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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-Bakara (2)- Lesson (17)- Verse [30]: Man is Allah's Successor on Earth
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 We continue with lesson seventeen of the interpretation of "Surat Al-Baqarah".

The tangible knowledge and the mental knowledge:

 We continue with the verse number thirty. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ For once Allah made a proclamation, to the angels of a great event; He said to them: «I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth.» The angels said: «Will You assign the earth to someone who shall make mischief therein, create discord and shed blood, while we adore Your Eternal Name and to You we express our feelings of warm approbation and extol Your glorious attributes!» «But I am,» said Allah, «AL-'Alim, Who knows what you do not know.» (30) ﴿

 Dear brother, to begin with, there is a tangible knowledge that we achieve by senses, that we know the substantial things by senses; and there is a mental knowledge that needs to material effects in order that brain obtains the essences of things. So, if the selfsame and effects of an object have appeared, it would be recognized by the five senses, and that is the tangible certitude; but if the object's selfsame has disappeared, and its effects have remained, it would be recognized by the mind, and that is the mental insight.
On the other hand, if the object has been originally hidden for us, and it has no effects, the five senses would not be able to recognize it; also the mind would not be able to recognize it, because it has no effects, that is the informative certitude.
 This distinction is precise, as things which had been embodied have a mass, each one of them has a weight, a shape, a color, a smell, a space, a length, a width, and a height; these things are sensory, that we recognize them through the five senses. On the other hand, if we have seen a smoke behind the wall, our mind would think that there is no smoke without fire; so, the mind felt the effects of fire which are the smoke, therefore, it acknowledged with the existence of fire through the effects of it, and concluded that there is no smoke without a fire; so, there is a fire behind the wall.

 We cannot see the electricity by eyes, but we see the lamps shining, the amplification of sound, and the movement of fans indicates that there is an electric power; so, this is the mental knowledge, which must depend on sensories, and sensorial effects; but if there were no sensorial effects, it would not be mental knowledge, because the mind depends on the impact, then it decides through that impact on the influential, in another words, the mind finds the system, and discovers the organizer, it finds the propulsion and recognizes the impeller, it finds the wisdom and realizes the wise, it finds the effects of science and knows the omniscient, and it finds the effects of capacity and knows the all-able; that is the mind.

The informative knowledge is the third type of knowledge:

 If you have imagined something that its selfsame and impacts were absent, your mind would never be able to know it. We say: "There are things which their selfsames and impacts were absent from us, and the only way to know them is the true news"; which topics we can classify under this type of knowledge?
The distant past, the story of human creation, the story of World creation, the distant future, what is coming after the death, the Paradise, the Hell, the Laver, the Path, the jinn, and the angels are true news, because all these objects have no effects.
 That is the Islamic approach, the knowledge has three types, mental, sensory, and informative; the story of human creation is coming under the third type, as the senses cannot realize it, and the mind cannot prove; senses and mind are disabled, hence we have only the true news, and the value of this news is of the value of its teller, so, the news of honest teller is always true.

﴾ and who is more truthful in his discourse than Allah! (87) ﴿


 Look carefully at this verse:

﴾ We will relate to you O Muhammad in truth the facts, the circumstances and the incidents of their true story (13) ﴿


 There is an opposite meaning which is derived from the verse. Who can bring it to light?

﴾ We will relate to you O Muhammad in truth the facts, the circumstances and the incidents of their true story (13) ﴿


 It means that each story contained a contrary statement to the Quran, was falsely mentioned.

The way to know the informative subject is the true news:

 Those people who say: "The origin of human is monkey"; in fact, they tell the news of the primitive human falsely. Why? The reason is self-evident that Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ Never did I invite them -neither these nor those nor any creature- to be present, to spectate or to be associated with the event of the creation of the heavens and the earth nor of themselves -in reference to Adam- nor did I need help nor is it befitting. It is not Allah Who would use the help of sh3er not to mention the wicked who mislead people (51) ﴿


 If a man of eighty years old has sat with a group of traders and said: "I have bought a store for a long time in "Al- Hamidiya market" and I paid five thousand Syrian liras. His son, who was twelve years old in that time, said: "Father, this is untrue!"; the father would answer him: "Were you present at that time? Were you there when I paid five thousand liras as a price for the store?"

