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Islamic Ideology - Names of Allâh 2008 : Al_Mu’ti 2
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

A Beautiful Name of Allâh:

1. Worldly Gifts end up with the end of the world:

Honorable brother, we are still discussing the name ‘Al-Mu’ti’, if we ask ourselves: What does Allâh the Almighty give us? He gives us two kinds of graces: worldly graces; such as health, power, money and beauty and spiritual graces; such as tranquility, security, pleasure, and happiness. He gives us endless graces, but the worldly graces of Allâh the Almighty end up with the end of the world.
Therefore Allâh the Almighty says:

“As for man. When his Lord tries him by giving him honor and bounties, then he says (in exultation): “ My Lord has honored me, But when He tries him by straitening his means of life, he says: “My Lord has humiliated me!”

[Sûrat Al_Fajr (The Dawn), aya 15,16]

The answer came with prohibition:


[Sûrat Al_Fajr (The Dawn), aya 17]

2. Acceptance of the gifts and the prohibitions is acceptance of the Fate and Preordainment:

It means: O my slaves! My worldly gifts are not honoring, and my prohibitions are not deprivation; my gifts are afflictions and my preventions are cure.
Therefore, Allâh the Almighty grants health, intelligence, power, beauty and money to a lot of his creatures, but He gives tranquility in considerable amounts to his true believers, He grants you spiritual graces and pleasure. So you are pleased with Allâh the Almighty and with yourself. That is; you have accepted Alla’s Fate and preordainment, you are pleased with the catastrophes inflected on you for your absolute belief that there is a great wisdom behind it.
Therefore, when we believe that everything is related to Allâh’s Fate and Preordainment, and that belief in preordainment releases grief and trouble and that it is a system of monotheism, then we will know the truth of giving. But for everything there is a fact. From Abu _Al_Darda’ from the prophet PBUH he said:

“Everything has a fact, and every slave who reaches the fact of belief knows that whatever had happened to him would have never mistaken him and whatever had mistaken him would have never inflicted him”

[Reported by Ahmad]

And from Abu Hurairah, he said: the messenger of Allâh PBUH said:

“ The strong believer is better and more lovable to Allâh than the weak one, and there is goodness in each of them. Be careful about what benefits you, and ask for Allâh’s support and never be too weak, and if anything happens to you, do not say: “ I wish I had done such and so, but say: Allâh had predestined and He did what He willed, because “ If I had done” opens the work of Satan.”

[Reported by Muslim]

A believer should not say: “If I had”, this is not in a believer’s dictionary, “ if I hadn’t gone through that road, the accident wouldn’t have happened”. That is a blocked road, but say:

“Allâh had predestined and He did what He willed, because If I had done” opens the work of Satan.”

Remembering Allâh is Greater:

When Allâh the Almighty says:

“..and perform As_Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât). Verily, As_Salât (the prayer) prevents from Al_Fahshâ’ (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse) and Al_Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed) and the remembering (praising) of (you by) Allâh (in front of the angels) is greater indeed than your remembering (praising )of Allâh in prayers. And Allâh knows what you do.”

[Sûrat Al_’Ankabût (The Spider), aya 45]

The most accurate meaning of this verse is that your remembering (praising) of Allâh in prayers is greater than everything, and that Allâh remembers you, but the remembering of Allâh (of you) is greater than your remembering of Him. When you remember him, you will fulfill the duty of worship, but when He remembers you, he grants you security, which is a special grace for believers.

“We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they joined sh3er in worship with Allâh”

[Sûrat Al_Imrân (Imrân Family), aya 151]

But the believers:

“(So) which of the two parties has more right to be in security? If you but know, (81) It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh and worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm (wrong i.e.by worshipping sh3er besides Allâh), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided.”

[Sûrat Al_Imran (Imran Family), aya 81, 82]

So, Allâh’s remembering of you is greater than you remembering of Him, if He remembers you, he will grant you hikmah (wisdom).

