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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat An-Nas (114): Seeking Refuge with Allah - Evil Whispers
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

We should reauthor Al-Falaq and Al-Nas Surahs:

 O gracious brother, the surah of today is An-Nas, and it is the last Surah (chapter) in the Noble Qur'an.
 This Surah and the Surah before it (Al-Falaq) are the two Surahs that the Prophet [p.b.u.h] advised us to reauthor repeatedly and frequently.
 Last lesson, we tackled the Ayahs of Surat Al-Falaq as a refuge when man fears his enemy, feels bad thing would happen soon, or faces hardship or evil people, so he should seek refuge with the Lord of daybreak (Al-Falaq). The Ayahs of today’s Surah (An-Nas) will tackle another direction, in addition to the probabilities of Surat Al Falaq that apply to this Surah too.
 The Prophet [p.b.u.h] was perfect by all standards in regard of his wisdom, his forbearance, his courage, his modesty, his mercy and his kindness towards man and animal, and needless to say that He was a successful father, a skilful leader, sophisticated politician, and he was the big brother of all the believers (the faithful).
 How did He gain all these good and unique manners and characteristics? Allah, the Great and Almighty, has described him with a unique description, Allah said:

“And verily, you (O Muhammad [p.b.u.]) are on an exalted (standard of) character.”


 And Allah, not even once has sworn by the life of a prophet except for Muhammad PBUH, Allah said:

"By your life (O Muhammad [p.b.u.h]), in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly.”


All the good comes from seeking refuge with Allah:

 Allah has never addressed the Prophet [p.b.u.h] but with His Sayings: O Prophet, and O Messenger, and there are clear proofs in the Qur'an show the greatness of this Prophet [p.b.u.h], and one might ask: “where did this greatness come from? Where did this great character come from? The answer is in Allah’s saying:

“Say: "I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind”


 I am like this because I sought refuge with the Lord of mankind, this great character, this shining soul, this brilliant mind and best attributes of the Prophet were derived from Allah the Exalted and Glorious, through his strong relation with Allah, and through seeking refuge with Him.
 The past tense of the word " a'ouoth ( I seek refuge with), is a'dha (I sought refuge with), its infinitive is al-e'ia'th or al-awuth (seeking refuge with) which is the reason behind every honoring (virtue).
 All these characters of the Prophet PBUH should turn into a path for every seeker of Allah the Almighty, so whoever seeks a great character and maqam mahmoud (a station of praise and glory), whoever seeks eternal happiness, and wants to be forbearing, gracious, noble, modest, brave, helpful, wise, and intelligent, should connect to Allah the Great and Almighty.
 No wonder, as the Prophet PBUH said:

"My Lord has reared me, and He reared me well"

(The Workers' Treasure, from Ibn Mas'oud)

Quran Ayahs indicate Prophet’s Greatness:

 I explained when I was interpreting Surat al Falaq last meeting that if you fear an evil creature, if you fear adversities and the like, or if you fear to have a disease or deadly germ, or if you fear an overpowering enemy, you should reauthor "I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of daybreak".
 This exactly what we need nowadays, that is a great character, loftiness, committing to principles, and this is the indescribable happiness.
 When the companions felt all that when they were with the Prophet PBUH He said to them:

“If you stayed that way (the way you are when you attend my session) all of the time, angles would have shaken your hands, and would have visited you in your houses”

 Who amongst us who doesn't like the Prophetic characters? Who can stop himself from crying, if he is truthful, when he visits the Prophetic sanctuary and stands before the tomb of the Prophet? What does make you love him though you haven't ever seen him?! Isn't it because He is of a great character? Isn't it because his mercy was sufficient for all his umma (nation, people)? Isn't it because he is the Prophet of this Umma? Isn’t because his behavior corresponded with his words? Aren’t some stands of His, enough to be a testimony of His character! In the journey of Al Umrah (voluntary short pilgrimage that can be performed at any time of the year) that ended up in Al-Hudaibya, the mounts (animals for riding, horse, camel, mules...etc) were just three hundreds, and the Companions were more than one thousand, what can one do in this situation?! the leader of that army was the Prophet PBUH himself who said: let every three men take turns in riding a mount (animal), I and Ali and Abu Lubabah will take turns (riding) one animal, when it was His turn to walk, his two companions said to him: O Allah's Messenger, stay riding, but the Prophet said:

“I am not less than you in needing the reward, and you are not stronger than me in walking!”

 It was also narrated that he was, once, in a journey when he ordered his companions to cook an ewe. A man volunteered to slaughter it, another volunteered to skin it, and a third volunteered to cook it. The Prophet (s) volunteered to gather firewood. Whe n his companions told that they would do that mission instead of him, he answered: “I know you can do it, but I do not like to be distinguished. Allah dislikes seeing His servant distinguish himself from his companions."
 Allah said:

“ And verily, you (O Muhammad [p.b.u.]) are on an exalted (standard of ) character.”