﴾ Never did I invite them -neither these nor those nor any creature- to be present, to spectate or to be associated with the event of the creation of the heavens and the earth nor of themselves -in reference to Adam- nor did I need help nor is it befitting. It is not Allah Who would use the help of sh3er not to mention the wicked who mislead people (51) ﴿


 Who has witnessed the beginning of the world? Who has witnessed the creation of Adam? Both of them are informative topics, and there is no way to know them but only through the true news; moreover, if the news has come from Allah, Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, you would kick one million stories and believe in the Words of Allah, Almighty. There are countless theories about the beginning of the world and The Descent of Man, some of them say: "He was a single-cell creature, then his life complicated till he became a sound man"; other people say: "The origin of human is monkey, then the monkey has developed degree by degree till he became a man"; it's an informative topic, and the only way to know it is the true news. That is the lesson.

﴾ and who is more truthful in his discourse than Allah! (87) ﴿


The stories of Allah, Almighty, have very great goals:

 So, look carefully:

﴾ We will relate to you O Muhammad in truth the facts, the circumstances and the incidents of their true story (13) ﴿


 So, there is someone who tells you their story falsely, and tells you a tale about the beginning of the world but it's untrue; they're speculations and predictions without any sensory evidence, because the object is absent away from our senses, also there is no mental evidence, because there is no selfsame to find out by our senses, and there is no effects to find out by our minds; so, do not listen to the story of the beginning of the world, or the story of human creation but only from Allah, Almighty; on the other hand, if any tale, an incidental matter, analysis, or any imagination for human creation has conflicted with the Quran, you should kick with feet, and over. That is the first point.

 Now, why does Allah tell us stories? Human usually reads the story to spend time, and to enjoy; where he says: "To kill the free time", if he was traveling, or he was sitting alone in a hotel, he takes a novel with him and read it; maybe all the people's stories are of this kind, however, the stories of Allah, Almighty, have a very great goals. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ Indeed there has been an example or a great lesson in the narratives of the Messengers; a lesson lessoning those of intellect into abhorrence of impatience and despair and the abuse of divine faculties (111) ﴿


 The story has a serious educational role; Allah, almighty, says in another verse:

﴾ We relate to you O Muhammad these various narratives of the Messengers who were sent before you, representing their determined effort under difficulties to accomplish the necessary end. We narrate them to you to confirm your heart, do it good and strengthen it in purpose and action. In the recital of these facts, you shall find O Muhammad narratives with grace divine imbued, imparting the spirit of truth guiding into all truth, exhorting and reminding those whose hearts have been touched with the divine hand (120) ﴿


 It means that when Allah, Almighty, tells the Prophet, peace be upon Him, a story He wants to confirm his belief; but who is the worthier to confirm his belief, the Prophet, or us? We are the worthier, because the confirming is measured by the faith, and the highest faith is the belief of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, however:

﴾We relate to you O Muhammad these various narratives of the Messengers who were sent before you, representing their determined effort under difficulties to accomplish the necessary end. We narrate them to you to confirm your heart (120) ﴿


 It means that the story has a large educational goal.

The story of the Prophet "Yunus" has happened, and Allah, The Greatest, has made it as a law when He commented on it:

 If the human read what Allah, The Greatest, has said about The Prophet "Yunus":

 And Zun-nun -Yunus-, who met the opposition of the people to whom he was sent with impatience. Moved by anger he renounced them and left them thinking that We would not reprove him for such a behavior. -He went on board ship and in the crossing it was decided by the crew that he was one too many and must be got rid of-. In the sea he was swallowed by the fish wherein he was constrained. In the depth of darkness he called on Allah and invoked His mercy, he said:

«O Allah, there is no Ilah but You, glory be to You and extolled are Your glorious attributes. I have been wrongful of actions (87)


 Is there one in billion of hope for the survival of a man has found himself in the belly of the whale, in the depths of the sea? At night? How much the hope of survival? Zero; the Prophet "Yunus" is a man has found himself in the belly of a whale in the night, and in the depths of the sea; so, he called:

 In the depth of darkness he called on Allah and invoked His mercy, he said:

«O Allah, there is no Ilah but You, glory be to You and extolled are Your glorious attributes. I have been wrongful of actions (87) And there, We responded favorably to him and delivered him from the sorrow and the distress, for thus do We save those whose hearts reflect the image of religious and spiritual virtues (88)


 Allah says: We delivered him:

﴾And there, We responded favorably to him and delivered him from the sorrow and the distress (88)﴿

 This story has happened, but when Allah, Almighty, commented on it, He made it as a law; He says:

 for thus do We save those whose hearts reflect the image of religious and spiritual virtues (88)

 It means: "O believer, in anytime, anywhere, and in any difficult circumstance; no matter how the condition is critical, impossible, and difficult, do not be afraid because Allah, Almighty, will intervene and save you, no matter how the disease is incurable, no matter what the poverty was extreme, and no matter what the enemy was fierce.