“and he to whom Hikmah is granted, is indeed granted abundant good.”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow), aya 269]

Allâh’s remembering of you gives you tranquility and great happiness only those who tasted it knows it. If Allâh the Almighty remembers you, He will give you pleasure. Therefore, Allâh grants two types of gifts; worldly gifts, and hereafter ones. These provide you with eternal happiness. Worldly gifts end up with the end of the world.
Therefore, My giving is not honoring and My prevention is not deprivation, My giving is inflection and My prohibition is cure.

Whoever desires the quick-passing, We readily grant him what We will for whom we like:


“Whoever desires the quick-passing (transitory enjoyment of this world), We readily grant him what We will for whom We like. Then, afterwards, We have appointed for him Hell; he will burn therein disgraced and rejected (_ far away from Allâh’s Mercy)(18), and whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it (i.e. does righteous deeds of Allâh’s Obedience) while he is a believer (in the Oneness of Allâh __ Islamic Monotheism) _ then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated, (thanked and rewarded by Allâh) (19) On each_ these as well as those__ We bestow from the Bounties of your Lord. And the Bounties of your Lord can never be forbidden.”

[Sûrat Al_Isrâ’ (The Journey By Night), aya 18-20]

Man may choose singing, then he/she dies and his/her songs are broadcasted until the Day of Resurrection, and someone else may choose the noble Qur’an, then he dies and his recitation is broadcasted until the Day of Resurrection:

“On each_ these as well as those__ We bestow from the Bounties of your Lord. And the Bounties of your Lord can never be forbidden.”

You find someone building a mosque, and another one building a night club, man is given freedom of choice, so choose whatever you want, but everything is accounted for.

“On each_ these as well as those__ We bestow from the Bounties of your Lord. And the Bounties of your Lord can never be forbidden.”

Allâh the Almighty does not deal with desires or wishes.

“it will not be in accordance with your desires (Muslims), nor those of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christmas)”

[Sûrat An_Nisâ’ (The Women), aya123]

Wishes are the fools’ merchandise, Allâh the Almighty deals with honesty.

And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it while he is a believer then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated:

“ and whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it”

[Sûrat Al¬Isrâ (The Journey by night), aya 19]

The sign of the desiring it truthfully:

“..and whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it (i.e. does righteous deeds of Allâh’s Obedience) while he is a believer (in the Oneness of Allâh __ Islamic Monotheism) _ then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated, (thanked and rewarded by Allâh)”

[Sûrat Al¬Isrâ (The Journey by night), aya 19]

Therefore, this verse is an origin in the Ideology, Allâh the Almighty created you, granted you freedom of choice and said to you:

“My slave, ask and you will be given, if you want the world, you will get it, but you will have..”

“..no portion in the Hereafter”

[Sûrat Al_Baqara (The Cow), aya 200]

If you want the hereafter, the world will come to you willingly, that is why I always say: “ whoever prefers his hereafter to his world will win them both, and whoever prefers his world to his hereafter will lose them both”.

“Verily, We have granted you Al_Kauthar”

The noble verse:

“Verily, We have granted you (O Muhammad PBUH) Al_Kauthar (a river in Paradise)”

[Sûrat Al_Kauthar (A River in Paradise), aya 1]

Honorable brother, any gift that ends with death is not a gift according to Allâh’s Generosity, but Allâh’s gift is eternal and continuous, therefore:

“Verily, We have granted you (O Muhammad PBUH) Al_Kauthar (a river in Paradise)”

[Sûrat Al_Kauthar (A River in Paradise), aya 1]

Scholars said: every believer according to the level of his belief, his integrity and good deed has a share in this verse.

“And have We not raised high your fame?”

[Sûrat Ash_Sharh (The Opening Forth), aya 4]

Every believer has a share from this verse according to his belief, integrity, and devotion. But the eternal obligatory gift that we were created for:

“And those who are blessed, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein for all the time that the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills: a gift without an end.”

