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Islamic Education- The Knowledge of Hearts - Lesson (47-54): Prophetic Ahadeeth Which Start with "The Likeness of the Believer…"
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

The believer is like a bee, for he chooses the best and gives sh3er the best as well:

 The Prophet PBUH said:

((The believer is like a bee which eats that which is pure and wholesome and lays that which is pure and wholesome. When it lands on something it does not break or ruin it.))

[Al-Baihaqi in Shu'ab Al-Iman, on the authority of Ibn Amr]

 A scholar said, "These are the noble traits of the believer; he maintains his own affairs, he donates his money without being asked, he is satisfied with little provision, he never does harm to anyone if he attends an assembly, he is always taken at face value by sh3er and he is honest even if sh3er try to utilize him." The Prophet PBUH described the believer as follows:

((The believer is like a bee which eats that which is pure and wholesome and lays that which is pure and wholesome. When it lands on something it does not break or ruin it.))

 The believer is tested with calamities, yet he remains patient:

((Narrated Abu Hurairah: Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said, "The example of a believer is that of a fresh tender plant; from whatever direction the wind comes, it bends it, but when the wind becomes quiet, it becomes straight again. Similarly, a believer is afflicted with calamities (but he remains patient till Allah removes his difficulties.) And an impious wicked person is like a pine tree which keeps hard and straight till Allah cuts (breaks) it down when He wishes."))

[AlBukhari and Muslim, on the authority of Ka'b bin Malik]

 The fresh tender plant is the new one which is flexible enough to lean without getting broken when it faces sever wind. In this sense, the believer is similar to it. In other words, when calamities befall the believer, he is affected, so he leans while facing them, and then he leans to the other side if other calamities befall him. However, he remains patient and steadfast without being broken due to the Divine Mercy and Providence that surround him.

 This is the likeness of the believer when Allah tries him with calamities and hardship in the worldly life; he resorts to Allah in his complain, and then he stands erect. Sometimes he complains to people (out of pain) against the trouble he is in, but he regrets it, and he asks Allah for His forgiveness, so calamities bring him closer to Allah the Almighty.

 The believer is tried by Allah, but he gains success at the end with flying colors, and he survives the hardship, so the worldly life for him is the way that leads him to Paradise, prosperity and happiness, and even though he faces calamities, trials and hardship, he remains strong.

The rich and the powerful need patience more than the poor and the weak do:

 The Prophet PBUH also said:

((A believer is like a spike of wheat. When strong wind hits him sometimes he stands up and sometimes he sits down.))

[Ahmad, on the authority of Jabir]

 This is the likeness of the one who is afflicted with hardship and diseases, for he is more prone to perils than the first kind of believers. Man sometimes might fall if he is afflicted with a calamity, unlike the fresh tender plant which will not fall due to its flexibility and thinness. Unlike this tender plant, the spike of wheat is harder and bigger so it might get broken.

 The poor believer is like the fresh tender plant, he gains the reward, because of the hardship he is afflicted with, and because of lacking money, but the rich believer is like the spike of wheat which is heavy and hard, and so wind hits it more than the sh3er.

 Bear in mind, the more fortunes the believer gets in the worldly life, the more prone to temptations he will be. Thus, the poor believer does not have much room for sins unlike the rich one who may commit sins in one of his travels. Therefore, more money means more chances to sin, and for that reason the rich believer is in need of patience more than the poor one, and the powerful believer is in need of patience more than the weak one.

The true believer will make use of the worldly life to gain the everlasting Hereafter:

 The Prophet PBUH said:

((The believer is like the ant which stocks food in the summer for the winter.))

[Qoot Al-Qoloob, on the authority of Mujahid]

 As you know the Hereafter is the everlasting and endless abode, so the believer's main concern is offering a good deed that brings happiness to him when he is in his grave, benefits him when he stands before Allah on the Day of resurrection or brings him reward even after his death. In this very sense he is like the ant which stocks food in summer for the winter. This is one of the traits of the believer, for he believes in Allah Al-Razzaq (the Provider of provision), and his heart never gets rest from moving towards Him, whereas the one who does not do so is described as someone who loves the worldly life.

Faith is a restraint against all violence, let no believer commit violence:

 The Prophet PBUH said:

((The believer is like a horse tied to its peg, to which he returns after roaming around.))

[Ahmad on the authority of Abi Sa'id Al Khudri]

 The believer is like a horse which can only move with a distance of 10 meters due to being tied to a peg with a 10 meters rope. Thus, the believer never goes beyond Allah's Limitations, because faith restrains him. Accordingly, the believer never earns ill-gotten money, never slanders anyone, never falsely accuses anyone and never violates sh3er' honor, and all these forbidden things are the ties which limit his actions. The believer can get married, travel, work in commerce or meet his friends, but all of which are done within Allah's Limitations, just like the horse which is tied to a peg and is able to move in a 10 meters radius but not more.

