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Ramadan stations- Marvels (5): Why do we stop doing permissible things while fasting?
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear brothers, Allah forbids you in Ramadan from eating and drinking which are permissible in other months. Allah forbids you from eating and drinking during Ramadan

in order to put you in an embarrassing situation: you stop eating, thus you should stop sinning as well. Allah forbids you from something Halal (i.e. eating and drinking), then a fortiori you forbid yourself from committing sins. 

Let me clarify the abovementioned point. Concerning being dutiful to your parents, Allah the Almighty says:

﴾ Say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour﴿ 

 [Al-Isra', 23]

There is no Ayah in Quran in which Allah the Almighty stresses to avoid beating our parents, that is because we are merely forbidden from saying a word of disrespect to them,

then a fortiori we are forbidden from beating them. Allah the Almighty forbids you from saying a word of disrespect to your mother and father. He the Almighty says: 

﴾ Say not to them a word of disrespect ﴿ 

 [Al-Isra', 23]


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