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Reflections on the Quran- Lesson 2: Surat As-Saffaat: Divine Laws
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Rules help in predicting things:

Dear brothers, science is based on rules. The rule by definition is a constant and steady relationship between two variables. The most important thing in a rule is that it helps us predict matters. For example, if you know that metals expand by heat regardless time and place, you predict that any structure made of metal should have enough space for the metal to expand whether you are in America, in Europe, in Australia, in an advanced country, in a developed country, in an old city or in a new one. Accordingly, if we are building a bridge, we should leave enough space for the metal to expand, lest the bridge collapses in summer. Also, if we are building a railway, we should leave enough space for the metal to expand. All these decisions are made due to the fact that metals expand by heat at any time and in any place.

Knowing that water at a certain degree expands upon freezing, we predict that in blizzard weather, if there is water in the car engine, the engine will crack or break because of the frozen water, and this is why we add anti-freeze to the radiator. Speaking of which, people, who live in very cold areas wherein temperature falls 70 degrees below zero, can protect any part of their body from low degrees except for their eyes. Allah the Almighty provided the eye with an anti-freeze liquid to protect it. Thus, the water in the eye cannot be frozen in chilly weather. I intend in this introduction to stress the fact that rules help man predict matters. 

We are in the beginning of the month of Ramadan. We recite Quran which is Allah's Words and "Falsehood cannot come to it from before it or behind it." Quran is the Book from Allah, The Creator of this universe. Let us spend the month of Ramadan after Fajr Salah and after Taraweeh Salah talking about the Divine Laws in the Quran. Understanding these laws makes us deal with Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, in a scientific way: 

﴾ And, verily, Our Word has gone forth of old for Our slaves, the Messengers, That they verily would be made triumphant. And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. ﴿

[ As-Saffaat, 171-173 ]

The following should be understood in a wide sense of the word:

﴾ And that Our hosts ﴿

[  As-Saffaat, 171-173 ]

This entails that if you strive for the sake of the truth, you shall never be defeated. This is a rule, and be aware that the annihilation of the world is easier for Allah than not fulfilling His Promise of granting you triumph upon striving for the sake of the truth.  

Allah's Words are the most reliable ever. Having said that, man should look for the reason or the flaw in his striving when he is not granted triumph, because if your striving is purely for the sake of the truth, you will definitely be granted triumph.
Success shall be the result of deeds done for Allah's Sake:
There is a critical saying of some scholars: "He, who calls to Allah and fails in his mission and attributes his failure to Allah the Almighty, is a liar." Allah the Almighty says:

﴾ Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) in this world's life ﴿

[  Ghafir, 51 ]

Allah the Almighty also says:

﴾ And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. ﴿

[  As-Saffaat, 173 ]

This rule is unchangeable in all places, at all times, and in all eras, and it is applied to all kinds of victory. Well, the Prophet PBUH, the Master of mankind and the dearest to Al-Haqq (Allah the Almighty) fought with his noble companions, who would have sacrificed their souls to protect him, in the Battle of Uhud against Kuffar (infidels). Yet, they were defeated. Do you know why? Because the Prophet PBUH ordered few of his companions to stay in a specific place, but they disobeyed him, leaving that place, and they descended the mountain to collect booties. Had they been granted victory after they committed this sin, obeying the Prophet PBUH would have been considered valueless.

Everything is in Allah's Hand and no one else has control over things. Allah treats us according to this law: If what we do is in the Cause of Allah, we will always be successful and victorious.  It is a Divine Law laid down by Allah the Almighty.

Allah's Words in the Quran are Divine Laws:

I ask Allah the Almighty to help me during the month of Ramadan give lectures about the Ayaat that include the Divine Laws.

And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice.