[Sûrat Hûd, (Prophet Hûd) aya 108]

The Wise is the one who lives the future:

All of us move from a house to a grave, the house is well tended, with a wife and children, guest rooms, sitting rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a car parked at the doorway, there are picnics as well. If the heart stops, he will be put in the grave, what is in the grave?
Intelligence, success, and wisdom is to live the future not the past nor the present. Whosoever lives the past is stupid, because what had happened had gone, and the future is unknown, and you have the hour you are living, whoever lives the future is the wisest of the wise, what is in the future? The departure of this world, what have you prepared for that hour? Therefore, paradise is unlimited gifts, but what is the loss?

“ Say (O Muhammad PBUH): “[The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss!]”

[Sûrat Az_Zumar (The Groups), aya 15]

Someone sold his house, his work place, his summer house, a house on the beach, and all his tools and equipment. One way or another, he lost the money, he feels unbearable loss. The loss in the hereafter is much more, you were born for the hereafter and so you lost it, lost it for a few years that man spends in sins and misdeed.

“and has completed and perfected His Graces upon you, (both) apparent (i.e. Islamic Monotheism, and the lawful pleasures of this world, including health, good looks, etc,) and hidden [i.e. One’s Faith in Allâh (of Islamic Monotheism) knowledge, wisdom, guidance for doing righteous deeds, and also pleasures and delights of the Hereafter in Paradise]?”

[Sûrat Luqmân (Luqmân), aya 20]

3. The Monotheistic Meaning in Giving and prohibition:

Be with Allâh you will find Allâh with you, leave everybody and beware your greed. There is a monotheistic meaning in giving.
If He gives you who will prevent Him, then who will give if He prohibits you.
Monotheism interferes with the meaning of giving, because no one can prohibit what you have granted, and no one can give what you have prohibited, your relationship is with Allâh. This is monotheism, Allâh alone is the Raiser, The Degrader, The Honoring, The Humiliating, The Preventer, the Giver, and there is no God but Allâh, and this religion is built on monotheism, and man has never learnt better than monotheism, which is the end of knowledge, and piety is the end of work.

“..and He has completed and perfected His Graces upon you, (both) apparent (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism, and the lawful pleasures of this world, including health, food looks, etc.) and hidden [one’s Faith in Allâh (of Islamic Monotheism) knowledge, wisdom, guidance for doing righteous deeds, and also the pleasures and delights of the Hereafter in Paradise]”

[Sûrat Luqmân (Luqmân), aya 20]

Catastrophes, deprivation and hardships are hidden graces, because Allâh the Almighty says:

“why should Allâh punish you if you have thanked (Him) and have believed in Him”

[Sûrat An_Nisâ’, aya 147]

When man believes and thanks, all treatments end, because he achieved the goal of his existence.
Therefore, when our master Sa’d Bin Abi Waqqas visited the prophet PBUH, he used to play with him, because he loved him deeply, from Jabir Bin Abdullah, he said: “Sa’d has showed up, then the prophet PBUH said:

“ that is my uncle, show me an uncle like mine”


And he sacrificed his father and mother for him.

“Throw Sa’d, I sacrifice my father and mother for you”

[produced by the two Sheikhs from Ali Bin Abi Tâlib]

And after the death of the messenger of Allâh PBUH, our master Omar said a word of monotheism to him, he said: “O Sa’d, don’t be fooled that it was said: the uncle of the messenger of Allâh, all creatures are the same to Allâh, no kinship relates them except His obedience”
This meaning pushes us to Allâh, we are all His creatures, under the same standards and go through the same assessment.

