was good to everyone because he loved everyone. He (PBUH) loved loftiest of affairs and hated silly matters. He (PBUH) loved great things and practiced them  willingly not forcibly. In prayer he (PBUH) used to prolong prostration in which could be heard the yearning beating of his noble heart and his earnest invocation and sincere weeping, for he (PBUH) was in constant longing to his Lord, Most Gracious, and overwhelming love for him. He (PBUH) used to wait eagerly for prayer; and when it was time to pray, he would say, 

“O Bilal! call iqamah for prayer, give us comfort by  it !”

[Abu Dawud on the authority of Salem Ibn Abi Al Jaad]

Thus, Salah is not a burden but rather a source of relief from our burdens. 
That was because prayer provided him with utmost delight and comfort as well as spiritual enhancement.
One day, he went to At-Taif, a town near Mecca, in order to call its people to Allah and His Religion. But he (PBUH) was met with rejection, mockery, denial and even injury; and people there sent  their fools and young children to throw stones at him. And when he (PBUH) was forced to take refuge in a safe place with his feet bleeding, he looked up towards the heavens and invoked his Lord eagerly, 

“If You are not angry with me, I care not, but Your protection is much better and more ample for me”

[ At-Tabarani on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Jafar] 

In other words, he (PBUH) did not fear pain or suffering so long as his Lord was pleased with him. Then he realized that a true sincere lover should not be distracted by the rapture of sacrifice from seeking to be well and healthy. So he went on invoking, 

“But Your (providing me with) health and well-being seems better to me.”

One day, a very rude rough man, who had never seen Muhammad (PBUH) before but heard that he (PBUH) had abused the idols of Quraish and all other tribes, took up his sword in anger and swore that he would take revenge on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for that. The man entered upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) angrily and began growling, storming, and scolding him, however, the Prophet kept smiling with fascinating calmness and captivating brightness. A few moments later, that very rude man, who was boiling with anger a few minutes ago,  turned into a passionate person whose heart was filled with intense love for the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him. He bent down to kiss Prophet Muhammad’s hands with floods of tears falling from his eyes. Then he said, “O Muhammad! By Allah! When I came to you, I hated no one more than I hated you, ; and now I leave you while there is no one on earth more beloved to me than you!”
What happened?! Undoubtedly, Muhammad’s unmatched love and magnanimity fascinated the man, rude and impolite as he was, and turned his anger into love and compassion. This is because Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, opened his  heart  to all people, whether they were his friends or his enemies; and when the man came nearer to Muhammad (PBUH), he was overwhelmed with the flood of human love flowing from his noble heart! Maybe that's why the people of Quraish mistakenly think that he was  a magician! 

Some of the Prophet's teachings regarding  love:

Consider the following Noble Ahadith below:  

It was narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:“(I swear) by Him, in Whose Hand is my soul! You shall not enter Paradise unless you are true believers; and you shall not be true believers unless you love one another.”

[ Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah]

He (PBUH) also said: 

“If one of you loves his brother (believer), he should tell him that he loves him.”

[ Ahmad and Al-Bukhari on the authority of al-Miqdam ibn Ma'd Yakarib]

 “If a man takes another for a brother, he should ask him his name, his father’s name, and where he is from, for this makes compassion stronger.”

[ At-Tirmidhi on the authority of Yazid bin Nu'amah Ad-Dabbi]

“If you are three, let not two converse privately ignoring  the third, for that will displease him.”


[ Muslim on the authority of Abu Ar-Rabii]

“He who forsakes his brother for a year, it is like shedding his blood.”

[ Ahmad on the authority of Abu Khirash as-Sulami]

 “ It is sinful enough for you to keep quarreling.” 

[ Al-Bayhaqi on the authority of Ibn Abbas]

" Everybody should accept his (Muslim) brother's apology when he apologizes to him, being it sincere or insincere".