 What is this modesty? He entered Mecca lowering his head, in a modest way for Allah.

Prophet’s manners towards His wives and companions:

 Narrated Abu Saied Al-Khudri: when Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) gave some of these loot to Quraish and other Arab tribes, and Al-Ansar received nothing from them,they felt sad, and some news (gossip)went around about that, till one of them said: The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) has met his people (i.e. preferred them to us and forgot us), then Saad ibn Obada came to him and said: O Allah's Apostle, this group are sad about what you have done in the loot where you give your people (tribe of Quraish) and you gave numerously other Arab tribes but you didn't give anything for this people of Al-Ansar. The Prophet said: And what did you do (what was your attitude),Saad?. He said: O Allah's Apostle, I am just one of them, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: gather your people in this place, and Saad gathered them in that place, then some of Al-Muhajirun (the Migrants: the Companions who are the people of Mecca(and other places) who emigrated to Medina) came and he allowed them to enter and some came after them but he didn't allow them, when they assembled there, Saad came and said: those people of Al-Ansar have assembled, Allah's Apostle came to them and praised Allah and glorified Him duly, then he said: O Ansar, what I have heard about you, and about your sadness, didn't I come to you and you were astray then Allah guided you, and you were poor and Allah enriched you, and you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, they said: by the Bounty and Grace of Allah and His Messenger. Then he said: do not you answer me? They said: by what we answer you O Allah's Apostle, and the bounty and grace are just of Allah and His Messenger? He said: by Allah, if you say, you will be true and will be believed; you came accused of lying to us and we believed in you, and you came to us forsaken and we supported you, and you came refugee to us and we sheltered you, and you came poor and we enriched you, did you feel sad for any trifle thing of the worldly life that I reconciled their hearts to be Muslims and I entrusted you to your faith, do not you accept that the people return with the sheep and camel (i.e. money) and you go back with Allah's Apostle to your home, By He whom Muhammad's soul (life) in His Hand (Allah) except for the emigration I would be one of Al-Ansar, and I people take a defile (way) and Al-Ansar take (another ) way I will take theirs, O Allah have mercy on Al-Ansar, and sons of Al-Ansar and grandsons of Al-Ansar, he said (Saad): then they wept (bitterly) till they wet their beards and said: We are pleased with Allah's Apostle, in his distribution, then Allah's Apostle went back and we left ”


 What is this wise attitude? How did he unite their hearts, and make them agreed upon him, and how did He remove their pains? How did He make all of them pleased?! How did He honor them? What is this great character? It is his way with his chaste wives, and with all his Companions, as every Companion used to think that he is the nearest (beloved) one to him.
 He appreciated his Companions, he said to one of them (Saad ibn Abi Waqqas): Shoot an arrow, may my father and mother be a sacrifice for you. And he used to say whenever he comes to him: This is my uncle; show me an uncle like mine.
 And he said about Abu Bakr:

“There shall be on open window in the mosque except for Abu Bakr's window. I haven't ever invited one to Islam (to embrace Islam) but he was hesitated except for my brother Abu Bakr”

 And he said about him:

“The sun doesn’t rises, after a prophet, on a man better than Abu Bakr, he didn't ever harm me, so keep that for him”

 And he said also:

“I competed with Abu Bakr and we were like those ( two fingers).”

 He appreciated Abu Bakr that much.

Prophet appreciated His companions out of Greatness:

 The Prophet PBUH said about Umar:

“If there will be a prophet after me, he will be Umar”

 And he said too:

“By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if Satan would encounter you in the way he would certainly take a different way from that of yours.”

 And about our master Uthman, he said:

A'isha reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was lying in the bed in my apartment with his thigh or his shank uncovered that Abu Bakr sought permission to get in. It was given to him and he conversed in the same very state (the Prophet's thigh or shank uncovered). Then 'Umar sought permission for getting in and it was given to him and he conversed in that very state. Then 'Uthman sought permission for getting in; Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sat down and he set right his clothes. He ('Uthman) then entered and conversed and as he went out, A'isha said: Abu Bakr entered and you did not stir and did not observe much care (in arranging your clothes), then 'Umar entered and you did not stir and did not arrange your clothes, then 'Uthman entered and you got up and set your clothes right, thereupon he said: Should I not show modesty to one whom even the Angels show modesty to.”


 And about our master Ali, he said:
 “I am the city of Al-Elm (Knowledge) and Ali is its gate” And about Abu Ubaida, he said:
 Anas reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:

“For every Umma there is a man of trust and the man of trust of this Umma is Abu 'Ubaida b. Jarrah.”

