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Ramadan stations- Marvels (4): Importance of Taraweeh Salah.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear noble brothers, Ramadan is (an opportunity) to turn over a new page in our relation with Allah. Each one of us but falls behind or has shortcomings,

so he tries his best during Ramadan to avoid that through offering the acts of worship and prayers. Taraweeh is not optional, for it is a confirmed Sunnah.

You may offer Taraweeh at home or in Masjid, but you should offer it. Tarweeh is Sunnah, but it is not like any other Sunnah, and though it is Sunnah in a compelling condition, offering it means that you do something important during the day. In other words, you leave food, water, lying, backbiting, tale-bearing…etc,

and at night during Taraweeh, it is the time for you to be paid back (for what you have done during the day). I invoke Allah the Almighty to help us offer Siyaam in this blessed month.

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