“Verily, the most honorable of you with Allâh is that (believer) who has At_Tawfîq [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqûn (the pious]”

[Sûrat Al_Hujurât (The Dwellings), aya 13]

Sometimes calamity inflicts and becomes a reason for guidance, when you discover its wisdom, you will melt like a candle for love of Allâh, that is the meaning of Allâh the Almighty’s saying:

“And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As_Sâbiriîn (the patient)(155), Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: “Truly! To Allâh we belong and truly, to Him we shall return (156), They are those on whom are the Salawât (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided ones.(157)”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow) aya 155-157]

You must believe absolutely that calamities are graces, and acceptance to the misfortunate fate is the greatest level of knowledge, and that calamities mean that you are included in Allâh’s care and mercy, therefore:

“If they (Jews) belie you (Muhammad PBUH)say: “ Your Lord is the Owner of Vast Mercy”

[Sûrat Al_An’âm (The Cattle), ays 147]

Allâh’s mercy requires.

“..and never will His Wrath be turned back from the people who are Mujrimîn (criminals, polytheists or sinners)”

[Sûrat Al_An’âm (The Cattle), ays 147]

Believe that if you go into a mosque, you might find a large number of people who reconciled with Allâh the Almighty after a wise arrangement, after a calamity, after a threat, a danger to the welfare, or a danger to the status. Eventually man has no one but Allâh, and when Allâh the Almighty said:

“Verily, man (disbeliever)was created very impatient(19), Irritable (discontented) when evil touches him(20), And niggardly when good touches him(21), except those who are devoted to Salât (prayers)”

[Sûrat Al_Ma’ârij (The Ways of Ascent), aya19_22]

4. Giving is a Quality of Prophets and Messengers:

The previous verse means that man is mean, and cautious for what is in his hands, but if he connects with Allâh the Almighty, he will become generous, and will receive gifts from Allâh’s as well. He will approach Allâh with perfection derived from Him, so He gives. Therefore, the powerful people took and never gave, the prophets gave and never took. A believer builds his life on giving, how is that?

“As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allâh and fears Him(5), and believes in Al_Husnâ (6) ”

[Sûrat Al_Lail (The Night), aya 5, 6]

He built his life on giving, in the contemporary expression he built his strategy on giving. This is a profound quality of his; he gives from his time, money, experience, and muscles for the sake of Allâh the Almighty, therefore, Allâh the Almighty said:

“Who is he that will lend to Allâh goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times?”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow), aya 145]

So, any good deed is in fact a goodly loan to Allâh the Almighty.

5. Prohibition is a Gift From The Most Wise:

Now: if He uncovers to you the wisdom of prohibition, it will become the core of giving, and sometimes:

“And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much.”

[Sûrat Ash_Shûra (The Consultation), aya ]

In another verse:

“..and whosoever believes in Allâh, He guides his heart [to the true Faith with certainty, i.e. what has befallen him was already written for him by Allâh form the Qadar (Divine Preordainments)]”

[Sûrat At_Taghâbun (Mutual Loss and Gain), aya 11]

To its wisdom, if Allâh the Almighty uncovers the wisdom in what He brings upon you, then prohibition becomes the core of giving, and an evidence is taken from the most accurate noble hadiths:

“Allâh protects His chosen ones from the world the same way one of you protects his patient from food.”

And in another narration:

“Allâh protects His chosen ones from the world the same way the shepherd protects his cattle from the doomed pastures”

[by Al_Baihaqiy from Huthaifah with weak reference]

When you believe that you are in the care of Allâh the Almighty, His attention, His wisdom, and that what He brought to you is just charity and love, wisdom, and goodness, then you will be pleased with Allâh the Almighty.
Once, someone was going round the Ka’bah, he said: “O Lord, are you pleased with me?” Imam Shafi’i was behind him, he said to him: “Man, are you pleased with Allâh so that He is pleased with you?” He said: “Glory to Allâh, who are you, may Allâh be gracious to you?” He said: “I am Muhammad Bin Idrîs”, he said: “how do I become pleased with Allâh whereas I am wishful for Him to be pleased with me?” He did not understand it, he said to him: “if your happiness with the calamity is the same as your happiness with the grace, then you are pleased with Allâh”, and the evidence:

“Allâh is pleased with them and they with Him”

[Sûrat Al_Mâidah (The Table spread with food), aya 119]