 Stories in the Quran are meaningful to brace the believers, and to make a very deep impact in the soul of believer:

 Dear brother, there are assurances in the Holy Quran by Allah, but people do not pay attention to it.

﴾And so, this is it. Meantime Allah defies the infidels; He suspends their volition and renders their stratagem inefficient (18)﴿


 It means that if you were believers, Allah, Almighty, would weaken the guile of infidels.
 The second thing: These stories, for example, the story of "The People of the Cave", those boys who fled with their religion, which was refused by their governor, to the cave, this is a repeated model. "Thu al-Quarnayn", who was enabled by Allah in the earth, so he achieved the Justice; this is a repeated model, and must be followed. When it was rumored about "The Lady Mary" that she was adulteress, but Allah has cleared her; this is a story. When The Prophet "Noah" called his people to the guidance a thousand years less fifty, and how long his patience was. Each Prophet represents a human model; the Prophet "Abraham" suffered from his father, the lady "Asia" suffered from her husband, the Prophet "Lut" suffered from his wife, the Prophet "Noah" suffered from his son, and the Prophet "Yusuf" entered prison unjustly; so, each Prophet has a story that every Muslim needs, and the stories in the Holy Quran are meaningful in order to brace the Prophet, peace be upon him, and to brace the believers; and also the stories of the Quran are purposeful to make a very deep effect in the soul of the believer.

﴾Indeed there has been an example or a great lesson in the narratives of the Messengers; a lesson lessoning those of intellect into abhorrence of impatience and despair and the abuse of divine faculties. Such narratives as have been disclosed by divine means are not a feigned tales (111)﴿


A vision of the story of the "Prophet Mussa" from several angles:

 I put between your hands the story of the Prophet Mussa, and this story has been mentioned seventeen times in the Holy Quran; here are some presentations of the story:

﴾We inspired Mussa's mother, thus: «Breast feed him until you feel that fear falls upon you for his life, then put him in a chest and cast him into the river (7)﴿


 Two commands: (Breast feed him), and then if you have feared of her(then put him in a chest and cast him into the river).

 And two prohibitions:

﴾and do not be afraid nor grieve at heart (7)﴿


 And two good omens:

﴾We will restore him to you and confer on him the prerogative of Apostleship (7)﴿


 The human thinks that the story is repeated, where in another verse:

﴾When We inspired a course of action to your mother and actuated her with what she would do to save your life» (38) «Put the child in the chest», We said, «and throw the chest into the river (39)


 The river was commanded by Allah, Almighty, to carry Mussa to the coast, and the enemy of Allah, Mussa was obliged to pick up the boy from the river:

«the waves will drive the chest to the bank and there shall he be picked up by a common enemy of Mine and of his» (39)


 And Allah, Almighty, made the Prophet Mussa lovable:

﴾And I endowed you with the prerogative of amiability and I had an eye upon you so that you grow and develop under My observation (39)

 Pharaoh's wife saw him, so she loved him too much:

﴾And there, Pharaoh's wife said to Pharaoh as she saw the child: «a comfort and joy to the eye, he will make my eyes and yours speak content». She gave orders to the guards: «do not kill him. He might be of some quality that brings about good or advantage and he might be helpful in effecting a purpose or we might adopt him as a son. She was totally unaware of what the future held (9)


 The second verse is not a repetition, but it's an enrichment with details which did not come in the first verse, and the third verse:

﴾he was picked up by the family and the household of the Pharaoh who did not realize that he would be their avowed enemy who would cause them limitless misery and endless grief (8)


 The result: A verse has given the introductions, a verse has given the details, and another one has given the results, so there's no repetition, it's the same story but from several angles! You may come to Damascus, for example, from "Daraa" way, so you find a specific scene for "Quasioun Mountain", and take a photo for it; you may come to Damascus from "Beirut" way, then you take a different photo for "Quasioun Mountain"; and also you may come to Damascus from "Aleppo" way, and see "Quasioun Mountain" but from a different angle; now if we have collected the three photos which have been taken from three angles, the solid of "Quasioun Mountain" would appear; so, if these angles have integrated, it would give a three dimensioned solid form.

The meaning of "The Trust":

 Dear brother, Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾For once Allah made a proclamation, to the angels of a great event (30)

 The angels are creatures assigned to be messengers between Allah and His creatures, and the word "Angel" in Arabic language is derived from a verb that means "To send"; so, Angels are not charged creatures because they chose to be close to Allah, Almighty; they are praising Allah without ceasing, and the Angels have many tasks, as the first mission is that they are messengers between Allah and His creatures.