[  Al-An'am, 115 ]

﴾  Thus is the Word of your Lord justified against those who rebel (disobey Allah) that they will not believe (in the Oneness of Allah and in Muhammad  as the Messenger of Allah). ﴿


[ Yunus, 33 ]

Let us find the Ayaat of Divine Laws. This lecture is about victory. Man acts in life, establishes business, studies, travels or calls to Allah, and all these kinds of actions will be victorious, and man will excel in them, provided that he does them all for the Sake of Allah. However, if victory and prosperity are failed to be achieved, then there must be a flaw in man's commitment to Allah. Allah the Almighty says:

﴾ And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. ﴿

[ As-Saffaat, 173 ]

There are so many examples in the Islamic history. It is unbelievable how master Salah Ad-Din Al-Ayoubi could face all Europe!

﴾ And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. ﴿

[  As-Saffaat, 173 ]

This is an example from military field. As an example from our daily life, if you establish a business for the Sake of Allah (as you assume), your business shall blossom. Also, if you intend to get married, in order to follow the Prophetic Sunnah and to guard your chastity, then your marriage will be successful. Allah the Almighty says:

﴾  And, verily, Our Word has gone forth of old  ﴿


[ As-Saffaat, 171 ]

Allah's Words in Quran are Divine Laws, and none of which shall change. This means that Allah's Laws are true, and they are absolutely applicable wherever and whenever. 

Acting upon what you say shall grant you victory and Divine Support:

Dear noble brothers, the Prophet PBUH hid in Char (cave) Thawr with Abi Bakr As-Sideeq after they used all the means they had in hands. For example, they were cautious, so they took the coast path, they asked someone to inform them with all the updates, they asked another person to erase their traces and they hired someone who was an expert to lead them to their destination. Despite all these precautions, infidels reached Ghar Thawr.

Abu Bakr is a human being, and because of that he said, "By Allah, O Messenger of Allah, had one of them looked down where he steps, he would have seen us." The Prophet PBUH was very confident and he said, "O Abu Bakr, what do you think of two persons, the third of whom is Allah?" It is a miracle that the Kuffar (infidels) reached that cave, and they never looked inside it.

The same thing happened to Musa (Moses) PBUH and his weak few followers. They were chased by Fir'uan (Pharaoh) and his hosts with all the power, the oppression and the dominance he had. So, Musa and his followers reached a dead end when they arrived at the seashore: 

﴾ And when the two hosts saw each other, the companions of Musa (Moses) said: "We are sure to be overtaken." [Musa (Moses)] said: "Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me." ﴿

[  Ash-Shu'ara', 61-62 ]

Allah saved Musa PBUH and his followers. 

The Kuffar offered a reward of 100 camels for the capture of the Prophet PBUH upon his migration to Madinah from Makkah. Suraqah followed the Prophet PBUH looking forward to earning the reward by capturing the Prophet PBUH. However, when Suraqah caught up with the Prophet PBUH, the front feet of his mare sank into the sand, and you know the rest of the story. 

In the end, the Prophet PBUH said to Suraqah, "O Suraqah, how is it when you have the two bracelets of Khosrow (the Emperor of Persia)?" Who made such a promise? The Prophet PBUH did although he was a fugitive and was threatened to be killed after Kuffar offered a reward of 100 camels for his capture alive or dead. If this means something, it means that this Prophet PBUH was very certain that he would reach the Madinah intact, he would establish an Islamic Ummah there, this Ummah would spread the word of Islam, they would conquer all other states in the east and the west, and Khosrow would be defeated by the Muslims and they would take possession of his treasures (including his bracelets, crown and his garment (. 

This Prophecy came true during the reign of Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him. The booties were brought to Umar who used his stick to poke around them, and he said, "He is trustworthy the one who brought these to us." Ali was standing next to him, so he said, "O Prince of Believers, you were trustworthy and thus they were trustworthy as well, and had you been untrustworthy they would have been like you." 

Umar then found the crown, the bracelets and the garment of Khosrow, so he said, "Call upon Suraqah". When Suraqah came, Umar brought the bracelets, the crown and the garment of Khosrow and asked Suraqah to put them on. At that moment, the companions roared with shouts of Takbeer. Umar said, "Praise be to Allah Who took these of the Khosrow and put them on Suraqah the Bedouin." 

The prophecy of the Prophet PBUH had come true. You should know beyond doubt that when Allah gives a promise to the believers, the annihilation of the universe is much easier for Him than keeping His Promises unfulfilled, unless there is a flaw in your servitude or commitment towards Allah the Almighty.