You’ve got to be pleased with Allâh, you’ve got to be pleased with His Fate and Preordainment and His wisdom: when He made a man with limited income, O Lord, all praise be to You, and if He made another one with unlimited income, O Lord, all praise be to You, when you enjoy good health, O Lord all praise be to you, when you suffer from some disease, O Lord, all praise be to You, a good wife, O Lord all praise be to You, a difficult wife, O Lord all praise be to You.
From Suhaib, he said: the messenger of Allâh PBUH said:

“ I wonder about a believer, all his welfare is good, if something good happens to him, he thanks Allâh, and it is good for him, and if he was inflicted by hardship, he is patient, and it is good for him and that is not for anyone other than the believer,”


And verily, your Lord will give you (all good) so that you shall be well_ pleased:

Sometimes man spends long years studying in a foreign country, with no income, his father is poor, so this student works in a restaurant, or as a guard, and studies during the day, the situation appears to be painful, but his future is very bright; when he gets the degree and comes back home, and has a respectable position with high income and social status, he forgets all the hardships that he went through, therefore:

“And verily, your Lord will give you (all good) so that you shall be well_ pleased.”

[Sûrat Ad_Duha (The Forenoon-“After Sunrise”], aya 5]

Sometimes the doctor says to the patient: “tolerate pain, if Allâh wills, there is cure with the pain”. Man in Allâh’s hand gives in.

“And verily, your Lord will give you (all good) so that you shall be well_ pleased.”

[Sûrat Ad_Duha (The Forenoon-“After Sunrise”], aya 5]

This verse is intended for the messenger of Allâh PBUH, but it can be applied on every believer as much as his faith, integrity and faithfulness.

“And verily, your Lord will give you (all good) so that you shall be well_ pleased.”

[Sûrat Ad_Duha (The Forenoon-“After Sunrise”], aya 5]

Now: form Abu Juhaifah, he said:

“The prophet PBUH connected between Salman and Abu Ad_Darda’ in brotherhood, so Salman visited Abu Ad_Darda’ and saw that his wife was worn out, he asked her: “what’s wrong with you?” she said: “Your brother Abu Ad_Darda’ has no need in this world”, then Abu Ad_Darda’ came and he made him some food, he said: “eat”, he answered: “ I’m fasting”, he said: “I won’t eat unless you do”, so he ate, at night Abu Ad_Darda’ kept praying qiyam, he said: “sleep”, so he slept, then he got up and started praying once again, at the end of the night, Salman said: “ now get up”, and they prayed, then Salman said to him: your Lord has a right on you, and you have a right on yourself, your wife has a right on you, so give each one their right. Then the prophet PBUH came and he mentioned that to him, so the prophet PBUH said: “Salman is right”

6. Give Each One His Right:

You receive gifts from Allâh the Almighty, but you must behave in this divine perfection_ to give. Therefore, the prophet PBUH used to give as someone who does not fear poverty, the believer is generous, and generosity is a basic ingredient of his belief because he realized that the world is a passage to the hereafter, and the price of the hereafter is the good deed, and your size to Allâh is the size of your good deed, you are raised as much as your sacrifices are.
I sometimes meet people who send a lot of their money to the right, to the mission, to feed the poor and helpless. To those I say: you are working in a wise, clever way because you believed in the hereafter, and you are working for it now.

“ Give each one his right”

“Allâh has a deed at night that is not accepted during the day, and Allâh has a deed during the day that He does not accept at night”

Allâh the Almighty accounts you for your wife, from Aysha the Prophet’s (PBUH) wife said:

“Huwailah Bint Hakeem Bint Ummayyah Bint Harithah Bin Al_Awqas As_Salamiyyah, and she was Othman Bin Mat’oon’s wife, she said (our mother Aysha): the prophet PBUH saw how worn out she looked, so he said to me: O Aysha, how worn out Huwailah looks! She said: so I said: “messenger Of Allâh, she is a woman without a husband; he fasts the days and stays up the night praying, she is like unmarried woman, so she neglected herself and lost it.” so the messenger of Allâh sent for Othman Bin Mat’oon. When he came, the messenger said: “O Othman! are you against my sunnah?”, he said: “by Allâh, messenger o f Allâh, on the contrary I ask for your sunnah”, he said: Well then I sleep and pray, fast and breakfast, and marry women, fear Allâh Othman! your wife has a right on you, your guest has a right on you, and you have a right on yourself, so fast and breakfast, pray and sleep”


“The next day she came fresh and musky, so our mother Aysha asked her, “what had happened?” She said: “what happened to people happened to us.”