﴾For once Allah made a proclamation, to the angels of a great event; He said to them: «I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth.» (30)

 This means that Allah, Almighty, has created the creatures in the "World of Particles", and the World of Particles has come before the World of Images; so, there were no pictures of the creatures, but a mere creature, this creature has become a mountain, this creature has become a flower, this creature has become a horse, this creature has become a serpent, and this creature has become a human. Allah has created the creatures in the World of Particles, then He has offered the trust to them:

﴾We offered the «trust» to the heavens, the earth and the mountains (72)


 The trust is to rule and purify themselves; so if they have purified their souls, they would earn the eternal happiness which has no limits.

 The human has accepted to be responsible for the trust, so he became the top creature:

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾We offered the «trust» to the heavens, the earth and the mountains -with what it entails of expectation of knowing and reasoning, of feeling and thinking and of obligations and responsibilities- but they declined to bear it for what it involves of burdensome consequences. But man (Adam -his genes-) accepted it and was willing to bear the responsibility and to give an undertaking of fidelity; He was indeed unfair to himself, having no knowledge of the logical Sequence (72)


 For example, we offered on a man to drive a train in return of a very limited salary, and we offered on him to drive a big car which used to transport passengers in return of a higher salary, because the train has less dangers and accidents, as it walks on a railway; also we offered on a person to be a pilot, and that needs to a very high knowledge, a very high experience, and a very high psychological qualities, in return of no salary, but a blank check, there is a limited responsibility job which is easy, but its income is limited; also there is a higher job, and a higher one; our Lord, Almighty, has presented a very tempting offer, the offer was presented to the creatures to be responsible for the trust of themselves by developing it, and we mean by "develop" that there are tendencies, desires, passions, a freedom of choice, a mind, an instinct, a universe, an approach, and messengers; as you see, the issue is complicated.

 A father has said to his son: "Come to my shop and make money for your pocket and food", and he presented a second offer to another son:"Do you like to get the highest certificate in the world? And I'll give you the half of my property"; of course, in order to get the highest certificate, his son needs to travel, to learn a foreign language, and he may face risks; sometimes the universities are too difficult, and there is an effort of thirty years; but if that son has accepted this offer, and he succeeded in achieving the degree, he would become in a high standing in the society. These examples make the meaning of the verse is more closer.

﴾We offered the «trust» to the heavens, the earth and the mountains -with what it entails of expectation of knowing and reasoning, of feeling and thinking and of obligations and responsibilities- but they declined to bear it for what it involves of burdensome consequences. But man (Adam -his genes-) accepted it and was willing to bear the responsibility and to give an undertaking of fidelity; He was indeed unfair to himself, having no knowledge of the logical Sequence (72)


The human has accepted to be responsible for the trust, so he became the top creature:

﴾We have honored the Adamites and We provided them with means of transportation to carry them on land and at sea and We provisioned them with the good wholesome victuals and We placed them in a class distinctly above many of Our creatures and We ascribed to them distinguished attributes. We furnished them with powers of the mind -the will, the reason and the perception of truth or fact, theoretical and practical understanding of art, science, language- and many other faculties (70)


 When the human has accepted to be responsible for the trust, Allah has reduced the whole universe, and He, Almighty, gave him a cognitive power which it is the mind:

 In order that the human has accepted to be responsible of the trust:

﴾And He reduced for you all that the heavens and the earth contain to a state of subservience: heavenly bodies, earth, water, air, fire, deserts. All, like yourselves and your belongings, are not really your own, but His. Here, there and everywhere are signs with prodigies emblematic of Omnipotence and Authority sensed by those who consider matters and ponder their cause (13)


 This is Quran:

﴾All that the heavens (13)


 Today, I have learnt about a translated scientific encyclopedia which contains the approximate number of galaxies; I have found that today the universe contains one hundred thousand million galaxies, and our galaxy "the Milky Way" is a medium galaxy in which a hundred thousand million of planets and stars, the length of this modest medium galaxy is one hundred thousand light-years. What is the distance that the light travels in a second? The width of this galaxy is Twenty-five thousand light-years, if we have represented it in the form of a muscle or a spindle, and we have brought a pen and put a point on the spindle, on the basis that the point is ABG Solar, its length is thirteen hours, but the length of the galaxy is one hundred thousand light-years, the distance between the sun and the earth is eight minutes, and between the earth and the moon is one second. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾And He reduced for you all that the heavens and the earth contain to a state of subservience (13)


 Because you, O human, have accepted to be responsible for the trust, Allah has reduced the whole universe for you; when the human has accepted to be responsible for the trust, he deserved the generosity of Allah, the universe became reduced for him by Allah, and Allah has given him a cognitive power which it is the mind, the most complicated thing in the universe.