(Agreed Upon)

 And he said about Khalid:

“How excellent a slave of Allah Khalid ibn Al-Walid, he is one Sword of Allah's Swords.”


 The Prophet gave every Companion the complete appreciation that he deserves, and he described him accurately, what is this great character?! What are these high qualities? From where did he obtain all of this?

“Say:"I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind”


 He obtained all that by seeking Allah's Help, connecting with Him, and deriving His attributes from Allah’s Perfection and Glorified Names, Allah said:

“Say:"I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind”

Mentioning mankind in this Surah was out of honor:

 The description of the Prophet’s attributes, and the secret behind His greatness is the path for you to be great of that kind of greatness, so do you want to be really a merciful person? There are people who pretend to be merciful yet their hearts are ruthless like a stone, and there are people who judge fairly just for the sake of showing off, but when they are alone they never judge fairly.
 Therefore, if you want to be a man of morals for real, then your morals should be out of faith, not cleverness, so this is the way to connect with Allah the Great and Almighty, Allah said:

“Say:"I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind, The King of mankind The Ilah (God) of mankind, From the evil of the whisperer (devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws (from his whispering in one's heart after one remembers Allah). Who whispers in the breasts of mankind. Of jinn and men."


 The Lord of mankind, the King of mankind and the Ilah (God) of mankind are combined in His Saying:

“Such is Allah your Lord. His is the kingdom. La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turned away?”

(Az-Zumar, from verse 6)

 And He said:

“(He Alone is ) the Lord of the east and the west; La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). So take Him Alone as Wakil (Disposer of your affairs).”


 We have three questions to be asked: why the Lord of mankind, though He is the Lord of Al-'Alamin (all the worlds, mankind, jinn and all that exists)? And why the King of mankind and He is the Possessor of the kingdom of heavens and earth? And why Ilah (God) of mankind though He is Ilah of Al-'Alamin?
 The answer for all these questions is that this specification is to honor mankind.

Allah knows mankind because He is the Lord of worlds:

 However, why the repetition? The repetition is for affirmation (to this honoring), so what does the Lord, the King, the Ilah (God) of mankind mean?
 The Lord, our gracious brother, means (Al-Murabbi) [the one who reared] and the meaning of Lordship cannot be clear but if we give an example: if a farmer plants a planting then he has to water it, to fertilize it, and if it is invaded with a disease, he has to use insecticides.
 He should also know the plant’s behavior, does it like the sunny or the dull weather? Does it like shadow? Should it be watered once a week, twice a week, or every day? All of this should be a knowledge obtained by he who grows a plant (like rearing a person).
 What does rearing need? It needs knowledge, as no one raises a thing but he should have knowledge about the nature of what he is raising, namely, what does he/she need? What affects him/her? How to overcome those effects?
 And because Allah is Rabb (Lord) of Al-'Alamin (worlds), He is All-Knowing and All-Aware (All-Acquainted with His creatures) there is a subtle difference between knowledge and acquaintance, as you might be knowledgeable about something but you cannot predict what is going to happen next.
 You can manufacture a device, for example, but you do not know its weaknesses points, which appear by using it, and only then you can avoid them, and this is what is called experience and acquaintance, which is by definition: facts obtained from long experiences.
 However, Allah's Knowledge and Experience are Eternal, the Lord of Al-'Alamin is Knowledgeable, and All-Aware in regard of human’s soul, He is All- Powerful, All-Rich, and All-Wise.
Consider this example, if you water a plant forcing water strongly towards it, you might break it, and you might say: it needs to be watered! Well, yes it needs that but gently.
 The raiser should be wise, aware, and knowledgeable about what he raises, with a continuous supervision. If he travels for few days, he might find the plant dead when he returns! Because he was absent for a while, so the continuous supervision, richness, power, wisdom, knowledge and expertise are some attributes that should be available in the raiser, and when you reauthor:

“Say:"I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind”

 So the Lord of mankind is He Who supplies them with their needs, so because you need to breathe air, Allah, wisely, created a constant ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide in the air, and there will be imbalance in the nature when the proportion of one gas exceeds the proportion of the other, as everything on earth will burn if oxygen increases, and every creature will suffocate if carbon dioxide increases, but these proportions are steady because Allah created the plants and gave them the capability of supplying us with Oxygen in the morning and breathing carbon dioxide.

