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Interpretation of the Quran _ Surat Al- Naba' (078) Lesson (1-3) Verses [1-17]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

When the Great God describes something as being great, its really great:

 Dear brother, today's session is devoted to the first lesson of the thirtieth juz (part) of the Holy Qura’n –Surat Al-Naba'.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

1- “What are they asking (one another) about?
2- About the Great News.
3- About which they are in disagreement.”

 The Arabic word 'amma used in the first ayat (meaning "about what?") consists of two words: the preposition 'an (about) and the word ma (what), which, in turn, consists of two letters: letter "mim" and letter "alif". Here, and according to the rule, the word "ma" doesn't have an "alif" because it functions as a question word, in which case it loses its "alif". However, in the same position, that is after a preposition, acting as an answer, "ma" maintains its "alif". For example, if I ask someone: "About what are you arguing?" He may answer: "About what concerns us most." If we translate the first sentence into Arabic, the word 'what' (ma in Arabic) would not carry an alif as it acts as a question word; whereas in the second sentence, it will carry an "alif" as it acts as an answer-word.
 Allah the Great and Almighty says:

What are they asking (one another) about?
About the Great News.

 If the Great and the Only God said "it is great news", it is really great news, because who describes it in terms of greatness is the Great. If a boy, for example, said to you: "I have a big amount of money", how would you estimate this quantity? However, if a rich man said: "My wealth is huge", your perception of the quantity would be different. You estimate the word huge according to the speaker. Thus, when a child says that he has a huge amount of money is not like when it is said by a millionaire or a great businessman. So the volume of the amount is considered here according to the speaker. Our Lord is the Great, the Most High, the Greatest.

"So glorify the Name of your Lord Most Great. "

( Al-Haqqah, 69:52)

"And He is the Most High, the Most Supreme."

( Al-Baqarah, 2:255)

"Verily, he used not to believe in Allah, the Most Great…"

( Al- Haqqah, 69:33)

 The Lord says to you: It is Great News –the Judgment Day, and it leaves Man astounded.

"So leave them alone till they meet their Day, in which they will sink into fainting (with horror). "

(At-Tur, 52:45)

 Man will be astounded that day, because he will have found out that he has lost the Hereafter. When a man experiences a big loss in this life he feels devastated. If all his money is gone or gets confiscated, or his only house, or anything which is important in this life, is lost to him suddenly, he cannot help feeling desperate. Just imagine how much more it will be so when he finds out in an instant that he has lost the Hereafter.

"Say: The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss."

(Az-Zumar, 39:15)

Wealth and poverty are decided after reckoning:

 The real loss is when we lose something forever, like when we lose the Hereafter for the sake of this fleeting life. This is the Great News which throws people off their balance.
Therefore, when a believer succeeds in the Hereafter, he will say: "I did not experience misfortune at all in my lifetime." That is so because whatever his trials and afflictions were in this life, they were nothing as compared with the Great Prize he has just won. On the other hand, a kafir will say: "I have never met with any good in my life on earth." And this in spite of all the blessings and good things he was given during his worldly life.
 Richness and poverty will be assigned on that Day according to Allah's Judgment. The real and true success is when you gain something forever, and it is so when you enter Paradise, whose width is that of the heavens and the earth. In this life Man is free to do whatever he wants, follow his wishes. He can pray or not; he can make money in a licit or an illicit way; he can lower his gaze or stare around; he can be true to his word or he can be a liar; he can be loyal or a traitor; cruel or merciful. He is free to choose whatever course he wants.

"Do what you will…"

(Fussilat, 41:40)

 Everything will be sorted out on the Judgment Day; everything measured according to the Divine Standard. They will be asking one another. 
 Verse: The soothsayer and the doctor alleged that the dead will not resurrect,I said: go away !
 I am not a loser If your opinion is true but you both loser if mine is as I say
 This question will be settled definitely on That Day.

"What are they asking (one another ) about ?
About the Great News.
About which they are in disagreement."

 This Great News will certainly come to pass and nothing has more certainty than this news, than the Doomsday, than the Judgment Day, than the Day of Calamity...

