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Islamic topics- Articles in Danish Magazine (article 4): Islam Universality Versus Modern Globalization
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Islam universality:

 While both Islam universality and modern globalization seek to unify the world and achieve a common sense of purpose, the spirit behind the actions and the means employed to achieve the same goal are markedly different.
 Islam universality means that Islam is not a religion restricted to Arabs. The Holy Koran does not speak only to people from Mecca or Arabs, its message is directed to people from all walks of life, everywhere. It addresses mankind with a message based on one simple principle - the unity of God who created the universe.
 Islam does not attempt to limit access to a particular group of people, and many Muslims recognize that part of their mission is to help encourage and promote the spread of Islam to every corner of the planet earth, a duty that is referenced in the Holy Koran at least a dozen times.
 It seems that Islamic values sometimes compete and seemingly conflict with society’s trend towards modern globalization. For more than three decades, the media has aggressively promoted the concept of modern globalization, which in many ways seems to be nothing more than a modern expression of the age-old tendency towards domination and the power of an unjust force a recurring theme which has perpetuated throughout history.
 In some ways, the globalization phenomenon can be compared to gold-plated handcuffs or an old poison in a new vase. That is to say, lurking behind the false mask of attractive consumerism and shiny slogans promoting justice, democracy, freedom, global peace, peaceful co-existence and human rights lay moral emptiness and lifestyles devoid of values.
 The alleged globalization phenomenon is characterized by a general merging of ways and blurring of distinctions among different cultures and civilizations. In many ways, it promotes western domination in various fields, including politics, economics, the media and societal values in general, thereby paving the way for the dominating western world to capture and control the wealth of other nations, paralyze their national capabilities, and weaken other nations’ inherent identities and the characteristics of their founding civilizations. In addition, the globalization trend seems to be intent on converting small, local markets throughout the world into massive consumer markets, enabling western-based companies, eager to satisfy consumer demands, to get richer and richer.
 Today, in many countries in the eastern hemisphere, we are bearing witness to the harsh effects of globalization. As countries in the East embrace western customs, fashion and lifestyles there core value systems are beginning to erode. Conflicting values inherent in the western sensibility collide with traditional eastern values, creating chaos and confusion. Lost in the midst of two competing forces, the East’s new generation finds itself thrust into a world where the proliferation of drug abuse, organized crime and dysfunctional families is commonplace, and sound religious and spiritual values continue to lose ground.
 Historically, cultural domination was attained by force but today, this same goal is achieved through globalization, which is a much more subtle tactic, seducing its targets to value and desire materialistic wealth and endless consumerism. Unlike in the past, there is no opposing force, rather the weaker nations readily acquiesceand willingly choose to follow the path and be part of the game. Ultimately, the success of the mission will depend largely on the level of attraction and amount of seduction that these forces can illicit from sh3er.
 The current problem doesn’t lie in the principle of globalization itself, but rather , in its nature, structure and the attributes of current globalization patterns which are dominated by a western mentality. The favoring of monopolies is accelerating the trend towards domination, and double standards that favor the western power- base conflict with more collegial approaches that promote a spirit of partnership and encourages free and fair competition.
 Another troubling reality is that, often, the western mentality focuses on generating profits at any cost, even the cost of human souls.

Difference between Islamic Universality and Western Globalization:

  It is important to distinguish the basis of the universality of Islam and western globalization. The former is based on laws dictated by God, that is, spiritual and religious deterrents encompassed within a mission of love, mercy and justice for all mankind. In contrast, western globalization is directed by humans, it is a means to achieve domination, by following the commands of select masters at all costs, even the wealth and blood of one’s brother.
 Islamic Universality aims to turn the world into a unified universal village where humans have the right to choose, and where justice and charity prevail. It seeks to promote an environment in which mankind can experience mercy, justice and a peaceful coexistence.
 In contrast modern globalization is turning the world into a unified global jungle, in which the strong devour the weak. It promotes an environment in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
 Striving to achieve universality through a just, civilized mission is not a problem. However, when the goal is motivated by a will to dominate, and is founded on principles of greed, selfishness and extortion problems ensue. This then leads to the erosion of high morals and sound ethics and values and reduces individuals to the role chess pawns being ‘used’ by the more powerful to achieve the goals they identify.
 Muslims offer the world a pioneering, civilized approach to achieving universality and unity of purpose. It is an approach based on justice, mercy and coexistence. There are numerous examples of Islam’s moderated and civilized approach to achieving universality. For instance, in Spain, in the middle centuries, westerners were proud to learn Arabic language and study Arabic and Islamic sciences. Students from Oxford and Cambridge were routinely flowing to Cordoba to examine the scientific theories of Muslims in numerous fields - including the Arabic invention of today’s numbers (0, 1, 2...) And a significant amount of astronomy and medical knowledge. At that time Spain (Andalusia) was the ideal model of Islamic Universality through the peaceful co-existence of Muslims, Christians and Jews, all living all freely and happily together.
 In contrast, today’s globalization has no religious or value-based core. It is this wildness and lack of discipline which harbors within it the seeds of failure, because injustice simply never prevails nor lasts.
 A wise man from Rome once said, as he stood on the ruins of Rome, “The first man who contributed to the downfall of the Roman Empire is the one who started giving Romans the spoils and plunders.
 Because He is the one who stimulated the Roman’s appetite to plunder and seek domination. In effect, he did erupt the Satan of selfishness lying behind the Roman’s skin”.
Napoleon said “empires always die of cram for it devours too much land and too many nations”.
 We would do well to consider his comments carefully in today’s context, rather than seeking to blame Islam for all the world’s woes.
 Nonetheless, some of the globalization propagandists continue to position Islam as today’s world’s first enemy.
 Islam, a religion based on mercy, ethics and love has been twisted by media to look like a religion of killing and extremism. The propaganda machine is so powerful that, the minute trouble surfaces anywhere in the world, the first to be blamed is Islam even if there is not a single Muslim in the area.
 Furthermore, there continues to be a common practice to blame Muslims for all terrorist acts, and even if eventually disproved the accusations and blame perpetuate.
 There has been a war waged on the true and just religion of Islam. It is a focus on extremism by the same powers that declared a war on terror. Interestingly, numerous alleged terrorists were once allies of the very powers that declared the war on terror, a fact worthy of further exploration as one tries to differentiate between the values inherent in Islam Universality as to those engendered by globalization.

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