Some of Allah’s uncountable graces to mankind:

 Allah provided us with air and water which has no taste, color, or odor, and it begins to vaporize at fourteen degrees centigrade, and its density decreases when it freezes (because it expands when it reaches 4 degrees centigrade), but if water was like other elements on the earth which contracts when it freezes and its density increases in the process, then there will be no life on earth.
 Allah created water and air with constant proportions (ratios), there is the drinkable fresh water, and the salty and bitter waters, and He turns water of sea into sweet water through rain.
Some of Arab countries have desalination stations, every cubic meter of water costs three riyals, and it yet cannot be potable until it is mixed with the water of wells.
 He supplies us with water and plants, and if not for plants, man wouldn't have lived on the earth.
 You should reflect on the various kinds of plants, of crops, vegetables, some in winter, some in spring, some in summer, and some in autumn and crops to be harvested as it is the main food of man.
 Look at the trees, you benefit from their fruits, shadows, trunks, leaves, and flowers, and He (Allah) provided us with many kinds of animals, Allah said:

“Do they not see that We have created for them of what Our Hands have created the cattle, so that they are their owners.”


 Look at a child steering a camel, then reauthor (remember) this Ayah:

“And we have subdued them unto them so that some of them they have for riding and some they eat.”


 But the scorpion or snake are not domesticated for man and when one sees a scorpion, he/she jumps up screaming out of his/her fear, and there are many kinds of animals, ones we ride, ones we eat, ones we can benefit from their skins, some guard us (for example dogs), and some are created to clean the environment, and many other kinds that are only known by Allah.
Also, there are many kinds of fishes, some for eating, some are ornamental fish, some are transparent, some are dark black in color, some are flat, some have wings, there are the whales that we can benefit from its livers, and there are small fishes...etc, so why all these kinds of animals were created?!

Mankind’s needs that are bestowed by Allah:

 What is the meaning of Rabb (Lord) of Al-'Alamin (worlds)? It means He Who supplies us with everything that we have, He has created mountains which are water reservoirs, windbreaks, and they work as pegs for the earth, Allah said:

“And We have placed therein firm and tall mountains”

(Al-Mursalat, from verse 27)

 Allah also created the valleys where you can find cheap houses in these regions!
 In these places there is a protected environment where you can grow vegetables and gain good money, also there are plains and fertile oasis as well, all of which we can benefit from.
He supplies us with them! He has subjected the sun to us, if its heat goes off suddenly, the life will disappear from the earth which will turn into a glacial planet, He supplied us with the moon and seas (oceans) in order to alleviate the climate, and if not for the water on the earth, the temperature of the places exposed to the sun would have reached two hundred and fifty degrees, and of those in shadow would have been two hundred and fifty degrees below zero! This scenario is similar to the situation on the moon. When the astronauts were on the sunny side of the moon, the temperature was two hundred and fifty, while on the dark side it was two hundred and fifty degrees below zero, why is that?
 It is because air and water, which alleviate the climate on earth, do not exist on the moon.
 Allah also has supplied us with rivers and lakes.
 One of the meanings of the word “Lord” (Rabb) is the Supplier, and the Supplier means the All-Knowing, All-Acquainted (All-Aware), All-Wise, All- Powerful, All-Rich, and under whom is everything’s supervision all the time.
 You say in the prayer: All the praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin. By Allah, The Oneness, it takes ages speaking about Allah’s attributes and all the graces He bestowed us.

The fetus indicates the Greatness of Allah:

 If you consider the fetus in his mother's womb, and ask, how is it fed? Who created the placenta through which it feeds, and receives blood? The scientists found that the placenta contains hormones that supervise the internal systems of the fetus, which is considered as a brain, spinal cord, liver, filtering system, heart, lungs and food reserve. Who did form the fetus in his mother's womb?
 What is the cause behind birthmarks? It is an indication of the fetus’s needs. If it needs potassium, for example, its mother craves for a specific food that contains potassium. This phenomenon has bewildered the scientists, and the pregnant woman, in whole, is an incredible human’s situation.
 The fetus can’t speak out and ask for food, so Allah the Almighty makes the mother craves for the fetus’s need as long as she is pregnant, and when she eats it, it goes immediately to the fetus.
 As soon as the fetus is born, a clot of blood closes the hole that is between the auricles. The lungs of the fetus do not work inside its mother's womb, and the question to be asked is: how does its blood be filtered? The answer is: through the placenta, and knowing that the small circulation (of blood) starts from the left auricle and ends in the right one in a closed circulation, it was discovered by a scientist, called, Botal, that there is a hole between the two auricle,(which was called after his name) through which blood passes from one auricle to another, and as long as the fetus is in the womb, the route to lungs is closed, and lungs don't work as a result. At the moment of baby's birth, a clot closes this hole, so the blood shifts to lungs, and the infant can breathe air. If this hole doesn’t close naturally, the infant will need an operation, which costs from 70-80 thousand pounds, and the chance of success is 30 percent.
 During the operation, the veins and arteries of the fetus’s heart are linked to an artificial heart in order to open its heart and close the hole by sewing it, then close the heart, and after all of that, the heart might or might not beat again! It is Allah’s hand that is closing this hole and if it isn’t closed, the baby will not be strong enough to walk more than three meters then he falls down! That is because blood chooses the short route, this is a rare disease called "Cyanosis" and the sick baby dies often in his thirteen or more and the daughter of a friend of mine died because of this disease.
 Therefore, who raises the fetus in his mother's womb? When it comes to this world, it is fed on well measured nursing meals (his mother's milk) that are not the same each time the enfant nurses (as the milk composition changes according to the infant needs)! Needless to say that mother’s milk is warm in winter, cold in summer, completely sterilized, it contains the immunity of the mother, and it can be digested in less than one hour, Allah said:

“Have We not made for him two eyes. And a tongue and two lips? And shown him the two ways (good and evil)?”


 According to some interpretations “show him the two ways” indicates the breasts of the mother.

Seeking refuge with Allah is a sign of rationalism:

 Allah said:

“Say:"I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind”

 This Great Lord, Who supplies man with al what he/she needs, is He alone Who deserves that one seeks refuge with, and asks His Protection and Help, not to seek refuge with a human, as human is weak and isn't able to protect himself rather than protecting sh3er.
 Therefore, the wisest one amongst us seeks refuge with Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, and the one who lacks wisdom seeks refuge with other than Allah.
"And no creature holds (firmly) to Me without any one of My creation, knowing that from his intention, then if all the habitants of the heavens and earth plot against him, I will make an escape for him from that, and no one holds to a creature instead of Me, knowing this from his intention, but I will make the earth (ground) loose under his feet, and will cut (close) all ways of heaven before him"
 So you should seek refuge just with the Lord of mankind, the Prophet [p.b.u.h] said:

“O Allah! To you alone I complain of my weakness, of my scarcity of resources and the humiliation I have been subjected to by the people. O Most Merciful of those who have mercy! You are the Lord of the weak and You are my Lord too. To whom have you entrusted me? To a distant person who receives me with hostility? Or to an enemy to whom you have granted authority over my affair? But as long as you are not angry with me I do not care, except that Your favor is a more expansive relief to me”


 In every situation in your life you have to determine where you are standing, do you seek refuge with Allah when you fear a creature? Do you ask Him to protect you?
 If you want to be the most powerful man, then have trust in Allah, and if you want to be the most honorable one, fear Allah, and if you want to be the richest one, so be more trustful in what is in Allah's Hand more than your trust in what is in your hand, Allah said:

“Say:"I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind”

Allah is Lord and King:

 One more thing, every part in your body needs specific materials. It is well-known that the hardest material on earth is diamond, because it is a clear carbon exposed to a very high pressures and temperature more than five thousand degrees, which turned it into diamond. The second hardest material is the enamel, because of the existence of chlorine, which its lack threatens the safety of teeth. Who supplies this material? The chlorine is very important and it is added sometimes to water to protect your teeth. The thyroid gland needs Iodine to play the most serious role in human body that is metabolism, which turns food into energy. A man in his best shape of energy indicates that his thyroid gland is at its peak of activity, and Iodine is the element that helps this gland to perform metabolism and turns food into energy. Iodine is found in fish and sea food in general. The pancreas needs insulin, Who supplies this element in our foods? Again, what is the meaning of Rabb (Lord)? One of its meanings is the Supplier, He supplies thyroid with iodine, pancreas with insulin, teeth with chlorine, bones with calcium, nerves with phosphor, and blood with iron.
 Who supplies us with food that contains minerals? Lentil and apples are rich with iron, so, our Lord the Great and Almighty, is the Rabb (Lord) the Supplier, hence, when you are in hardship (misfortune, ordeal, disease...etc) say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, and do not say: with my friend and nephew! It is Shirk to seek refuge with other than Allah, and then Allah said:

"The King of mankind”

 Some scholars said; Mlek (king) means who rules but doesn't own, and Malek is he who owns but doesn't rule.
 Allah is Mlek and Malek (King and Owner), and some said: Mlek means who owns the wise (rational) people, he orders and forbids them, while Malek means who owns things, however, mlek (king), by its widest meaning, means: Allah Who owns your hearing, sight, mind and heart, and if we have to ask the following question: Who owns your enemy? The answer would be: Allah the Great and Almighty, and Malek means, He has the complete freedom to do whatever He wills in His Kingdom.
 In Allah’s kingdom, the creature cannot move but according to Allah's Commandment, He restricts, if He wills, and releases, if He wills also, He gives and He denies whenever He wills, the keys of all affairs are in His Hand,

The meaning of Lord and King:

 Consider this example, Only the manager in a company of eighty employees can sign for you by “approved” or “not approved”, and by considering this example we can understand that Allah owns everything, such as your senses, your body's organs, your wife, your enemies, your friends, your neighbors, and the powers of nature as some people might call them. Who owns the winds? Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, if He wills, He turns it to hurricanes and twisters with speed of eight hundred kilometers per hour that is capable of destroying everything.
 There are hurricanes (or cyclones) in America, which do not leave anything in a city (that they hit). Who owns the rain? Allah the Exalted and Glorious, in droughts such like the one that hits Africa, it didn’t rain for seven years, and I have heartbreaking photos of it! The Euphrates, was flooding in the past, destroying villages and crops, but it is now like Barada (a small river passes through Damascus) Who owns water? Who owns the rotation of the earth around itself? Allah the Exalted and Glorious!
 Malek means that He owns everything.
 If one looks at himself in the mirror, and sees that his eyes are big and beautiful, and he says: how beautiful these eyes are! He is a fool if he doesn't praise and thank Allah for this gift, because Allah is the Owner of his eyes! And he becomes blind if Allah takes their light, and He is the Owner of hearing and strength, you see how a healthy and strong man becomes paralyzed suddenly, in the Prophetic supplication

"O Allah, let us enjoy our hearing, and sight and strength as long as we live, and keep them intact when we are old”

(At-Termidhi, from Ibn Umar)

 Who owns this mind? Allah the Exalted and Glorious! If this mind is disturbed, his family will not hastate to put him in mad house, because they get afraid of him, even though he is their father who built their house, and who used to have certificates of high scientific degrees, yet they become no longer able to see him with them, and he is now a heavy burden!
 There is a story of a person who is certified in Geology, and who returned to his home country with his French wife, and was assigned to a high position, and was given many houses and cars, but suddenly, he lost his sight! A friend of mine visited him, he said to me: he says: By Allah, I wish I sit at the pavement (sidewalk) and beg people for money, and own nothing in this world except what I wear, but Allah returns my sight to me, who is the Owner of sight? Losing the sight doesn't mean that he is weak in faith, on the contrary, may be he is a strong believer, if you reflect carefully on At-Tauhid (Islamic monotheism) you will find that the sight is a grace and losing it is a grace either.
 Narrated Anas bin Malik:

“I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Allah said, 'If I deprive my slave of his two beloved things (i.e., his eyes) and he remains patient, I will let him enter Paradise in compensation for them.'"


 Everything that moves is in the hand of Allah:
 Then Allah said:

"The Ilah (God) of mankind”

 The Ilah (god) is He Who guides everything in this world. The movement of Galaxies, the earth, the sun, and the heart are in His hand.
 The Guider means the movement of everything is in Allah's Hand, Allah said:

“Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Wakil (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian) over all things.”


 Hereinafter a group of As7adeth (or Hadiths) and Ayahs in regard of this:

Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said: One day, I was riding behind the Prophet (PBUH) when he said, "O boy! I will instruct you in some matters. Be watchful of Allah (Commandments of Allah), He will preserve you. Safeguard His Rights, He will be ever with you. If you beg, beg of Him Alone; and if you need assistance, supplicate to Allah Alone for help. And remember that if all the people gather to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except that which Allah had foreordained (for you); and if all of them gather to do harm to you, they will not be able to afflict you with anything other than that which Allah had pre-destined against you. The pens had been lifted and the ink had dried up".


Ibn Ad-Dailami reported: I came to Ubai bin Ka'b and said to him: something about fate came to mind, so tell me something (about it) that may Allah remove it from my heart, he said: if Allah punishes all the inhabitants of His heavens and earth, He punishes them and He is not oppressing them, and if He shows them His Mercy, His Mercy would be better for them than their deeds, and if you give gold like Uhod (a mountain near Medina) in Allah's Cause, Allah will not accept it until you believe in fate, and till you know that which you miss, was not to hit you; and what hits you, was never to miss you, and if you die on other than this (belief), you would enter the Fire (Hell ), then he (Ibn Ad-Dailami) said: I came to Abdullah ibn Mas'oud and said like this, then I came to Hudaifa ibn Al-Yaman and said like this, then I came to Zaid ibn Thabet and told me (something) like this from the Prophet [p.b.u.h]”

(Abu Dawuud)

Quranic Ayahs confirm that the will is in Allah’s hand:

 Allah said on the tongue of the Prophet Hud, addressing his people:

”He said: " I call Allah to witness and bear you witness that I am free from that which you ascribe as partners in worship, With Him (Allah). So plot against me, all of you, and give me no respite.”