The Great News is the most realistic news:

 Nowadays people hold numerous beliefs. Some believe only in the material, and nothing else. To them the life of this world is everything. Money is everything; to obey the mighty in everything –just like this. However, those who knew Allah realize that it is the religious truth that is everything –to know and obey Him, and to be near Him is, in fact, the greatest happiness, and the absolute misery comes about due to ignoring Him, disobeying to Him, being far away from Him. The Great News will certainly come to pass, nothing being more certain than that. Then will come the Doomsday, the Judgment Day, and the Day of Calamity.

"But when there comes the greatest overwhelming (Event), "

(An-Nazi’at, 79:34)

 And then the Striking Hour:

"Al- Qari’ah;
What is the Striking (Hour)?"

(Al- Qari’ah, 101:1-2)

"The Sure Reality!
What is the Sure Reality!"

(Al-Haqqah, 69:1-2 )

 The Doomsday has indeed many different names: the Judgment Day, the Day of Recompense, the Inevitable, the Striking Hour and several sh3er, but the contention about it will not continue forever. Allah will put an end to it the moment one's hour of death arrives.

"Now We have removed from you your covering, and sharp is your sight this Day!"

(Qaf, 50:22)

 The most insolent kafir on Earth, Pharaoh, said when death stared him in the eyes:

"I believe that none has the right to be worshipped but He (Allah), in Whom the Children of Israel believe."

(Yunus, 10:90)

 This means that the fundamental, eternal truth which the Prophets have brought will become well known to all the humanity, but for many only when it is too late, at the hour of death.

The choice of believe is a time choice:

 So, the choice of belief is just a time choice, either to believe at the exact time, when necessary; in such case one can benefit from one's faith; or else to experience misery by one's untimely belief. However, the belief itself will definitely come to everybody.

"4- Verily, they shall soon come to know!"

 At their deathbed:

"5- Verily, verily, they shall soon come to know!"

 On the Day of Resurrection:
 Now this is the Judgment Day, the Day of Recompense, the Day of Reckoning…
 So, what is the exact path that one should take to believe in That Day? Is this belief the result of a rational process? Some say that it is rather a matter of acceptance because Allah has told us (by means of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the Holy Qur'an) that a day, the Great Day, is awaiting us on which all humanity will be checked for all their deeds on Earth.

“What sort of Book is this that leaves neither a small thing nor a big thing, but records it? And they will find all that they did, placed before them, and your Lord treats no one with injustice.”

(Al-Kahf, 18:49)

Belief in Allah and the Last Day are complementary:

 And when you, my dear brother, believe that:

“So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant) shall see it. So whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant) shall see it. “

( Az-Zalzalah, 99:7-8)

 This ayah should be sufficient for you, in the same way as it was for the Bedouin who asked the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace:

"O Messenger of Allah, advise me, and do not elaborate." Then the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, reauthord Allah's Word:
“So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant) shall see it. So whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant) shall see it. “
( Az-Zalzalah, 99:7-8)
The Bedouin said: "This is sufficient (for me)."
It has been transmitted to us that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "The man has comprehended."

 That means the man became fakih (a religious scholar), just for the sake of one ayah.
 And when you, dear brother, believe that every word, every movement and every lack of movement, every gain and every privation, every smile, every intimacy and every distancing, every anger and every reconciliation, every attitude you show and the deed you do, is recorded and you will be called to account for it –this is the belief.
 Hence, it is not enough to believe just in Allah. It must be accompanied by the belief in the Last Day. Those are two essential branches of faith; they are both mentioned together in most Qur’anic ayaat: "Believe in Allah and in the Last Day", they integrate. This means that if you do not believe that Allah is Existent, Perfect, the Only One, and that He knows and will ask and punish, you are not exactly on His Straight Way.

“It is Allah Who has created seven heavens and of the earth a similar number. His Command descends between them (heavens and earth), that you may know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah surrounds all things with (His) Knowledge.”

