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Biography- Prophetic Biography- The prophet's guidance- Lesson (36-48): His guidance towards women by recommending men to treat them kindly
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

The following Hadith solves every marital problem:

 The Prophet PBUH said:

((Treat women kindly, for woman was created from a bent rib, and the most crooked part of the rib is the top part, If you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so treat women kindly.))

[Al-Bukhari, Muslim, and At-Tirmidhi]

 This Noble Hadith solves the marital problem inside every house; i.e. sometimes the husband expects his wife to have the same interests as him, has the same inborn characters, and that she is at the same level of understanding and perspective as him, but he gets shocked when he discovers that she has a different way of thinking, a different character and different interests, so what should he do? Either the house will turn into a piece of hell, or man should accept the fact that woman has a mental, psychological, and social nature that is totally different than his, and by knowing this discrepancy, life will become acceptable and exciting, because when man accepts this reality, and when he perceives the reality of matters, he will deal with them on the basis of this perception. While when he thinks that his wife should have the same characters, understanding, perspective and interests like him, then this will not happen, because had it happened, he would not have accepted her as a wife, i.e. if woman has deep understanding, profound insight, and if she is interested in serious matters, and pays no attention to simple ones, he would not accept her as his wife.
 To illustrate this point, consider the example of a man who came to his house at noon; he found no food to eat, his house was not cleaned, his children were neglected, but his wife had a deep recognition and full understanding of what's going on in the world;he would not tolerate such a woman. So the wife should take care of her house and her children, and the husband should know that she is not like him in everything.

Every human being has a distinctive nature:

 The prophet PBUH said:

"And the most crooked part of the rib is the top part"

 Some Hadith commentators explained the top part as her tongue, while sh3er explained it as her mind.
 Any way, there is a crooked part, and this crookedness is considered a kind of perfection in a woman's character.

 Some scholars mentioned a slight hint, they said that the rib which is in the thoracic cage is crooked, and this crookedness is a kind of perfection in it, because if it had been straight, it would have caused a lot of trouble. Likewise, the woman takes care of her children and she may not sleep the whole night because of them, so she should has a certain nature which is compatible with this situation, otherwise she would not endure it.
 You may refuse to perform a certain deed even if you are given a million pounds for it. So, every human has a distinctive nature which may contradict certain circumstances. For example, woman instinctively takes care of her little children, her adornment and her femininity, and this interest makes men get attracted to her. However, this interest is at the expense of another interest, perception, way of thinking, and certain characteristics. If woman had not been interested in herself, in her beauty, in the tidiness and cleanliness of her house, and in her femininity, you would not have been attracted to her. So, you accept her as a wife for you because she takes care of these matters.
 Thus, woman is interested in these matters at the expense of many other things, so if you accept this reality, you will live with her a long (and peaceful) life, while if you reject this fact out of narrow-mindedness and misperception, and if you want her to have the same interests like you, you will never find this women among all women in the world.

The prophet’s problems with his wives:

 The strange thing which catches the attention is that the Prophet PBUH suffered a lot from his wives. Was it not possible that Allah the Almighty made the Prophet's wives exactly as he wished? Why were they not as he wanted? Why did they cause a lot of problems for him? Allah the Almighty said:

"O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery, etc.) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner."

[Al-Ahzab, 32]

"If you desire the life of this world, and its glitter, Then come! I will make a provision for you and set you free in a handsome manner (divorce)."

[Al-Ahzab, 28]

 Which means there was some trouble, although they were the Prophet's wives. Mrs. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, used to call the Prophet PBUH: O Messenger of Allah, but when she got angry at him, she used to say: O Muhammad, therefore the Prophet PBUH said: "I know whether she is angry or not from her description of me."
 So, Allah the Almighty willed that the Prophet PBUH suffered from his wives in order to be a good example for us, while if he had not suffered from this trouble, he would not have been an example to us with regards to marital problems, and we would not have learnt the value of patience.

Woman is a human being with special characteristics

 The Prophet PBUH said:

((No believer should dislike his believing wife. If he does not like her attitude in some matters, then he will like another))


 To be fair, man should be perfect before asking his wife to be perfect, otherwise, it will be considered as an act of injustice and inequity.
Hence, this Noble Hadith solves the marital problem inside every house:

((Treat women kindly, for woman was created from a bent rib...))

 In another narration:

((Eve was created from Adam's rib))

 She was created a woman, a human being with distinctive characteristics, and this point was mentioned in the Noble Ayah below:

"And the male is not like the female,"

[Al-Imran, 36]

 At university, I studied a book on psychology; the psychology of childhood and adolescence, this book was written by a great French philosopher, and this book is translated into Arabic, after you read it from cover to cover, you will be surprised that this book is the best interpretation to the Noble Ayah below:

"And the male is not like the female,"

[Surat Al-Imran verse: 36]

 It is a thick book about the characteristics of females; that is to say the mental, psychological, social, and physical characteristics of females. Furthermore, it talks about the female special abilities, with regards to memory, agility, and the memory for names, and so on. You will realize that most of the female's characteristics are in harmony with her femininity, and with her mission in life, which is considered as the perfection. Whereas we altered the situation, and wanted her to get out of her house in order to work with men, and we charged her with very huge tasks, which is really against her nature.