[At_Tabarâni from Abu Mousa Al_Ash’ariy]

People’s rights are built on hassling, and Allâh’s rights are built on forgiveness; the wife has right, the son has right, and you, as a doctor, have a duty towards the patient, you must advise him, and the client has a right on the lawyer, and you as a teacher have a duty towards the student.

“so give each one his right”

7. Giving and Prohibition must be for Allâh:

But in the end, we have a very accurate meaning: whosoever loves, deplores, gives, and prohibits for the sake of Allâh has completed faith. A believer’s giving is according to his principles, he gives and prohibits for the sake of Allâh. He is pleased according to his principles; pleased and displeased, connects and disconnects for Allâh. He has nothing random. His norms and traditions are controlled, he moves according to principles and values.
From Abu Umamah from the messenger of Allâh PBUH, he said:

“ whosoever loves, deplores, gives, and prohibits for the sake of Allâh has completed faith”

[Abu Daoud]

Allâh the Almighty gives health and intelligence, money and power to many of his creation; He gives tranquility in portions to his chosen ones of believers. He gives wisdom, satisfaction, and winning in portions. Allâh has worldly gifts and afterlife gifts, and His gifts are unlimited. If He gives you, who can prevent Him?, and if He prohibits who will give you!


Giving is related to monotheism, all these primary meanings are related to Allâh’s name ‘Al-Mu’ti’, but you must make giving a behavior of yours. One of the chiefs of tribes asked the prophet PBUH: “For whom is this valley of sheep ? He said: “It’s yours”, he said: “Are you making fun of me?” He said: “By Allâh no, it’s yours”, then he said: “I testify that you are a messenger of Allâh, you give as someone who does not fear poverty”. And if you give, Allâh will give you.

“Spend and I will spend on you”

[agreed on]

“Spend Bilal and never fear a decrease from the owner of the throne”

[reported by Assayûti from Bilal]

Charity falls in Allâh’s hands before it reaches the poor’s hand.

“Go ahead in charity, catastrophes do not exceed charity”.

[produced by Al_Baihaqiy from Anas]

Allâh the Almighty is pleased with charity, that is an experience for believers, Allâh the Almighty can be pleased when you plea Him for something, you can give charity with the intention of success or reaching a goal.
Therefore: as Allâh the Almighty gave you the bliss of being, support, guidance and mind, you should build your life on giving. People as you know, with their different origins, kinship, ancestors, tribes, are no more than two men; the first one is a man who knew Allâh and straightened with his method, became kind to sh3er, and built his life on giving and eventually became happy in this life and in the afterlife, and the second one ignored Allâh’s method, became bad to sh3er, so he perished in this life and the afterlife, the verse:

“By the night as it envelops(1), by the day as it appears in brightness(2)by Him Who created male and female(3) certainly, your efforts and deeds are diverse (different in aim and purposes)(4), as for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allâh and fears Him(5)and believes in Al_Husnâ(6), we will make smooth for him the path of ease (goodness)(7)”

[Sûrat Al_Lail (The Night), aya 1-7]

The divine reward:

”As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allâh and fears Him(5)and believes in Al_Husnâ(6), we will make smooth for him the path of ease (goodness)(7)”

“But he who is greedy miser and thinks himself self_ sufficient (8), And belies Al_ Husnâ(9), we will make smooth for him the path for evil(10), and what will his wealth avail him when he goes down (in destruction)?(11)”

[Sûrat Al_Lail (The Night), aya 8-11]

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