(At-Talaq, 65:12)

Belief in the Last Day is a matter of acceptance:

 When you know that His Knowledge encompasses you, and His Omnipotence reaches you, you will never disobey Him. This Great News is the news of the Doomsday, the Day of Recompense, the Judgment Day, the Day of Resurrection, the Striking Hour, the Day of Calamity, the Overwhelming, the Inevitable… If you believe in the Last Day you become an angel. As to who violates people's honour, and who perpetrates transgression, and who bases his life on aggression, such a one does not believe in the Last Day. Were he a believer, he would not do it. If you believe in a powerful man, and you believe that he will put into practice what he says, you will not disobey him. Bear in mind that this is a human being, as you. If you are an employee, and your manager is a powerful man who knows everything about his staff, inquires and punishes, you straighten up and toe the line, and you do it on the order of a human being. Just imagine how much more it is true of the Creator of human beings!
 Is this belief the result of a rational process or of a mere acceptance? Actually, for most of the religious scholars it is a matter of acceptance because Allah has informed us that there is a Day of Recompense, a Day of Judgment, on which we shall all be called to account.
 Try to ponder for a moment over this issue. Is it possible for a country to build a university which costs thousands of millions and takes fifty years to be completed, and then demolish it two years later? This is utterly unreasonable. Compare this with the case of a man who lived sixty years. He spent forty years on getting ready –studied till he obtained his doctorate degree, found a job, married, bought a house and furnished it. All of this took forty years. The time between sixty years of age and seventy is usually the time nearing one's death and sometimes man dies in his fifties, is this at all reasonable? Is it to live two, three, four, ten years and then it is simply over?! No, no, no. Somebody is strong, another person is weak, and then life is just over for both of them?! The strong, the weak, the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick, the ones who died young, the ones who died in their old age… all equal, without any settlement?! Then, there are the oppressors and the oppressed, there are the exploiters and the exploited, there are the victors and the defeated… You sometimes hear about a healthy man who lived a hundred years and about another person who was ill all his life, and then it is just over for both of them?! The aggressor and the tyrant getting away with their transgressions without being called to account?! It is unacceptable to the human mind.
 Some big scholars, Ibn Al -Kai’im among them, said: "The belief in the Last Day is rational and its details are transmitted." The details –what will be going on this Day: the Straight Way, the Basin (of Kawthar), the torment, the (written) Pages (of the deeds) laid open to everyone, the Scale set, all the details of that Day are transmitted, but we believe in that Day rationally.

4- “What are they asking (one another) about?
5- About the Great News.
6- About which they are in disagreement.
4- Verily, they shall soon come to know!
5- Verily, verily, they shall soon come to know!”

The Great Creator made the earth flat for us:

 Now, brother, His Words:

“6- Have We not made the earth as a bed?
7- And the mountains as pegs?
8- And We have created you in pairs,
9- And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest,
10- And We have made the night as a covering,
11- And We have made the day for livelihood,
12- And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),
13- And We have made (therein) a shining lamp,
14- And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water.
15- That We may produce therewith grain and vegetation,
16- And gardens of thick growth.
17- Verily, the Day of Decision is a thing appointed-“

 What is the link between the last ayah: “Verily, the Day of Decision is a fixed time”, and all the previous ones?

Everything on earth is created for man:

 The meaning is that the Great Creator has made this earth flat for us. If it were rocky all over, how could we live on it? By His Mercy He has made soil which produces and yields. He has created springs of water. He makes the rain fall. He moves clouds. He has laid down certain laws –vaporization of water, transport of vapour by means of air, which, if moved toward cold areas, turns into rain.

“14- And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water.”
The flat earth contains metals and semi-metals, plants, birds, fishes, animals, livestock; every thing has been especially created for the sake of Man.
"And the cattle He has created them for you-“

(An-Nahl, 16:5)

 These are the miracles which testify to His Greatness.

“6- Have We not made the earth as a bed?”

 A bed for you… The earth is stable, if it were shaky, how could we erect buildings on it?

“Is not He Who has made the earth as a fixed abode-“

(An-Naml, 27:61)

 And also:

“He draws out there from its water and its pasture. And the mountains He has fixed firmly, (to be) a provision and benefit for you and your cattle.”