The mind was created to recognize Allah, but some people use it badly:

 Once, I read a speech that if we want to make a computer that performs the functions of the human mind, we would need the largest street in New York, and all the skyscrapers on both sides of this street, also these buildings must contain condensates from the inside and outside; the human mind, which is the most complicated machine in the universe, was created to recognize Allah through it, but people used it to make an ill-gotten money, to steal, to commit crimes, to control the world, to rhythm the discords between nations, and to gather wealth unlawfully. The infidels are very smart, they put amazing plans for peoples slavery, and for plundering their wealth, they act amazing shows in order to drag the wealth to them, by using the human mind; although the mind was created in order to recognize Allah through it.

 You can use a camera which captures colored photos to counterfeit the currency by it, and the fate of the actor is the prison; also you can use this camera in a positive way, and you'll become very rich through it; it's the same machine, but you can use it in a negative way, or in a positive way.

Several meanings for the word (vicegerent):

 Dear brother, Allah, Almighty, has made human the top creature, and made him (His vicegerent); we find so much meanings for the word (vicegerent).

1. The first meaning of the word (vicegerent) is that some of them come after some sh3er in order to learn a lesson:

 The first meaning:

﴾I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth.» (30)

 It means that the Prophet Adam did not come out of the heaven because he ate the apple, no; where Adam was originally created for the Earth, and the evidence is the verse that we're explaining now, but Allah has made this eloquent lesson for Adam and his descendants; so, the design is that Adam was not created for the heaven, and when he committed a mistake, he was transmitted to the Earth, no, but on the contrary, that the human was originally created to be on the Earth.

﴾I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth.» (30)

 But the wisdom of Allah has wanted to give our Prophet Adam an eloquent lesson in the enmity of Satan; while the fate of human is to the Earth, this is the first point.

 The second point is: Allah has made the human a vicegerent means that nations succeed each other, century after century, and generation after generation, as Allah, The Greatest, has said:

﴾He is it Who has inducted you on earth (165)

[Al-An 'am]

 And He has said:

﴾Had We willed We would have made some of you angels or procreate angels who would live on earth and be your succeeding generations (60)


 Also Allah has said:

﴾Then, there came their successors (169)


 These verses clarify the meaning of the vicegerent, that the wisdom of Allah, Almighty, has wanted that people come to the worldly life successively, and leave it successively to learn lessons from each other, this is one of the meanings:

﴾I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth.» (30)

 The second meaning of the word (vicegerent)

2. Because of the dignity of human for Allah, He has given him some of His attributes:

 The second meaning is that because of the human dignity for Allah, He has given him some of his attributes; Allah, Almighty, is individual, and He has made the human individual, there is no person in the whole world like you, you are unique in the blood plasma, in the smell of your skin, in the iris of your eye, in the tissular group, in the tone of your voice, and in your fingerprint; for your dignity Allah has made you an individual that no one is similar to you, this is what the wisdom of Allah wants.
 For your dignity, Allah has allowed you to enact, and He gave you texts which their significance is presumptive, then you can work hard to prove them.
For your dignity, Allah has allowed you to excel through the genes, and hybridization; so, the human now excels in plants, in animals, and in agriculture. For your dignity, Allah has allowed you to rule, and made you a vicegerent on the Earth in order to administer justice, to deter the unjust, and to reward the charitable; Allah has empowered you on the Earth, where the strong person controls the fate of other people; this is the successor of Allah on Earth.

﴾O Dawud, We inducted you a vicegerent on earth, therefore, judge between people with equity and justice» (26)


 Prophets, patrons, scholars, and advocators are the vicegerents of Allah in His Earth to establish the matter of religion, and the powerful kings are the vicegerent of Allah in His Earth to establish the matter of the worldly life; so, Allah, Almighty, has given a power for the human, that the human has the ability to guide an army, to declare a war, and to blow a bomb; for example, hence, Allah has allowed for the human to be strong.
 So, the first meaning of the word "vicegerent" is that some of them come after some other, and the second meaning is that for the human dignity, Allah has given him some of His attributes; there is a speech which needs to a long explanation:

((Allah, Almighty, has created Adam in His image)).