(Hud, 54-55)

 And Allah said:

“His people disputed with him. He said: "Do you dispute with me concerning Allah while He has guided me, and I fear not those whom you associate with Him(Allah) in worship. (Nothing can happen to me) except when my Lord (Allah) wills something. My Lord comprehends in His Knowledge all things. Will you not then remember?
And how should I fear those whom you associate in worship with Allah) (though they not benefit nor harm), while you fear not that you have joined in worship with Allah things for which He has not sent down to you any authority.(So) which of the two parties has more right to be in security? If you but know."

(Al-An'am, 81-82)

 The will is in Allah's Hand, if He wills that this thing hits me, it will hit me, this frightening thing is in Allah's Hand, if Allah wills that it reaches me, it reaches me so I fear it, and if He wills that it doesn't reach me, it will not harm me, so I don't fear it, hence the Mowahhidon (who follows At-Tauhid) said: the snake or scorpion bites only when Allah wills them to, Allah said:

”And I fear not those whom you associate with Him(Allah) in worship.(Nothing can happen to me) except when my Lord (Allah) wills something. My Lord comprehends in His Knowledge all things. Will you not then remember?”

(Al-An'am, from verse 80)

There are three sources of Evil Whispers on earth:

 Then Allah said:

"From the evil of the whisperer (devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws (from his whispering in one's heart after one remembers Allah).”

 Some interpreters said: the cause of all evil things on earth is the devil's whispers, and there are three sources of whispering, the first as Allah said:

“And indeed We have created man, and We k now what his ownself whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge).”


 A human who is distant from Allah is inclined to evil, an inner source, and there is a whisper by the devils of mankind and jinn, and these are the three sources,

Devils of mankind drag to Al haram through whispering:

 But our Lord the Great and Almighty, said:

“And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies __Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinn, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it; so leave them alone with their fabrications.”


 The devils of mankind say to you: where did you put your money? In your house! May Allah forgive you, deposit it in a bank to gain interests! Whoever whispers like this is a devil of mankind.
 He might say, for example: there is party held in so-and so hotel, where you can feast you eyes on beautiful women, a person who says so is a devil as well.
He who invites (encourages) you to commit sins such as mingling with women, drinking wine, eating usury, taking unlawful money, or stealing, is a devil and he/she tries to sooth it by saying: all people do like this! Those are considered as devils of mankind.
 There are many (forbidden) activities that the devils of mankind practice; those who backbite and make defamatory, those who work as pimps and facilitate pornography, those who run cinemas or shops to sell illegal videotapes, and those who perform illegal activities such as prostitution and gambling, therefore, every invitation to practice any thing that Allah is unpleased with, is a whispering from the devils of mankind, and the Prophet (p.b.u.h) forbids to listen to the devils of mankind, he said:

“We seek refuge with Allah from the devils of men and jinn, Abu Dhar said: O Allah's Apostle ! are there devils of men?! He said: Yes, they are eviler than the devils of jinn".

 And he who persuades you to commit any sin, facilitates it for you, and presents it in a convincible way, is actually a devil of mankind.
 This whisperer has a distinctive quality by which he drags man’s leg, Allah said:

“I seek refuge with Allah from the Shaytan (devil)”

The nature of Satan (devil):

 The important thing in this subject is that the whisperer who drags your leg towards sins retreats when you remember Allah, the Prophet said:

"The Shaytan (devil) perches on the heart of son of Adam ( man), so when he remembers Allah, the Exalted, he (devil) withdraws, and when he forgets (Allah), he whispers"

 When one is indulged in the whispers of devil, this means that he is negligent of Allah, whereas, he who is ready and awake against these whispers, will be on the safe side.
 When one says to his son: go to the party, and do not mind, get to know people, and experience life, and get to know sin in order to avoid it, all that are whispers of devil of mankind!! It might seems that this father is logically spinning it as if he is saying "go into the battle of life and find out about it" but it is a stupid thing to do. Another thing, Allah said:

“(Their allies deceived them) like Shaytan (Satan), when he says to man:"Disbelieve in Allah". But when (man) disbelieves in Allah, Shaytan says: I am free of you, I fear Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists).”


 And Allah said about him (Satan):

“And Shaytan (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided:" Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you and you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allah (by obeying me in the life of the world).Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zalimun( polytheists and wrong –doers).”