Woman's femininity prevails her education

 Once, some discussions took place in the Egyptian newspapers about the rights of women, about equality between men and women, and about the opinion that woman has the same characteristics as man, these discussions lasted for many months, then a meeting was held at the University of Cairo which was attended by intellectuals, journalists, religious scholars, intellectuals, and so on, so that everyone could give his opinion about this matter. A man who had deep thinking attended that meeting and played a joke, he did not deliver any lecture, but he brought a small fastened sack, then during the lecture he unfastened that sack which was full of mice, when women saw these mice they were extremely scared, they screamed, they were troubled and they left the hall. So that sack was a decisive evidence that women have different characteristics than men, as they did not endure seeing the mice.

 Sometimes a woman screams because of a cockroach, even if she holds a diploma and even if she is highly educated. So, her femininity prevails her education.
 A man told me that if a woman who holds a PhD, another who holds a diploma, one who holds a bachelor’s degree, one who holds a high school certificate, one who holds a preliminary school certificate, one who holds an elementary school certificate, and an illiterate woman meet together and talk about women's affair, you will not find any difference between them all, which means women have some interests which prevail their education, and these interests make men get attracted to women, while if women did not had these interests, men would have not desired them as wives, and this is the meaning of the Noble Hadith below:

"Treat women kindly, for woman was created from a bent rib, and the most crooked part of the rib is the top part,"

 As I said earlier, some scholars said: the top part is her tongue while sh3er said that it is her mind.
 There is another meaning which is: if you want to straighten her you will break her because women are crooked by nature. So if you try to straighten her you will break her, and breaking her means divorcing her.

The reason behind most marital conflict:

 Actually, most cases of marital conflict are caused basically by the husband's unrealistic desire that his wife is similar to him (has the same interests, characteristics, etc..) the Prophet PBUH said:

"If you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so treat women kindly."

[Bukhari, Muslim, and At-Tirmidhi]

 And in Muslim narration, the Prophet PBUH said:

"Woman was created from a rib, and you will never find any means to straighten her. If you wish to benefit from her, you can benefit from her in spite of her crookedness. If you try to straighten her, you will break her, and breaking her means divorcing her."


 This is another narration. Also, the following Noble Hadith solves the marital problems in every house:

((No believer should dislike his believing wife. If he does not like her attitude in some matters, then he will like another))


 Or he said:

((he will like other one)).

Life will never be perfect for anyone:

  Man is sometimes unfair and unjust to his wife; i.e. he has many defects with regards to his body, his morality, his relationships, and his perception, nevertheless, he focuses on his wife's defects; so life is created like this (it is imperfect).


 Actually, we are in the abode of performing righteous deeds, of charging, and of exerting hard effort. So, Allah the Almighty has made this life full of defects, and it will never be perfect for anyone because perfection is for Allah Alone. Consider the life of people, a man may excel in something while he fails in another; i.e. he may have a lot of money but he has not got a good wife, or he may have a good wife but he does not have enough money, or he may have a lot of money and a good wife but he does not have children, or he may have children but he does not have enough food to feed them, or he may have enough food but he suffers from many diseases, or he may not suffer any disease but his job is tiring and low-paid, or his job is in his own country but it is low-paid, or his job is well-paid but it is not in his country, and so on. Hence, life is imperfect because if it were perfect, you would hate to meet Allah the Almighty when you die, therefore those who are attached to the worldly life hate to meet Allah the Almighty. Thus, you should set your mind to the fact that this life will never be without defects. The Prophet PBUH said:

((The earthly life is a seat of trials not of equality, and it is a seat of grief not of joy, and he who knows it will never rejoice over his well-being or grieve over his misery, Allah made this life a seat of tests while the Hereafter is the seat of rewards, and He made earthly affliction a reason for the Gifts of the Hereafter, which are a substitute for the sorrows of this life. Thus, He gives to take, and tests to reward.))


The wife who has Islamic education is a blessing:

 The second point is: the one who helps his wife to get to know Allah the Almighty and accordingly to know her duties will find great comfort with her, she will know her duties towards him, or his rights upon her by herself. While if he does not help her to get to know Allah, she may become a frivolous or a selfish wife who gives precedence to her own desires over her husband's. So, when the husband keeps his wife ignorant and heedless of Allah, he will pay a high price, while when he calls her to Allah the Almighty, and leads her to obey Him, he will find great comfort with her.
 Yesterday, a man told me some words which really pleased me, he said: I am an Islamic knowledge seeker and my wife is too, we have no problems at all, because I seek the Pleasure of Allah by taking care of her, and she also seeks the Pleasure of Allah by taking care of me.
 So, one of the greatest graces of Allah is the wife who has good Islamic knowledge, and who is rational, as she knows her Lord the Almighty and she knows her duties towards her husband.
Man should seek to bring his wife closer to Allah. Actually, most husbands aim to strengthen their faith by marriage, and hope that their wives should fulfill all their needs and should be as they want. But the husband forgets that it is only the wife's religion which prevents her from being a bad wife, which prompts her to take care of her husband, and which makes her a righteous wife. So, whoever neglects to take care of his wife, and to make her know Allah the Almighty will pay a high price. Thus your wife has a right upon you to make her know Allah the Almighty, to take her to Hajj, to teach her Islamic knowledge or to let her acquire Islamic knowledge, and to bring her closer to Allah. If you do that, you will reap the fruits of your deed and you will be the only real winner of this behavior.


 So, this is what should be said in today's lecture about the husband's understanding of woman's nature, and about her crookedness, whether the crooked part is her tongue or her mind, and that if he wants her to be a good wife to him, he should understand well that Noble Hadith; if you try to straighten her you will break her, and breaking her means divorcing her, so enjoy life with your wives in spite of their crookedness.

 Unfortunately, many thousand Muslim houses are like pieces of hell because of the marital disputes, and these disputes occur because many husbands do not fully comprehend the meaning of that Noble Hadith.

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