[Narrated by Hai Ben Ja'afar from Abi Hurayra]

 For the human dignity.

 The third meaning for the word (vicegerent):

3.The human is enabled, his command is effective, and he has an authority:

 If you have children, you have been married to their mother and gave birth to them; Allah has made your authority upon them, where you're responsible for their food, drink, education, their future, and their guiding; so, you are the vicegerent of Allah in your family; another examples, you are a teacher, so you are the vicegerent of Allah in your class; you are a director of school, so you are the vicegerent of Allah in this school; you are a director of education, so you are the vicegerent of Allah in this governorate; and you're a Minister of Education, so you're the vicegerent of Allah in the country. Every human is enabled; in the field of education, the field of health, the field of economy, and the field of endowments; hence, the human is enabled, he has a power, an authority, and his rule is effective. This is a third meaning.

 The first meaning: The vicegerent means that we come to the worldly life and leave successively.

 The second meaning is that for your dignity, Allah has given you something of His qualities, you are an individual in many things, as the smell of skin, the tone of voice, the blood plasma, the tissular group, the fingerprints, and the iris of eye; in our days, some locks were designed to be opened only by the iris of eye because there is no person on Earth that his eye iris resembles yours, for this, the lock will not be opened but by its owner.
 Allah has made you individual, legislator, creative, Allah has given you a will and a freedom of choice, and Allah has made you a ruler who establish the justice, and suppress the injustice.

 The human is very great, that he can do things which mountains are not able to do:

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth.» (30)

 It's possible that Allah makes you guide million or milliard persons as the Prophet, peace be upon Him; Muslims now are one milliard and two hundred million, all of them are in the work paper of one person; also it's possible, I seek refuge with Allah, that fifty million were died in the World War II because of one person, Hitler.
 The human is very great, that he can do things which mountains are not able to do, and he can commit crimes that the fiercest monsters on the Earth cannot do; for example, the person who threw the atomic bomb on Hiroshima has annihilated three hundred thousand people in three seconds. In our days, there are chemical wars, gaseous wars, and bacterial wars; also there are deadly weapons, there are burning bombs which turn everything into coal at a distance of a circle that its diameter is two hundred meters; the napalm gave human capabilities that it allowed him to invent the gunpowder, the bombs, to fly in the depths of clouds, to dive into the depths of seas, and to reach to the moon; it gave him amazing capacities, where human has unreasonable capacities.

The top of human perfection is the prophecy, and the bottom of human descent is the criminality:

 Someone says to you: "The origin of human is monkey!!" What did monkeys do? Did they invent a plane? You ride a plane which accommodates six hundred and sixty passengers, with comfortable seats, food, drink, coffee, tea, … etc, at a height of forty thousand feet.
 Did monkeys transfer image and sound? What is the principle of the fax? What is the principle of the devices? The internet? It's something incredible, all these things are of human achievement, that Allah has made him His vicegerent in the Earth; but the problem is that the great abilities which Allah has given to the human have been used for evil, these complicated amazing devices have been made to corrupt morals, what do you find in the space channels? Corruption. What do you find in these complicated devices which are used for transferring picture? You find doctrines corruption, morals corruption, and environment corruption.

 Everything in the human is neutral because he is voluntary; the top of human perfection is the prophecy, and the bottom of human descent is the criminality, there are people who are enjoying the misery of sh3er; at the age of science, a prosperous and advanced nation, in people's consideration, may establish its well-being on the destruction of peoples.
 What are the enemies of humanity doing? They create problems in the world, and then they sell weapons, and live on peoples destruction, as who generate a tense focus in the world; a focus in Asia, in China, in Sudan, and in Africa, tense focuses which need weapons, they sell weapons through compliance contracts and at exorbitant prices, and live on our destruction all, non of what it has been made for, but the sage makes you a great believer, makes you a great reconciler, and makes you a great human, but the human mind was used in non of what it has been made for; therefore:

﴾For once Allah made a proclamation, to the angels of a great event; He said to them: «I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth. » (30)

 A vicegerent to be the successor of me, it means a merciful human and Allah is Merciful, a knowing human, a just human, a kind human, and a strong human.