(An-Nazi’at, 79:31:33)

Everything on earth shows signs of Allah’s Greatness:

 O brother … this is a momentous matter.

“6- Have We not made the earth as a bed”

 Stable and moving, and middle-sized, and of adequate density, and of moderate gravity. If a sixty–kilo man were placed on the moon, his weight would not exceed ten kilos. We enjoy, thus, a moderate weight and size and cycle; an inclined axis… Were it not for this tilt, the seasons would not exist, nor would the day or the night. So, the night and the day are a miracle, and also the sun and the moon, the seasons, the rain, moderation in heat and cold, the winds, the mountains, the deserts, the seas, the rivers, and the springs are all miracles …

“6- Have We not made the earth as a bed?
7- And the mountains as pegs?”

 The earth rotates, it has layers and every layer has its density, and every density has its inertia, and the density varies. If the earth were unstable because of its movement, there would be no life on it. Twirl a fresh egg –its inside will shake because its components are unequal in their density, it has albumen and yolk. Different density implies different inertia, and what is inertia? It is that the moving object refuses to be still and the stable one refuses to be moved. Something dense has a very high inertia, while something that is not, has simple inertia. So, the fresh egg does not rotate but shakes, but the boiled egg is homogeneous since its density has been unified, and the earth has many different layers. The mountains are pegs; they hold these layers together, therefore what can be seen of the mountain is just a third, the two thirds are underground; the mountains are pegs.

Men are different from women and each has special characteristics:

 There is an ayah which declares that mountains are unshakable, and another one that they are like barriers, but here they are pegs.

“6- Have We not made the earth as a bed?
7- And the mountains as pegs?
8- And We have created you in pairs,”

 The connubial system, the male and the female, are two similar persons, but the male has a special construction, specific systems, and peculiar mentality. Their mental side is different, and so are the psychological and social sides; their abilities are unlike.
 By Allah, we study at university a well-known book "The Differences between the Two Sexes”-eight hundred pages- and afterward you read His Word:

“And the male is not like the female- “

( Al- Imran, 3:36)

 And you fall down in adoration. In hundreds of different ways, the male is one thing and the female is another thing. Every sex has the most suitable qualities and abilities for their mission, and this is the meaning of the saying of Imam Al –Ghazzali:
 "It is impossible to contrive better than what have been created."
 All the physical, mental, psychological and social characteristics of the woman are perfect for her mission, but when the papers get mixed up, women imitate men and men associate themselves with women, and each sex takes on the role of the other sex. What results is big suffering, while the woman, with all her characteristics, is perfect to accomplish her job.

“8- And We have created you in pairs,”

 Somebody says: The woman is exactly like the man. This is incorrect, yet she is like the man –honoured, respected, charged with responsibility. She is exhorted to be a believer, exactly as he is; she is ordered to believe in Allah, in the Last Day, in the Holy Books, in the angels, and in the Prophets. She is charged with submission to the pillars of Islam: pray, fast, go on a pilgrimage, give sadaqah; she is as honoured as he is, and as responsible as he is, nevertheless

“the male is not like the female- “

( Al- Imran, 3:36)

Creating people in pairs refers to Allah’s Greatness:

 Her abilities, qualities, construction, disposition, relations, and her mind are the best tools with which to carry out her mission. "My husband married me when I was young, because of my family, money and beauty, but when I got older and feebler, and my family got scattered about, and my money ran out, he said: "You are like my mother (i.e. you are no longer my wife and I am not going to sleep with you)", and I have children by him. If I leave them, they will be lost, and if I keep them with me, they will starve.” Her role is to educate, and the leadership is his role.
So, it had been said: "When man’s mentality has built up and his emotion has decreased, his role gets perfected, and when the surging emotion of the woman increases and her leadership languishes, the same happens to her role. This is a family. A boat needs a captain, so, the leadership for the man and the care for the woman.

“8- And We have created you in pairs,”

 Having made the human beings in pairs is one of the miracles denoting to the Greatness of Allah…

“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth,”

(Ar-Rum, 30:22)

“And among His Signs is the day and the night, and the sun and the moon“

(Fussilat, 41:37)

“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He put between you affection and mercy.”

