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Islamic topics- Articles in Danish Magazine (article 1)- The Human Side of the Prophet's Character
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 While to many the Prophet Muhammed may seem to be a powerful super hero not of this world, when he walked on this earth he was merely a human being who shared the same qualities you and I share today. While his mission was extraordinary and he was chosen by God to share His word and help us understand God’s ways, at one time he shared our humanness. It is in understanding this reality that perhaps we can better appreciate his true power and strength.
 When we consider the Prophet as an ordinary man with an extraordinary mission we can better appreciate the gifts he shared and his teachings. We can more easily identify with the
Prophet when we see him as a mere mortal, who experienced defeat and harm just as we do, and had the same needs and desires we have, as humans. When we consider Him in this context his extraordinary talents, wisdom and humble ways enable us to see the value in modeling ourselves after him as we go about our daily activities in the here and now.
We see in Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) a merciful and compassionate person who, whether witnessing pain or hope in sh3er, responded with love and tenderness. He was an intelligent individual who responded positively to those around him while encouraging them to respect God and follow his ways. He exchanged correspondence with kings and emperors of the world, and with God’s guidance and direction, urged them to leave their arrogance behind and rule their people with justice.
 Yet, despite mingling with the mighty leaders of his time, he was also a modest man, who, it is said, responded graciously to the request of a barefoot Bedouin who once spoke to him with disrespect, "Muhammed be just and give me money. It’s not your money, nor your father’s." In response, the prophet smiled in the Bedouin’s face and ordered he be given the amount of money requested.
 He was a devout and religious man, whose happiest moments were experienced while praying and communicating with God. It is said that once, while praying at length with his companions, he heard a crying baby. The baby’s mother was praying behind the prophet. In response to the baby’s crying, the prophet mercifully ended the prayer instantly, enabling the mother to respond to the child’s needs.
 We see a man who recognized the power of forgiveness. We see this when he entered the town of Mecca with his huge army without a fight. The Meccans had previously tortured him and his companions, exiled him and brutally killed his dearest relatives. As he entered, the Meccans stood before him expecting him to take his revenge. Instead, he told them they were all forgiven and free from any grudge or revenge.
 We see in him a caring and humble individual. He once gathered wood to light a fire and prepared food for his companions. He refused to watch sh3er work while he did nothing and
he told them God does not favour those who try to look distinguished among their companions.
 We see in him a kind and tender man with a merciful heart, who trembled with sorrow when witnessing a horse or a camel struggling with a heavy load on its back. It is said that he encouraged his followers to show mercy to all of God’s creatures and he told them that God says those who are merciful to God’s creatures shall receive God’s mercy:

"Have mercy on those who are on the planet earth and you shall have the mercy of He who is in heaven."

 As for His mercy, to support those in need, who borrowed money, he told the lenders that if they extended the settlement time, or cancelled the dues of the debtor, he would ask that
they be pardoned by God on Judgment Day.
 Once, to help his companions understand the depth of God’s mercy, he pointed to a mother tenderly kissing and holding her baby tightly. He asked his companions whether they thought the mother could ever throw her baby into the fire of hell. They confirmed, she could never do such a thing and the Prophet told them that God is more merciful with people than this mother with her baby.
 The prophet’s superiority qualified him to be above those around him, but he preferred to be among them, adopting a simple life among ordinary people, sharing everything with them.
He was a just man. He once said that the destruction of the entire universe would be easier on God than bloodshed without a right. He also said that the destruction of previous nations and civilizations was caused by an unjust system that freed thieves who were among the nobility and focused on capturing and punishing the weak thieves of the lower classes. "I swear by God that if my own daughter Fatima stole anything I would cut her hand myself," he told his followers.
 He was a humble man, who admitted that he was not infallible, and was subject to some faults of humanity all men share. He explained that he was human and though he was asked to judge among his people, he could make errors. He knew that it was possible some were more clever in presenting their case than sh3er and he could make a mistake by giving one the rights of another. He urged that those who were in the wrong not take anything that was not their just right, even if he had mistakenly made judgment for their favor.
 He believed in the power of love. He urged people to love each other and said that love must prevail among all people. He once said, "I swear by God that you shall not enter paradise until you believe. And you shall not believe until you love each other." He said that one way to demonstrate love for one another is to exchange greetings and gifts.
He also encouraged people to respect each other. He cautioned that if three were sitting together, two of them were not to whisper words to each other, as this would cause sadness and curiosity to the third person.
 He spoke of the value of friendship and told that if a person abandoned his friend for more than a year it would be as if he had shed his blood. He promoted the virtue of forgiveness and said that the worst people were those who did not accept the apologies of their friend and did not forgive them when they made mistakes.
The Prophet believed one could not underestimate the value and importance of friendship and he claimed that supporting a friend in difficult times was better than dedicating an entire month for God’s worshipping inside the Prophet’s Mosque.
 The Prophet was a wise man who offered words to live by and through his actions demonstrated how to live. When asked who were God’s most beloved people, the Prophet said God’s most beloved people are those are most useful to God’s creatures. We are all God’s creatures and we must be useful to one another.
 The positive effects of love on a human’s health have been scientifically proven. The human body’s immune system is weakened by depression, grief, anxiety and nervousness while sentiments of love, hope, calmness and optimism support its health. It seems only natural that the body’s spirit is strengthened and unified by love and when we live in love and friendship we are following the Prophet’s way, which is good.
 In the Holy Quran (Poets chapter) God said that to avoid suffering and pain believe that there is only one God and that God is Allah. Belief in God strengthens you, while disbelief weakens you. The Prophet believed in God, his belief was so strong that he devoted his life to God - yet he was also an ordinary man. While his extraordinary commitment to God may seem to set him apart from us, it also offers us a route to follow, a life to model that can bring us closer to God and ensure the entire mankind happiness.

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