All the Names of Allah are Beautiful, and His Qualities are the best:

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾Who set right and redress a grievance or an abuse, a wrong or a misfortune when treated with injustice, prejudice or harshness (39)


 Our Prophet is a condoning person, he has said to his people: "Go, you're free"; as if Allah, Almighty, wants us to be characterized by the perfect qualities of Him as the mercy, the pity, and the justice. The Prophet, peace be upon him, says:

((So! The nations prior to you were destroyed because if a noble amongst them stole, they used to excuse him, and if a poor person amongst them stole, they would apply (Allah's) Legal Punishment to him. By Him in Whose Hand Muhammad's soul is, if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad stole, I would cut her hand." Then Allah's Apostle gave his order in the case of that woman and her hand was cut off. Afterwards her repentance proved sincere and she got married. 'Aisha said, "That lady used to visit me and I used to convey her demands to Allah's Apostle.))

[Al-Boukhari from 'Ayesha]

 What is the meaning of "Human is the vicegerent of Allah on the Earth? It means that he has quoted from the perfections of Allah, all the Names of Allah, Almighty, are Beautiful, and His Qualities are the best; the vicegerent of Allah has quoted the mercy, the justice, the strength, the care, and the fairness from Him, and that is the meaning of:

﴾I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth. » (30)

 The angels have said:

﴾Will You assign the earth to someone who shall make mischief therein, create discord and shed blood, while we adore Your Eternal Name and to You we express our feelings of warm approbation and extol Your glorious attributes!» «But I am,» said Allah, «AL-'Alim, Who knows what you do not know. » (30)

 Allah, The Greatest, created the jinn before the mankind, for that the angels evaluate that the human will spoil and shed the blood:

 Of course, this question has frequented many times, how do the angels know that the human will spoil, and the blood will be shed? The answer is in the following verse:

﴾And the Jinn did We create earlier (27)


 Means before the creation of human:

﴾From a fiery blast of fervently hot wind (27)


 The world of jinn have committed sins, they have shed the blood, and they have spoiled on the earth; so, the Angels evaluated with the jinn, because Allah, Almighty, has given the trust to the mankind and the jinn together:

﴾O you people of the Jinn and mankind (130)

[Al-An 'am]

 And Allah says:

﴾Soon shall We settle your disputes and judge between you people of mankind and you people of the jinn (31) Therefore, which of your Creator's favors, you people of mankind and the Jinn, will deny? (32)


 Also Allah says:

﴾I have not created the Jinn and mankind but to recognize Me, serve Me and to worship Me with appropriate acts and rites (56)


The perfection in human ethics is that the hereafter comes compatible with the worldly life only:

 The two types who accepted to be responsible for the trust are the jinn and the mankind, both of them are in charge, and each type has a special nature, the human beings were created from clay, and the jinn were created from fire; therefore, the angels have said:

﴾Will You assign the earth to someone who shall make mischief therein, create discord and shed blood, while we adore Your Eternal Name and to You we express our feelings of warm approbation and extol Your glorious attributes!» «But I am,» said Allah, «AL-'Alim, Who knows what you do not know.» (30)

 It means that if we have set up a very gigantic university, and a part of its students, the quarter of students as an example, did not study, did not learn, and neglected their duties, do we cancel the university? No, because on the contrary, there are students who earned the degrees, and provided to their nation a very large services; so, if we have assumed that there is a bad department, do we cancel the university? Of course we don't:

﴾«But I am,» said Allah, «AL-'Alim, Who knows what you do not know.» (30)

 There will be great prophets, patrons, believers, fighters, an a very superior societies:

﴾«But I am,» said Allah, «AL-'Alim, Who knows what you do not know.» (30)

 Does the perfection at the University depends essentially on the success of all students? No
 The perfection at the university is that the results comes according to the introductions, when the diligent student succeeds, and the lazy student fails, so this is a perfection at the university. The perfection in human ethics is that the hereafter comes compatible with the worldly life only.

Verses from the Quran show that Allah does not intervene because the human is voluntary:

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾He who imprints his deeds with wisdom and piety, advantages himself of spiritual privileges, and he who weds himself to evil, invites his own detriment and loss (46)


 Allah doesn't intervene because the human has free will:

﴾And he who wishes to acknowledge it with judgment and choice is free to do so and he who wishes to reject it is free to do so (29)


 And Allah says:

﴾We guided him and conducted him to the right way which We ordained to be the course of life and conduct, and left him to choose to be grateful or to deviate from what is just and right(3)


 Also He says:

﴾Every one, individually or in a group, justifying faith as a conviction operative on the character and will, is distinguished by attributes characterizing him or the group with a particular aim or goal. Or with a Kiblah meeting his or their expectations and may or may not be based on spiritual apprehension of divine truths past or present. The cause for which you should be ready to contend to your life's end is good will and deeds imprinted with wisdom and piety(148)


Perfection is not to make all people believers, but to give each one his own right:

 The human is voluntary, therefore, does the perfection that all people become believers? No, because the perfection is to give the right to each person that he owns. The perfection is:

﴾So that each soul be requited with what is commensurate with its deeds (15)


 That is the perfection, do what you want, as Allah, Almighty, has said:

﴾You just proceed as you have begun if you will (40)


 Do what you want, but everything has a price:

((Each creature resorts to Me without My creatures, and then the people of the heavens and the earth intrigue him, I would make a way for him out of them; and each creature resorts to another creature without Me, I know that from his intention, I would make the ground comes down under his feet, and I would prevent him from the connecting with Me.))