﴾  And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. ﴿

[  As-Saffaat, 173 ]

﴾ And, verily, Our Word has gone forth of old for Our slaves, the Messengers, That they verily would be made triumphant. And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. ﴿

[  As-Saffaat, 171-173 ]

We should deal with this Ayah and the like of it rightly. Our Lord, Exalted and Sublime be He, lays down laws in the Quran so that they would be the frame of reference for us when we deal with Allah, may His Glory be glorified. Hence, every Muslim should consider these laws which are constant and operative. These laws are named by Allah as "Kalimat" (i.e. His Words).

﴾ And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice ﴿


[  Al-An'am, 115 ]

Here is another Divine Law. Allah tells us that honesty is from our side, and justice is from His Side. People differ from one another in the Sight of Allah due to their honesty in seeking the truth. This honesty is manifested through people's words and actions. If their words are in harmony with facts, and if their actions are in harmony with their words, they are considered honest in the Sight of Allah. 

﴾ And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. ﴿

[  Al-An'am, 115 ]

Again, Allah the Almighty tells us that we differ from one another due to our honesty in seeking the truth and acting upon His Order, and Allah will treat us justly.  

Ramadan is the month of establishing  a connection with Allah:

We are in the first day of Ramadan which is the month of fasting, worshiping, steadfastness, reciting Quran, and giving Sadaqah. 

Let me bring you two glad tidings: the first one is that the Prophet PBUH said once upon climbing the Minbar (pulpit): 

(( "Ameen (so be it)". He was asked what have you said Ameen for O Messenger of Allah? He said, "May he be disgraced! May he be disgraced! May he be disgraced, who passes through the whole month of Ramadan before his sins are forgiven." ))

If he is not forgiven in Ramadan, when that will be? Ramadan is an opportunity for all of us. If someone is sentenced to 25 years in prison, and he was told, "if you memorize Quran, you will be released", what do you think he will do? Do you think he will think twice about accepting this offer? Memorizing the Quran for him means getting his freedom. Similarly, if someone is sentenced to Hellfire (due to his sins), and he is promised that Ramadan will set him free from Hellfire, what will he do? Pay attention to the following Hadith, please:  

(( Abu Hurairah reported Allah's messenger as saying, "He who fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven; he who prays during the night in Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven; and he who passes Lailat al-qadr [Night of Decree] in prayer with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven." ))

[ Agreed upon, by the authority of Abi Hurairah ]

You have got two promises from Allah the Almighty: If you fast the days of Ramadan and if you pray the night prayers of it (Isha' Salah followed by Taraweeh Salah), your past sins will be forgiven. I ask Allah the Almighty to help us fast, pray the nights, lower our gazes from looking at unlawful things and guard our tongues.

I have mentioned four important points about Ramadan last lecture: remaining steadfast, reciting Quran, giving charity and establishing a connection with Allah the Almighty. 

Ramadan is an opportunity for us to be released from Hellfire and to win the Paradise of Al-Wahid Ad-Dayan (i.e. Allah). Before ending this lecture, I have a suggestion for you to do at home; it was narrated by Anas bin Malik narrated that:

(( The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then sits remembering Allah until the sun has risen, then he prays two Rak'ah, then for him is the reward like that of a Hajj and Umrah." He said: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'Complete, complete, complete.'" ))

Let us commit ourselves to this and sit every single day of Ramadan between Fajr and sunrise either in Masjid or at home to do Dhikr (remembering Allah). Dhikr can be offered through many ways: We can read Quran, review what we memorize of it, utter La Ilaha Illa Allah (there is none worthy of worship except Allah), do Tasbeeh or make Du' (supplication). We also may repeat the word "Allah". All these things are kinds of Dhikr. 

Let me repeat the Hadith once again: 

(( The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then sits remembering Allah until the sun has risen, then he prays two Rak'ah, then for him is the reward like that of a Hajj and Umrah." He said: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'Complete, complete, complete.'" ))

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