Actions that are considered from Devil’s whispers:

 Sometimes, Satan whispers reminding you of things happened in the past, as reminding you of a journey that took place five years ago in details, or a fight between you and your cousin that happened ten years ago, as he reminds you of this incident and the way he challenged you, and what you said to him. All of this take place in your prayer. Sometimes, he whispers to you about future projects, such as "you will have a shop, you will buy car, you will own a house …etc”, all of this happen in the prayer, he buys, builds, and plants in his prayer!! Then he forgets his own prayer’s details, did he stand or sit? He has no idea, and he might say: " I testify that there is no god but Allah”, while he is standing instead of in sitting!
 He whispers about the present things as well, he whispers to him/her about sins: do this, look at that, do not miss this sight, and when a woman passes by, he (devil) says to him: feast your eyes on her beauty, as she might be your future wife! Therefore, Satan comes to man/woman through his/her thoughts and virtues. Forgetting also is another issue, Allah said:

”And if Shaytan (Satan) causes you to forget, then after remembrance sit not you in the company of those people who are the Zalimun ( polytheists and wrong- doers)”

(Al-An'am, from verse 68)

 He makes you forget to perform the good deeds, like when one promises his sister, for example, to give her one hundred pounds every month, but whenever the time comes, he forgets to fulfill the promise, the devil makes him forgets it, and when a student has a class, the devil says to him: stay where you are, the teacher will not come now, but when he goes to his class, he finds that it is almost finished, so the forgetting is caused by devil.
 The drowsiness is from (caused by) the devil, it was said: drowsiness during the lesson of Elm (science of religion) is caused by devil, person drowse and yawn, but when the lesson ends, he feels energetic and wakes up till midnight! Fear is caused by devil too.
 Allah said:

“It is only Shaitan (Satan) that suggests to you the fear of his Auliya' (supporters and friends ) so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers.”


Bad guys whisper, whereas good guys inspire:

 All of this, is from devil, he doesn’t have the authority over mankind, however, the meaning opposite to whisper, is inspiration, therefore, the believer is inspired, whereas the negligent is whispered to by devil, Allah said:

“Allah is the Wali (Protector or Guardian) of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light. But as for those who disbelieve, their Auliya (supporters and helpers) are Taghut (false deities and false leaders), they bring them out from light into darkness. Those are the dwellers of the Fire, and they will abide therein forever.”


 That man was religious and upright, but he has strayed, and this woman was pious, but she has strayed and removed Hijab, and that other person used to eat Halal money, but he has strayed and starts eating Haram now, Allah said:

“And We inspired the mother of Musa(Moses): [telling]: "Suckle him (Musa)”

( Al-Qasas, from verse 7)

 And He said too:

“And your Lord inspired the bees, saying:" Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect.”


 This is an inspiration, as you find the believer is rightfully guided, and we have a clear scientific difference between these two cases, whispering and inspiration.
 If you have ideas and thoughts about all what the Qur'an and the Prophetic sunnah ordered you, then they are from angel, and if you have ideas and thought about all what the Qur'an and the Prophetic sunnah forbidden you, then they are from devil. Therefore, the standard is the Qur'an and Sunnah, and there is no other standard.
 All actions that are in harmony with them are an inspiration, and all actions that are in contrast with them are whispering from devil.

Unlike the believer, hypocrite goes along with devil:

 One more thing, the believer doesn't go along with the whispers of the devil, who rarely whispers to him/her, the proof is Allah's Saying:

“Verily, those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious), when an evil thought comes to them from Shaitan (Satan), they remember (Allah), and( indeed ) they then see (aright).”


 However, hypocrite goes along with the whispers to the end, whereas the believer says when he/she feels devilish whispers: I seek refuge with Allah from the Shaitan (Satan) the accursed.
Then Allah said:

"Who whispers in the breasts of mankind”

“Jabir ibn Abdullah reported that he heard the Prophet (p.b.u.h) says: when man enters his house then he remembers Allah at his entrance and on his food, Satan says: you (devils) have no way (chance) to stay (in the house), nor to eat (with him from his food), and if he enters and he does not remember Allah at his entrance, Satan says: you have chance to stay, and if he doesn't remember Allah on his food, Satan says: you have chance to stay and eat."


 You find that one who didn't remember Allah when he enters his house and didn’t say Al Salam (saying: As-Salamu Alaikum [peace be upon you]), will have argues of all kind with his family all night along, and you find them eating, yet they never reach fullness! One should greet when he enters his house, to expel devils from the house.

A summary of Surat Al Nas:

 Then Allah said:

"Of jinn and men."


 Now, the devils of mankind who are evil companions, devil’s entourage, those who make defamatory, those who facilitate lusts, those who encourage people towards usury, those who invite sh3er to adultery of all kinds, those who hold tables for gambling and drinking wine, and mingling with women and all kinds of sins, not to mention selling all these sins in best ways of persuasion, those are the devils of mankind, this Surah becomes, as a whole:

“Say:"I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind, The King of mankind The Ilah (God) of mankind, From the evil of the whisperer (devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws (from his whispering in one's heart after one remembers Allah). Who whispers in the breasts of mankind Of jinn and men."


 Now we know what the Rabb (Lord), the King, and Ilah of mankind mean, so just say: I seek refuge with Allah, and the devil of Jinn and mankind will retreat from his evil whispering.

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