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Books- The Constituents of the Divine Assignment- 2nd Constituent - Paragraph (3-5): The Principles according to which The Mind works.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 The mind is the device with which man recognizes his outer environment, and this device doesn’t understand a thing unless it has a reason, a purpose and logic. These are the three principles according to which the mind works: causality, purposefulness and logic.
Allah the Almighty created reasons and gave us the mind, which conceives matters due to reasons, purposes and logic.
  Logic means that for example if a person is accused of a crime, and it is proved that he was very far from the crime scene the moment this crime was committed, his innocence will be proved because the judge has a mind that tells him that man can’t be in two places at the same time.
Each one of us uses his mind thousands of times each day. Thus the sound is a hint of a movement whereas the smell of smoke is a hint of fire for example, as the mind can’t reach the truth without physical hints.
  This is the process of the mind for it uses hints to transfer physical matters to an abstract thought.
  As for the matters related to the Hereafter like paradise, hellfire, Jinn, angels, the ancient past or the far future, these matters are beyond the mind’s potentials.
  Hence, we have a physical certainty (reached by senses), deductive certainty (reached by the mind) and Divinely reported certainty (mentioned in the Divine Scriptures).
  Animals deal with their environment by using their senses, whereas man deals with his environment by using his senses and his mind, but as for the believer, he deals with matters by using his senses, mind and the authenticated Divine reporting.
 Accordingly, there is a physical truth, an intellectual truth and a Divinely reported truth and each sort of truth has its own course, hint and evidence.
  The physical matters are sensed by touching, smelling, hearing or seeing, whereas the intellectual matters are conceived by deduction, but the unseen is known only through the Divine reporting.
 Man believes in the Hereafter due to the Divine reporting, he believes in Allah’s Existence by using his mind and he believes in the existence of the sun by looking at it.
  I will discuss this in details later on when I talk about Tashree’ (law-giving).
  Man has senses and mind. Thus, there are physical pleasures and intellective ones.
  If man leaves eating and drinking in Ramadan (he fasts), he will get hungry and thirsty and longs to eat and drink, but what prevents him from doing so is the intellective pleasure he gained by obeying Allah the Almighty.
 Spending on the needy decreases man’s wealth, but because it brings an intellective pleasure to man (by pleasing Allah), he donates his money happily.
 The more exalted man becomes, the more he looks for intellective pleasures, but when he hits rock bottom, he searches for physical pleasures like feasting his eyes on women’s beauty. On the other hand, if he aims at gaining intellective pleasure, he lowers his gaze.
  Look at the one who strives in the cause of Allah by putting his soul on his hand (sacrificing his self for the sake of Allah), he feels a great pleasure because he sold himself to Allah the Almighty.
If you intend to travel in winter to another city, but you find a sign at the beginning of the road that says: “The road is blocked due to accumulated snow”, you will cancel your trip and turn back home although you don't see any snow at the road when you start your trip.
 Now if an animal is trotting in that very road, it will not stop until it reaches the snow, thus man deals with facts whereas animals deal with reality.
  When does the smoker quit smoking?
 He does that when he is afflicted with lungs’ cancer, but had he used his brain wisely, he would have quitted smoking while he was still healthy because he heard about the bad effects of smoking on health and he dealt with facts.

﴾ Have you then no sense? ﴿

[Al-Qasas, 60]

﴾ Will you not then remember? ﴿

[Al-Jathiyah, 23]

﴾ Will you not then see? ﴿

[Adh-Dhariyat, 21]

﴾ Now you have seen it openly with your own eyes. ﴿

[Aal-‘Imran, 143]

Anas bin Malik narrated that a man said: "O Messenger of Allah! Shall I tie it and rely (upon Allah), or leave it loose and rely (upon Allah)?" He said: "Tie it and rely (upon Allah)."


 Asking him to tie the camel means to ask him to use his brain.
  Using the brain prevents man from evil doings, thus it prevents him from earning unlawful money, from committing adultery, from extorting sh3er’ wealth or from badmouthing people, and thus the brain is the rein of man’s deeds.

Abu Huraira narrated: The Prophet (PBUH) said: ((Faith prevents assassination. A believer should not assassinate.))

[Abu Dawod and At-Tirmizi]

 Generally speaking, man has a daily life, so he gets out of his house and might run into a woman, and he has the choice to look at her or to lower his gaze, then he reaches his work, and he also has the choice to lie or to be honest. So if he uses his mind wisely, he will choose to lower his gaze and to be honest because he chooses to please Allah.

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