(Ar-Rum, 30:21)

Night and sleeping are signs of Allah’s Greatness:

“ And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest.”

 What is sleep? You have nerves, you have accesses –eyes and ears are accesses from the outside world into your inside world. Your nerves, your nose and mouth are also accesses. What happens to these accesses during sleep?
 Scientists say: The nervous system consists of neurons, a stretched out nerve, and there is a distance between every cell and the other. By day they are close to each other, the nerve fibers working. By night they diverge: the nerve fibers discontinue. When the cells are divergent, the result is sleep.

“9- And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest,”

 Somebody asleep is like a dead person. His nerves are at rest, also his muscles and his intellectual activity. Then he wakes up to regain his vigor.

“6- Have We not made the earth as a bed
7- And the mountains as pegs?
8- And We have created you in pairs,
9- And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest,
10- And We have made the night as a covering,”

 The night is a covering, time of rest, time of sleep. It is also the time of reunion, the time in which one stays at home with his family.

“10- And We have made the night as a covering,
11- And We have made the day for livelihood,”

Daytime refers to Allah’s Greatness:

 Day is the time of work, part of a biological clock built into human beings, during which the heartbeat increases as well as the blood-pressure, the secretions of some of the endocrine glands double… everything follows a very accurate day-program –heart, circulation, lungs, endocrine gland function… When the night comes, the heart beat decreases by a third, the pressure drops and the secretion diminishes.
 If a man travels to a remote country he usually says that he could not sleep for a couple of days. This is because he is programmed to the country of his origin; it takes two days till the biological clock starts on the new course. So, the day is the time of gaining one's livelihood, and the night is a covering –your heart, arteries, blood pressure, lungs, digestion… Digestion is much weaker during the night and the activity of endocrine glands increases by day and by night decreases. Thus, the one who stays awake at night and sleeps during the day commits something abnormal; this is against his body’s constitution.

“10- And We have made the night as a covering,
11- And We have made the day for livelihood,
12- And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),”

Other signs of Allah’s Greatness:

 Maybe the word (seven) is just for abundance, one hundred milliard galaxies exist in the universe. Our galaxy is an average one –it has one hundred milliard stars. There is a galaxy (The Chained Woman) 28 times bigger than ours. Seen through the telescopes all of it looks like one star. What you see in the sky is just the Milky Way, our galaxy, and there is this very brilliant star in the sky by the name of the Chained Woman, but it is in fact a whole galaxy, and its size is 28 times the galaxy we live in.

“12- And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),”

 Now, the distances are of millions of light-years. That means some galaxies are millions of light years away from us. The speed of light is three hundred thousand kilometers per second. What is the distance the light has travelled between the call for maghrib and 'isha? And what is the distance that the light has travelled during this lesson? The star which is twenty million light-years away from us, with its light reaching us twenty millions years later, where is it now? The star’s velocity is two hundred forty thousand kilometers per second. Allah the Great and the Almighty says:

“So I swear by the setting of the stars. And verily that is indeed a great oath, if you but knew.”

(Al-Waqi’ah, 56:75-76)

“12- And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),
13- And We have made (therein) a shining lamp,”

 This sun of ours has been shining and flaming for five milliard years, and the astronomers expect that it will last for another five milliard years, sending out an indescribable amount of energy, the temperature of its surface being more than six thousand degrees. The temperature at the center is twenty million degrees, just in one second the earth would turn into vapour were it thrown in. Its inside is one million and three hundred thousand times the seize of the earth, the length of its flame is more than one million kilometers, there were those who looked at it when it was eclipsed through telescopes, and they totally lost their sight. If you looked at the sun disk from the distance of a hundred and fifty six million kilometers, your retina would get burnt…

“13- And We have made (therein) a shining lamp,
14- And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water.”