[Narrated by Al-Hakem on the authority of Abu Hurairah, and classified as a weak (da'eef) hadith by Ad-Dahabi]  

Also, Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

"Shall I rellyou who are the worst and the most evil of all mankind? " They said: yes, O Allah's Messenger. He said: " They are those who do not forgive in case of error, do not accept apology, or do not pardon a mistake committed" 

[ At-Tabarani]

Also, Anas narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: 

"Reconcile between people when they are quarreling with each other and bring them near each other when their relationships breaks down"


[ Al-Bazzar]


The immune system:

Dear brothers, since the subject of our talk today was about love, consider the following  scientific topic, and try to find out how it is related to  love .
The human body has an amazing ability to heal itself;  it is equipped with a special self- healing mechanism that is not mentioned in medical  books . In other words, some cases of illness recover mysteriously and automatically although they seem to be incurable. This kind of self-recovery is usually attributed to such mysterious mechanism whose function can not be clearly explained: it is the mechanism of Immunity, which is one of the most amazing things that Allah, Most Gracious, has created. It can not be anatomically found anywhere in the human body although it is programmed by the Creator, Glory to Him, to be everywhere and to protect all parts of the body. This self-recovery mechanism works by identifying any alien enemy cells which might enter the human body and developing the necessary mechanism to destroy them. The most amazing thing about this mechanism is its miraculous memory, because it never forgets any weapon it has previously used against its enemies, no matter how long ago that may have been. In fact, without such miraculous memory, vaccination against diseases would have been non-effective. The elements of this mechanism are made inside the bone marrow and are trained how to fight by the thymus gland, which could be likened to  a special  fighters  training     centre. The elements of this mechanism carry out such missions as reconnaissance, serum-making, fighting, and other services. But the AIDS virus sneaks into the body disguised in a shape that is similar to the elements of immunity and destroys them completely.   However, it was discovered in the late 1970s that the immune system includes a group of lymphocytes which act like a team of special commandos and which are highly qualified to identify cancer cells and destroy them immediately. 
The most important thing about this mechanism of immunity is that the power which forms, develops and commands it does not come from inside but rather from outside the human body. Such power is the Power of Allah, the Almighty. And the most dangerous thing about this mechanism of immunity is that depression, sadness, tension, worry, hatred and psychological stress weaken it, whereas  hopefulness, love, calmness, and optimism strengthen it and make it more effective. That is why Tawheed (Monotheism) or worshipping Allah Alone is the real source of inner peace and good  health in every sense of the word, whereas  Polytheism or worshiping anyone or anything besides Allah is considered as the main reason for fear and worry which, in turn,  weakens immune system as well as self-healing mechanism. To this effect, Allah, All-Wise, says, 

"So invoke not with Allah another ilah (god) lest you be among those who receive punishment."

 [Ash-Shuara; 213] 

 I wish I have made clear to you the relationship between self- healing mechanism and inner peace  coming from Tawheed , as well as the relationship between illness and the psychological distress resulting from worshipping other than Allah the Almighty.  
* * *

The story of Jabir ibn Abdullah with the Messenger of Allah:

Dear brothers, here is the story of Jabir Ibn Abdullah with the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH). This story depicts the Prophet’s unmatched sympathy, mercy and compassion towards his companions as well as his great tenderness,  his worry about their problems,  his modesty,  and his kindness to them.
Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah: I went out with the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), on Thatu-r-Riqa’ Expedition, on a lean camel of mine. When the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH) returned, my companions went ahead before me and I had to stay behind, because my camel was weak, until the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), caught up with me and asked, “O Jabir! What’s the matter with you?” I said, “My camel is slow.” The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, “Make it kneel down.”; and he also made his camel kneel down. Then, he (PBUH) said, “Give me that stick in your hand.”; and I did. The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), took the stick, pricked the camel several times with it, and then said, “Get mounted.”, and I did. Then, my camel went on - I swear by Allah Who sent Muhammad with the Truth - as fast as that of the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH). Then, he (PBUH) spoke to me saying, “O Jabir! Would you like to sell me your camel?” I said, “O Messenger of Allah! I give it to you as a present!” He (PBUH) said, “No, but sell it to me.” “How much would you pay for it?” I asked. “I pay one Dirhem for it.” He said. “That’s too little.” I said. He said, “Then for two Dirhems.” “No.” I replied. He (PBUH) kept raising the price up to one Wuqiyeh (approximately 300 g of gold); and I said, “I accept.” He (PBUH) asked, “Do you accept?” “Yes. It is yours.” I said. He (PBUH) said, “Then I’ll take it.”, and added, “O Jabir! have you married?” “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.” I answered. “Is it a virgin or a previously married one (widow or divorced)? ?” He asked. “With one previously married.” I replied. “Why didn’t you marry a virgin?” He asked. I answered, “O Messenger of Allah! My father was killed in the battle of Uhud, leaving behind seven daughters. Therefore, I married an experienced woman to take care of them.” He (PBUH) said, “Well done, if Allah wills!” And he went on, “If we get to Sirar (a place near Medina), I shall have a Jazour (a camel) to be slaughtered; and we shall eat from it that day. And if she (i.e. your wife) knows of our arrival, let her spread her cushions for us.” I said, “O Messenger of Allah! We have no cushions.” “You will have ones by Allah’s Leave.” He (PBUH) said. When we arrived at Sirar, the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), ordered to have a camel slaughtered; and we ate from it that day. And when it was the night, we entered Medina with the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), and I went straight to my wife to tell her what he (PBUH) had said. She said, “Listen and obey (i.e. sell your camel to the Messenger of Allah).” Next morning, I took my camel, made it kneel at the door of the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), and went to the mosque and sat beside. When he (PBUH) went out of the mosque and saw the camel at the door of his house, he (PBUH) asked, “What is that?” “It was brought by Jabir.” They answered. “Where is Jabir?” He (PBUH) asked. When I was brought to him, he (PBUH) said, “Come here, O son of my brother! Take your camel! It is yours!” And he (PBUH) summoned Bilal and bade him, “Take Jabir and give him a Wuqiyeh (approximately 300 g of gold).” I went with Bilal; and he gave me a Wuqiyeh and a little more of gold. I swear by Allah! That money has been growing with us ever since.
I hope I have made clear by virtue of the above story the Prophet’s tenderness, mercy, kindness, gentleness and modesty towards his companions. Such was the Prophet’s character, (PBUH). Allah, Most Gracious, says, 