((Faith is a restraint against all violence. Let no believer commit violence))

[Abu Dawood, on the authority of Abi Hurairah]

 The Prophet PBUH said:

((The believer is like a horse tied to its peg, to which he returns after roaming around. Similarly a Momin is liable to forget but he being faith bound returns to his base.))

[Ahmad, on the authority of Abi Sa'id Al-Khidri]

The believer's reputation is very exalted and remarkable:

 Pay attention to the following Hadith, please:

(( Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari narrated: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The example of him (a believer) who reauthors the Qur'an is like that of a citron which tastes good and smells good."))

[At-Tabarani, on the authority of Abdullah]

 The orange has a nice smell and taste, and this is the likeness of the believer. The believer who is a striving knowledge seeker, who reauthors the Quran and remembers Allah and who is good to himself and to sh3er is like the citrus which has a nice color, smell and taste in the sense that people always hear about his morals and virtues from a distance, he is easy on the eye when he is close, his news are superior, his friendship is great and his value is exalted, simply because he draws close to Allah sincerely.

((…but he (a believer) who does not reauthor the Qur'an is like a date which is good in taste but has no smell.))

[At Tabarani, on the authority of Abdullah]

 This is the likeness of the pious righteous believer who is not knowledgeable religiously, and who does not teach people about their religion arrogantly, so he tries to get his own self righteousness, and he is keen on his own religion.

((The true believer is like a camel with a ring in its nose; wherever it is driven, it complies))

[Mentioned in the relic]

 This is the likeness of the chaste lenient believer who is easygoing and close to sh3er, who never fools anyone nor does he let anyone fool him, who follows Al-Haqq (the truth) and abides by it, who never hurts sh3er nor does he hold bitter feelings against people and who is pious and righteous. Also, he is just like a camel with a ring in its nose which prevents it from running away or refusing to move.

Characteristics of the strong believer:

 The Prophet PBUH said:

((The example of the believer is like the example of the date palm (tree); whatever you take from it, is to your benefit.))

[Al-Qurtubi, on the authority of Ibn Umar]

 The believer is similar to the date palm tree; its fronds are evergreen, and it gives fruits all the time. This is the likeness of the strong believer who has a strong will, rich heart and sincerity, who is Divinely enlightened, who is never fed up with serving sh3er, offering the acts of worship or remembering Allah, who is nice to all creatures, who is prudent and who never turns away from the righteous path, but only few believers have these noble traits.

 Some believers own a very strong will which makes them harder than the rock, while other believers are so soft in Allah's Cause just like silk. These two characteristics are the virtues of two different kinds of believers, given both kinds are praised, and they reflect two exalted ranks. For example, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was softer than silk in the Cause of Allah, whereas Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, was harder than the rock in the Cause of Allah, so Abu Bakr mastered forbearance and benevolence with people, whereas Umar mastered getting angry and being tough in the Cause of Allah, but this never stopped Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, from being outrageous and tough on the Day of Riddah (when some rebelling Arabs refused to pay Zakat), for he was more angry and tougher than Umar himself, may Allah be pleased with him. As for some Prophets, peace be upon them, Ibrahim PBUH was softer than silk in the Cause of Allah, whereas Musa (Moses) PBUH was tougher than the rock in the Cause of Allah.

The believer's intention is better than his deed:

 The believer is like the ewe, for people use its wool, drink its milk and benefit from its bones. When the believer dies, the heavens and earth weep for his death, and the proof of this fact is that they do not weep when the Kafir is dead:

﴾And the heavens and the earth wept not for them﴿

[Al-Dukhan, 29]

 Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "Be amongst the people like unto the bee amongst the birds; the bee is incomparable to the birds, and they look down upon it, but had they known the blessing within the bee's belly, they would not have considered it lowly." Likewise, had people known what in the heart of the believer is, and had they known his rank in the Sight of his Lord, they would have carried him on their shoulders out of reverence towards him, they would have given him the best seat in their assemblies, they would have paid to befriend him, and they would have given him preference over themselves. Allah hides all that goodness of the believer from people due to profound Wisdom, and so that Allah might accomplish a matter already ordained (in His Knowledge).
 The bee is weaker than the bird in soaring, only it has honey inside it. Our Master Abu Dhar Al-Ghafari, may Allah be pleased with him, said once to Umar, "People are afraid of your toughness", so Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "By Allah, O Abu Dhar, had people known about the mercy I have in my heart, they would have taken this garment off (it was the symbol of being a Khalifah)." Thus, the believer's inward is better than his outward, and his intention is better than his deed, so he is like the weak bee which holds honey inside it.

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