 Rain… You might see by the satellite a grey spot above the Middle East, in the whole diameter of the region of Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey and North Saudi Arabia. It is a depression, a mercy from Allah the Great and the Almighty; the rain quantity was one hundred and ninety millimeter in twenty four hours, two hundred, two and fifty, fifty, sixty, seventy –blessings that only Allah knows, shown by the satellite as a grey spot above the Middle East…

“And there is not a thing, but with Us are the stores thereof. And We send it not down except in due and ascertainable measures.”

(Al-Hijr, 15:21)

Water is essential for everything we eat:

“14- And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water-“

 Only the geographers know the word "the rainy clouds". The air carries water in form of vapour. If exposed to cold, the air contracts, then it gives off some of the water, because air assimilates a specific amount of the vapour at each degree of its temperature, as if this air squeezed some vapour into it and made it into rain.

“14- And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water.
15- That We may produce therewith grain and vegetation,”

 Water is the base of existence… the rivers, the springs, the crops, the wheat and barley; the crop you eat is a form of vegetation, and water is the basis of this vegetation…

The Creator of this universe will bring man to account:

“15- That We may produce therewith grain and vegetation,
16- And gardens of thick growth.”

 He Who created the heavens and the earth made...

“6- Have We not made the earth as a bed
7- And the mountains as pegs?
8- And We have created you in pairs,
9- And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest,
10- And We have made the night as a covering,
11- And We have made the day for livelihood,
12- And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),
13- And We have made (therein) a shining lamp,
14- And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water.
15- That We may produce therewith grain and vegetations,
16- And gardens of thick growth.”

 Did the Only and the Great Lord create this Universe in vain?

“Did you think that We had created you in jest-“

(Al-Mu'minun, 23:115)

 Without purpose?

“Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled (without purpose)?”

(Al-Qiyamah, 75:36)

 He transgresses, trespasses, fornicates, takes what is not his, is haughty, crushes sh3er, builds his glory upon other people's ruin, builds his life on their death, his safety upon their fear… Is he not to be called to account for that? It can't be.

"17- Verily, the Day of Decision is a thing appointed-"

 This is certainly the answer, and He Who created this vast Universe will not leave the man to himself; He will make him pay.

“So, by your Lord, We shall certainly call all of them to account.”

(Al-Hijr, 15:92)

 They shall be questioned, one by one, about what they did.

“17- Verily, the Day of Decision is a thing appointed-“

 Think for a moment about a university which has been built, with its labs, classes, gardens, recreation areas, campus, great professors and curricula, fantastic teaching methods… and no exams at the end of the academic year? Impossible! There must be exams, the students must be sorted out into the successful and the failures, and the successful into excellent and not so excellent…

“17- Verily, the Day of Decision is a thing appointed-“

 He Who has made:

"6- Have We not made the earth as a bed
7- And the mountains as pegs?
8- And We have created you in pairs,
9- And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest,
10- And We have made the night as a covering,
11- And We have made the day for livelihood,
12- And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),
13- And We have made (therein) a shining lamp,
14- And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water.
15- That We may produce therewith grain and vegetations,
16- And gardens of thick growth."

 He Who has done all that will question you and hold you accountable.

"So leave them alone till they meet their Day, in which they will sink into a fainting (with horror)."

(At-Tur, 52:45)
 Man certainly will be shocked when he finds out the truth. It is a great triumph for the one who discovers it before it is too late, when one is healthy and well, in this life, before it is unveiled to one by Allah. And yet Pharaoh said:

"I am your lord, most high."

(An-Nazia’t, 79:24)

 And he also said:

"O chiefs! No god do I know for you but myself."

(Al-Qasas, 28:38)

 And when he was dying he said:

"I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in."

(Yunus, 10:90)

 The most important thing in this lesson is that there is the Great Creator, and this Universe witnesses to His Greatness; that Man has not been created in vain, and that this Creation is nor a jest. He created them to ask them about their deeds, created them to recompense them, with good if their deeds were good, and with evil if their deeds were evil, and this is the relation between these verses and:

"17- Verily, the Day of Decision is a thing appointed-"

 So, the belief in the Last Day is rational, and its details are transmitted, and I repeat this fact: the origin of the faith is rational and its details are transmitted.

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