"And verily, you (O Muhammad PBUH) are on an exalted standard of character."

 [Al-Qalam; 4] 

* * *
Second Sermon: 

Glimpses of his care for his Companions:

One of the Prophet’s noble companions was called ‘Uthman Ibn Maz'un, who completely devoted himself to worship,  and he did not care for any of the worldly pleasures or enjoyments, not even his sexual relation with his wife. One day, ‘Uthman Ibn Maz'un wife came to the Prophet’s wife, Mrs. A’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, wearing a tattered dress and looking unkempt.. When the mother of believers Mrs. A’ishah asked ‘Uthman’s wife what the matter was with her, the latter answered sadly, “My husband is always fasting during the day and standing in prayer in the night. The mother of believers Mrs. A’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, informed the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), of the woman’s problem with her husband. so when the Prophet, peace be upon him, saw Uthman Ibn Maz'un, he admonished him saying, Do you not have an example in me? (that there is no monasticism in Islam) Uthman said, “Of course,  May my father and mother be sacrificed for you!”! What’s the matter?” The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, 

“You fast the day and stand up the night?!”

Uthman said, “Yes, indeed. I do.” The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, 

“Do not do that! Verily, your body has a right over you; and surely, your wife has a right over you.” 

Uthman took the Prophet’s advice and did well to his wife. Later, she (Khawlah) came back wearing fine clothes and sweet perfume. Mrs. Aisha was amazed at that noticeable change, Khawlah replied modestly, "It is the same thing that all spouses do!"
Due to his humanitarian nature, the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), could not bear to see a woman being worried about her husband or neglected by him even for the sake of his religious observances.
* * *
The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), was more merciful upon other fellow humans than they were upon themselves. In this context, he (PBUH) said: 

" That I walk with a brother regarding a need is more beloved to me than that I seclude myself in this mosque in Medina for a month. " 

“He who seeks to fulfill his brother’s needs, Allah will fulfill his needs.” 

And one day, he (PBUH) was asked, “O Messenger of Allah! Who is the most beloved to Allah of all mankind?” He (PBUH) answered, 

“The most beloved to Allah of all mankind are those who are most beneficial to other people .” 


[ At-Tabarani on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Umar]


“There are certain people who lose themselves in the service of others – people to whom others flee for their needs. Such people will be saved from Allah's Punishment on the Day of Judgement."

[ At-Tabarani on the authority of Ibn Umar]

"Whoever intercedes with a ruler or a man in power on behalf of his brother, Allah will raise his rank in Paradise."