[Narrated by Ibn 'Asaker from K'ab Ibn Malek]

 The perfection is that the results are identical to the introductions only, Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾You just proceed as you have begun if you will (40)


((Live as long as you want, then you are dead; love who you want, then you are leaving him; and do what you want, then you are requited for it.))

[Narrated by Al-Shirazi and Al-Baihaqi from Sahl Ibn s'ad Al-Baihaqi from Jaber]

Human alone is the responsible, and no one will be held accountable instead of the other:

 The verse becomes:

﴾For once Allah made a proclamation, to the angels of a great event; He said to them: «I am inducting a Vicegerent on earth.» The angels said: «Will You assign the earth to someone who shall make mischief therein, create discord and shed blood, while we adore Your Eternal Name and to You we express our feelings of warm approbation and extol Your glorious attributes!» «But I am,» said Allah, «AL-'Alim, Who knows what you do not know.» (30)

 As if Allah says: I will create the creatures, I will make them voluntary, I will give them the grace of mind, I will make the universe utilized for them in order to honor them, and to make them use things without learning anything about, I will give them desires, and I will give them a method:

﴾He who imprints his deeds with wisdom and piety, advantages himself of spiritual privileges, and he who weds himself to evil, invites his own detriment and loss (46)


 You are the responsible, this lesson is decisive, because it determines the fate of human, do what you want. Allah, Almighty, alerts you, He makes you hear the right, and He makes your life narrower, but you're voluntary in the end, your deed is because of your choice, you're alone the responsible, and no one will be held accountable instead of the other:

﴾Every one acts according to his inherent and innate disposition or character (84)


 And Allah says:

﴾And no soul imprints its deed with piety or with evil but it is to its own credit or discredit respectively, nor shall a soul bearing wrongs or not, bear the wrong of another (164)

[Al-An 'am]

 This verse shows that you the top creature, the honored creature, who is in charge, and you are the vicegerent of Allah on the earth. You are the vicegerent of Allah at the level of a father, at the level of teacher, at the level of a doctor, at the level of an engineer, and at the level of department manager. You are his vicegerent on the earth.

The lesson is that the results come according to the introductions only:

 It was mentioned in some interpretation books:

﴾«AL-'Alim, Who knows what you do not know.» (30)

 It means that Allah, The Greatest, says:

((I know that of the preferable interest about the creating of this type "the mankind" what you do not know among all the evils that you have mentioned; I will make Prophets among them, I will send them the Messengers, the upright people, the martyrs, the righteous people, the worshipers, the ascetics, the patrons, the dutiful people, the close companions, the working scholars, the submissive people, those who love me, and those who follow My Messengers; that it was stated in the trusted words of the Prophet (PBUH): Angels come to you in succession by night and day and all of them get together at the time of the Fajr and 'Asr prayers. Those who have passed the night with you (or stayed with you) ascend (to the Heaven) and Allah asks them, though He knows everything about you, well, "In what state did you leave my slaves?" The angels reply: "When we left them they were praying and when we reached them, they were praying.))

[Al-Boukhari from Abu Hurayra]

 Those brother who are present in the mosque, why are you here? There is no food, no drink, no honoring, and no salaries at the end of month, you have come to recognize Allah, and you have come for the sake of Allah, so:

﴾«Will You assign the earth to someone who shall make mischief therein, create discord and shed blood, while we adore Your Eternal Name and to You we express our feelings of warm approbation and extol Your glorious attributes!» «But I am,» said Allah, «AL-'Alim, Who knows what you do not know.» (30)

 There are worshipers who are believers, honest, loyal, loving, pious, warming up, do good, superior. The lesson is that the results come according to the introductions only:

﴾He who does what effects a good purpose and what is consonant with equity, and his deeds are imprinted with wisdom and piety will have benefited his own soul, and he who is wrongful of actions and instills evil in his works will have lost his own soul; then ultimately to Allah, your Creator, shall all of you be brought back (15)


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