[ At-Tabarani on the authority of Abu-Al-Dardaa]

 He (PBUH) was quoted as saying, 

“Allah has people whom He singles out for His Favors for the benefits of His slaves. He is pleased with them so long as they give them (such Favors to His slaves). But if they withhold them (such Favors from His slaves), Allah will deprive them thereof and grant them (such Favors) to other people.” 

[Shu'ab al-Iman on the authority of Ibn Umar]

" Whosoever gives someone leadership over a group of people while there is someone else who is better than him in the Sight of Allah, he is disloyal to Allah, His Messenger and believers."

[Al-Hakim on the authority of Ibn Abbas]

" Allah will question everyone who is responsible about his charge, whether he cared for them or neglected them.."

[Al-Nasai on the authority of Anas]

O Allah! benefit us through what you teach us, and teach us what is beneficial for us, and increase us in knowledge.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and I testify that there is no god but Allah Alone, the Guardian of the righteous, and I testify that our Master Muhammad is his slave and Messenger, who is on an exalted standard of character. O Allah, send Your peace and blessings on our Master Muhammad, the illiterate Prophet, his Family and his Companions. 
Prophet Muhammad was sent as mercy for all mankind:
Dear brothers, that was the humanitarian side of the noble character of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, (PBUH), the best of all mankind, the mercy granted by Allah to all mankind, the one who was more merciful upon other fellow humans than they were upon themselves, the most careful to guide mankind to the Right Path, the first and foremost of all Prophets and Messengers, by whose life Allah, Most Gracious, swore: 

"Verily, by your life (O Muhammad PBUH), in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly."

[Al-Hijr; 71]

Moreover, Allah praised the Prophet for his great moral character, He says:

"And verily, you (O Muhammad PBUH) are on an exalted standard of character."


[Al-Qalam; 4]

Dear brothers, undoubtedly, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, (PBUH), was ranked, by his fair and unbiased enemies, on the top of the list of the 100 most influential men in history with regards to power, kind, duration and geographical extension of impact.

And more beautiful than you my eye has never seen,
And more perfect than you women have never born.
You were created free from any imperfection,
As if you were created just as you desire.
And daughter of Wahab gave to all mankind 
A white hand that embraced all necks.
She bore him bright and illuminating,
Just like heavens bearing bright luminous stars.

* * *

Muslims abide by the teachings of Islam and never reciprocate evil deeds:

Dear brothers, despite the fact that the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, taught us to respect all former Prophets and Messengers, and taught us that believing in them is one of the conditions of true faith, and although all people, even the Prophet's enemies, testify to his truthfulness and high moral standards, an extremist Jewish woman depicted Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, in a very offensive way, and she also insulted the Noble Quran. This gross misconduct is a clear indication of the Israelis' extreme hostility toward Muslims, and it means we have reached a serious stage of our conflict with the Zionist invaders.  Furthermore,  this despicable act undermines the peace process, puts great strain on Arab-Israel relations,  hurts religious feelings, and serves no purpose.
It is a cowardly and a criminal act that is only committed by spiteful extremists. 
What do we expect from a people who killed their Prophets, and who do not respect divine religions?  Their ancient and modern history is full of disgraceful attitudes, deeds and words against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally, such as setting fire to Al Aqsa Mosque; the second mosque built on earth after the Kaaba and the third sacred  site in Islam, carrying out excavations under it to weaken its foundations and to destroy it, carrying out the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, and digging a tunnel under Al Aqsa Mosque , and other criminal acts . 
Based on their criminal records, this latest despicable act will not be the last against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally.
We, as Muslims, respect all prophets, believe in them all, and hold them in high esteem. Furthermore, we never reciprocate evil deeds, because we abide by the teachings of Islam, and we deeply believe that whoever performs  an act which would be an offense against any noble Messenger or Prophet, Allah will definitely destroy them and will make their plots turn against them.
In conclusion, we call upon the Arab and the Islamic world to be more aware, attentive, and coherent, and to settle their disputes so that they can truly confront the evil plans and conspiracies  against them and against their religion, the future of their children as well as their present and cultural heritage.
Our President said: No rational person could ever believe that Allah Glorified and Exalted be He, gave a certain nation a certain land at the expense of other nations. Allah the Almighty is the Utterly Just, He is the Lord of all of us and we all belong to Him. 
He continued saying: We take great pride in  Islam and should resist those who try to distort its image. Also, we should defend the true Islam; the religion of our master Umar, our master Ali and other noble companions, the religion of justice, equality, an love.

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